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Pakistan Navy's answer SM-2 for Brahmos.

what is this are not you research whole history before 1 hour ? or you like to drail the thread???????????/:disagree:

Yes i know about the frigate.But nothing about SM-2 being offered to PN. Its not derailing. I suppose we still are discussing SM-2 .
i have used but could nt find any link whatsoever as the thread title suggests. And didnt find any argument going on regarding this other than the frigate aquisition from US.

I hope at least you sir can explain to me why the thread title actually means.

1 is coming on 31dec this year and expected more some sorces claim more will come not yet receved or inducted single.when 31dec day wil come we can easy see there is sm-2 or not.we reqest 6 of them
Has there been any confirmation on the SM-2?

The PN FFG will under go a intensive refurbishment according to PN requirements. MK-13 will be reinstalled to utilize its 40 round magazine specifically made for 8 Harpoons and 32 Standard Missiles. Since PN intends to use these frigates beyond 2020 it only indicates that only SM-2 a newer version will be able to keep up with it since all SM-1 will be retired by 2020. PN ordered 64 SM-1 along with ASROC and Harpoons for its Brooke class frigates leased from USN and as far as I know PN gave back the Frigates and kept the armaments that it paid for.
SM-1 can be brought back to life under Raytheon’s SM-1 full-service
support (FSS) program to supplement PN FFGs as reserve stocks.
Of course FFGs in PN will require Sams and SM-2 is the only sense able choice.
1 is coming on 31dec this year and expected more some sorces claim more will come not yet receved or inducted single.when 31dec day wil come we can easy see there is sm-2 or not.

OK. Thanks for clearing the doubt by providing a clear cut answer.

If you can provide some source that would be very helpful.
But anyway i appreciate that you answered me straight rather than calling me a "troll".:tup:
1. 9 pages and 1,647 views and all we are discussing a super duper imaginative thing??

2. The thread starter has shown its true intentions by using flame and fake title.
Sir, The Speed has to match as that to the advisory, and even if that matches the Tracking device cannot chase down a target moving at a speed of Over MACH-2 .... Brahmos basically is made to Skid through enemy tracking devices, So Interception of any missile with Brahmos is Not possible......

A head on interception is definitely possible or it can be shot down by Radar Guided Anti Air Craft Guns. The key to defeating Brahmos is early detection; considering the fact that Pakistan has TPS 77/YL2 in service and our AWACS being operational soon, your super duper Brahmos will be detected long before you can launch it from ground or air. From the sea, Delhi Class would have to come near Pakistan's shore because Brahmos has a range of 280km. As soon as it comes near our shore, it brings it right inside the target of Harpoon II or C803. Brahmos is built to skid through enemy defences through its speed not by stealth; but with speed its sacrifices its manuverability and stealth because the sheer speed increases its heat signature. This would be possible if you were targetting locations against a weak adversary, but when you have an adversary like Pakistan that has top of the line Radar Coverage its simply not possible. A subsonic cruise missile is better in my opinion because it has stealth on its side, its a terrain hugging missile that can possibly evade the enemy's radar.

You should read this thread, follow Gambits and DOB's post for more info.


Its good to be patriotic but its even worse to be blind. I am just seeing Indian fanboys giving me the same arguments they give me for the Super Duper MKI; it has Israeli Radar and Jammers, French Avionics blah blah blah and piloted by Martian Indian pilots capable of sustaining 20g's that is why it cannot be defeated.
Of course FFGs in PN will require Sams and SM-2 is the only sense able choice.

So it is not confirmed that Pakistan is getting the SM-2. No one is saying that for Pakistan Brahmos will remain invincible for time immemorial. We are questioning the possibility of how soon the PN will be able to field the system. Also the IN will not sit quiet with the induction of Brahmos. Systems will be continuously upgraded. It is a never-ending game.
There is no sign of any SM-2 on any frigate of that class. This is just a fanboy thread wishing for a christmas present.

-There never was a SM-2 on any frigate of that class.
-Only SM-1 is operational on these frigate but since it got retired a few years back, it is not available for purchase.
-Whenever a ship is sold or given to some other country, it is ripped apart and all classified weapon systems and combat related systems are removed.

An example is Admiral Gorshkov, Trishul class submarines etc.

Pakistan getting SM-2 is like saying India would get the P500 missiles and the long range torpedoes with Nerpa class submarine and Admiral Gorshkov.

The problem with you is you dont do research and even if you do its only limited to WIKIPEEDIA and that you dont read even the materials that we provide to you and all you have to do is "READ".

RAN FFGs will receive 8 VLS cells to incorporate ESSMs. Not to forget that SM-1 in RAN service are being replaced by SM-2 block III as we speak.
Here is the video of SM-2 being fired from MK-13. (obviously you did not do any research at all before wrote this comment in denial).

The FFGs that pakistan are getting are (FREE) i repeat (FREE). PN will have to pay for Intensive Refurbishments that will also retain MK-13 launching system and nothing will be stripped in PN FFGs because they were only done by USN for cost savings for its self only.

So kindly when you make such a absurd post do some research!
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So it is not confirmed that Pakistan is getting the SM-2. No one is saying that for Pakistan Brahmos will remain invincible for time immemorial. We are questioning the possibility of how soon the PN will be able to field the system. Also the IN will not sit quiet with the induction of Brahmos. Systems will be continuously upgraded. It is a never-ending game.

According to sources (google will help) PN will receive all of the 8 refurbished FFGs by 2014. The first FFG will be handed over to PN in Aug 2010 in US FL where it will go through intensive refurbishments on PN requirements and will reach pakistan in JAN 2011.
The MK13 system is specifically made for 32 round of Standard Missiles and the prime candidate is the SM-2.
And remember for every threat their is a counter and the cycle goes on.
According to sources (google will help) PN will receive all of the 8 refurbished FFGs by 2014. The first FFG will be handed over to PN in Aug 2010 in US FL where it will go through intensive refurbishments on PN requirements and will reach pakistan in JAN 2011.
The MK13 system is specifically made for 32 round of Standard Missiles and the prime candidate is the SM-2.
And remember for every threat their is a counter and the cycle goes on.

If i get bolded part right there is high probability that SM-2 would be fitted however it is not confirmed...

Will this be right explanation??
According to sources (google will help) PN will receive all of the 8 refurbished FFGs by 2014. The first FFG will be handed over to PN in Aug 2010 in US FL where it will go through intensive refurbishments on PN requirements and will reach pakistan in JAN 2011.
The MK13 system is specifically made for 32 round of Standard Missiles and the prime candidate is the SM-2.
And remember for every threat their is a counter and the cycle goes on.

All right Mr. Growler, you may optimistically hope that PN will get the SM-2 and i will optimistically hope that even if your optimism is validated Brahmos will still be a very potent weapon as not all of them can be intercepted. If some Brahmos can be intercepted even then Brahmos will be effective as subsonic missiles will have a greater chance of interception by SM-2 (kindly confirm this part).

But i do wish that you reduce commenting every now and then about trolling and deluded Indians. This reduces the quality of your posts.
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So it is not confirmed that Pakistan is getting the SM-2. No one is saying that for Pakistan Brahmos will remain invincible for time immemorial. We are questioning the possibility of how soon the PN will be able to field the system. Also the IN will not sit quiet with the induction of Brahmos. Systems will be continuously upgraded. It is a never-ending game.

The point is Sir,
1. brahmoos is not invisible at radar, the only advantage it has is speed.
2. to fire a brahmoos u have to come atleast 250 km inside towards the target vessel. if its a fishing boat surely brahmoos wil destroy it, but if its Pakistani navy vessel then before you could fire the brahmoos you will be fired at with Harpoon II or C803.

The equation.
Harpoon II for the brahmoos carrier and SM 2 for the launched brahmoos (i.e if it was able to lauch)


Brahmoos missile along with its vessel destroyed.

i have created this simple scenario just for the fan boi's to understad that during a war.. many othr factors play a important role. having a SUPER SONIC CRUISE MISSILE BRAHMOOOOOOOOOOOS is not enough.
The equation.
Harpoon II for the brahmoos carrier and SM 2 for the launched brahmoos (i.e if it was able to lauch)


Brahmoos missile along with its vessel destroyed.

In that case i guess that IN will have to rely on its anti-missile systems. Israeli help is being sought in this regard. And numbers do make a difference as is the case for IN in comparison to PN.

I am getting out of this thread for now as i am not knowledgeable enough.
If i get bolded part right there is high probability that SM-2 would be fitted however it is not confirmed...

Will this be right explanation??

Dont for get that FFG in USN role will serve differently then in PN. USN can afford to place FFGs without any AShM or SAM because 1) they primarily serve as ASW 2) they have Ticonderoga class cruiser and Arleigh Burke class destroyer for that role and form protection.
In Pak-Indo context they can not simply and logically afford to rely on other type of platforms for their protections.

What else would PN FFGs get?
if Pakistan is getting MK13 system then they are definitely not acquiring it to hang sailors clothes
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