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Sir PN already has one OHP butt as per specs available on net it is armed with old Harpoons along with only air defense available is CIWS. So including this ship even in operational fleet is a big joke until and unless properly armed. Your comments on sole OHP of PN are welcomed.
I was responding to the comment on PN getting more OHP. I DONT think it will happen but i stated if they are actually trying ti do so, they should try to buy the 3 remaining Adelaide instead. The Adelaides still have the MK13 Launchers to fire harpoons or SM2 (Of course PN could use it for harpoon only). The OHP from USN no longer have them. Additionally the Adelaides have mk41 vls (8 cells). I stated that IF PN was going for them or more OHP, then they could fit Sylver A50 (8 cell) on alamghir and try to get CAMM for arming all the ships. That would give the Adelaides the ability to have 32 vl launched med range SAMs and up to 30 harpoon from mk13. Alamghir would have 32 SAMs and 8 harpoons. Put them all through genesis upgrade for electronics overhaul and you have 4 potent ships for pennies. BUT i dont think pn is going to go for more OHP and for some reason definitely not the Adelaides. In that setting leave Alamghir as a training vessel.
Possible Surface fleet of PN by 2025.
4 Type-54AP
4 F22 P
3 Ada class
3 Jinnah class
2 Damen class
1 OHP (PN is interested in surplus 3 more OHPs from USN stocks)

I think getting 3 Jinnah class AND 3 Ada will be too much of a tall task by 2025. Frankly, i think there wont be an Ada per se. With the models of PN MILGEM with a 12 cell VLS i think these will be the Jinnah class. I think initially PN was to do this in 2 stages but now I think they will just go for Jinnah from start.

As far as OHP go, i doubt this will happen. IF, they do want to get them however, i would say go for Adelaides instead. There are 3 remaining (the rest have been scuttled to make dive reefs). However the Adelaides have their MK13 launchers intact. The can be used for Harpoon or SM-2. They also have 8 cell Mk41s for essm. PN could install an i cell sylver A50 for Alamghir and try for either essm or sea-ceptor (CAMM). Then put them all through the GENESIS upgrade. They would be among the most potent ships in Arabian sea.
IIRC the PN MILGEM will have a 16-cell VLS, but yes, it'll be 4 ships by the mid-2020s either way.

That said, with the PN buying up the design rights, I think the goal is to procure additional MILGEM ships down the line, but through the 2030s. Officially, we haven't gotten much regarding an F-22P upgrade, so I wonder if the idea of replacing those ships (the first of which will be 20 years old in 2028) by 2040 holds water.
IIRC the PN MILGEM will have a 16-cell VLS, but yes, it'll be 4 ships by the mid-2020s either way.

That said, with the PN buying up the design rights, I think the goal is to procure additional MILGEM ships down the line, but through the 2030s. Officially, we haven't gotten much regarding an F-22P upgrade, so I wonder if the idea of replacing those ships (the first of which will be 20 years old in 2028) by 2040 holds water.
PN is currently focussed on acquiring new vessels with smaller size but with sufficient capacity to deal with symmetric & asymmetric threats.
As per other surface vessels, replacing Tariq class is first preference.
Acquiring a new jet powered MPA for supplementing Orions & ATRS is also on card.
Then comes the OHP. Now either PN will acquire more from USA and upgrade the whole fleet, or if fails to do so, will replace them with bigger Chinese option.
I don't think there are plans of replacing F22P by 2030.
Damen launches second of two 2,300-ton corvettes for Pakistan Navy

Gabriel Dominguez, London - Jane's Defence Weekly

03 September 2019



The second of two 2,300-ton corvettes on order for the PN was launched on 3 September by Dutch shipbuilder Damen at the company’s facilities in Galati, Romania. Source: Pakistan Navy

Dutch shipbuilder Damen has launched the second of two 2,300-ton corvettes on order for the Pakistan Navy (PN) at its facilities in Galati, Romania.

The PN announced on its Facebook page that the vessel (with pennant number 272) entered the water on 3 September in a ceremony attended by PN Chief of Staff (Personnel) Vice Admiral Ather Mukhtar, among others.

The contract for the two platforms, which the PN has also referred to as offshore patrol vessels (OPVs), was signed in June 2017. The first ship, which was launched at the same shipyard on 17 May, is expected to enter service by the end of 2019, and the second one is set to be delivered by mid-2020, according to the navy.

Vice Adm Mukhtar was quoted as saying during the ceremony that the vessels "will act as force multipliers in enhancing [the] navy's capability of safeguarding maritime frontiers and will offer more flexibility in the conduct of [the] Pakistan Navy's initiative of independent Regional Maritime Security Patrols in the Indian Ocean Region".
Promo of Pak Navy documentary "Zarb-e-Aab".
The Documentary is a depiction of professional & operational capabilities of Spl Force & Marines to face & fight any adversaries while defending the Maritime Frontiers.

The initial contract was for 2 aircraft conversion and since then I think pn has total of 3 or 4 atr so may be add more conversions , foker fleet of 5-6 out of which I think 4 were for anti sub/surface and rest for transport
They plan a multi role for this fleet.
Pakistan Navy documentary "Zarb-e-Aab"

Pakistan Navy documentary "Zarb-e-Aab"

The Documentary is a depiction of professional & operational capabilities of Special Forces & Marines to face & fight any adversaries while defending the Maritime Frontiers.

Pakistan Navy surface and and sub surface capabilities have been increased many times along with coastal defenses. However PN should immediately look to adopt at least medium range capable SAM on urgent basis for existing fleet of F22P and OHP.
Why are Indian army seniors talking and planning to attach Karachi,Gawader sea to destroy and occupy CPEC,Karachi etc etc.
My questions is, "" Can Pakistan fight ,defend and save its south end,Karachi, Gawader,CPEC ,while India has "Aircraft Carrier""( one in operatio, two being constructed), several nuclear submarines etc.
Indian are piling their new Naval station in Oman ,to directly hit, Gawader,CPEC,Karachi etc.
Kindly write full details rather than replying with a few rubbish,meaningless words.
Oh! i saw mrtp 33 platform at 3:33 , yes too much 3 .. did you guys put SSM missile on it yet?
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