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Pakistan Navy P-3C Orion Thread

I am sure that PN is looking towards a Chinese alternative to the two destroyed as they will be new and cheaper also. So we would have 5 P-3C MPAs along with 3 P-3Cs AWE&Cs in near future.....
I am sure that PN is looking towards a Chinese alternative to the two destroyed as they will be new and cheaper also. So we would have 5 P-3C MPAs along with 3 P-3Cs AWE&Cs in near future.....

will be 7 P3C's
1 Atlantique
PN should also upgrade there naval air fleet replave the old mirages with J10N
PN should also upgrade there naval air fleet replave the old mirages with J10N







I fail to understand how the PAF would be able to dedicate even a single JF-17, in a war scenario against India, to a naval role. You'll need everything you have for IAF. As it is IAF's doctrine[not really sure] is to first achieve aerial supremacy.
I fail to understand how the PAF would be able to dedicate even a single JF-17, in a war scenario against India, to a naval role. You'll need everything you have for IAF. As it is IAF's doctrine[not really sure] is to first achieve aerial supremacy.

& our's is minimum deterrent! you see we have no aggressive designs like our neighbor. As long as we can make india believe that an act of aggression will mean a bloody nose. we have achieved our aim.
& our's is minimum deterrent! you see we have no aggressive designs like our neighbor. As long as we can make india believe that an act of aggression will mean a bloody nose. we have achieved our aim.
The more important[or as important] thing than making them believe that you can give them a BN is to become capable of giving them a bloody nose. Anyway, how was this relevant to what I asked before.
I fail to understand how the PAF would be able to dedicate even a single JF-17, in a war scenario against India, to a naval role. You'll need everything you have for IAF. As it is IAF's doctrine[not really sure] is to first achieve aerial supremacy.

JFTs will be replacing the mirage fleet dedicated for naval role. So,there is a high probability that it'll be carrying C-802/C-803 antiship missiles and bit more capable fighters will be escorting them as well as the aerial platforms like P-3C orions & AWACS to intercept any aggression.
yes but point remains..navy should induct jf-17 itself instead of relying on airforce , as in war the airforce may be too stressed to help. This is what happened in 71 and result was disastrous
i think even 20-24 number will be good enough for the navy to achieve its goal..

86 (cn 285A-5628) Another brand new P3 for the Pakistan Navy at Lajes! This one is ex 159510 and as been refurbished by the AMARC technicians, one of eight! Seen here entering runway 33 for departure!

photo was taken on 3rd April.

lajes seems to a permanent stop for PAF/PN aircraft coming from Europe.

Photos: Lockheed P-3C Orion Aircraft Pictures | Airliners.net

86 (cn 285A-5628) Another brand new P3 for the Pakistan Navy at Lajes! This one is ex 159510 and as been refurbished by the AMARC technicians, one of eight! Seen here entering runway 33 for departure!

photo was taken on 3rd April.

lajes seems to a permanent stop for PAF/PN aircraft coming from Europe.

Photos: Lockheed P-3C Orion Aircraft Pictures | Airliners.net

How Could this be Brand New when the very second line says it EX - Refurbished.
Good photo with Stupid remarks from the Photographer. :disagree:
How Could this be Brand New when the very second line says it EX - Refurbished.
Good photo with Stupid remarks from the Photographer. :disagree:

Lol, that's true. Everytime we received are refurbished and old refreshing to become new one. Same goes to F-16s, upgrading is better than brand new, I guess.
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