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Pakistan Navy making efforts to acquire modern warships: Admiral Zakaullah

Looks good. With a good medium ranged quad packed SAM like CAMM or K-SAAM, this would work very well for PN
5-6 missiles at your ship. If you have only a 8 cell RAM/Fl3000n and a CIWS... Not so much of a chance.
5-6 supersonic missiles against a ship like F22P or Type 056 is overkill and likely would not happen.
Export Frigate/C28A follow-on now seems available featuring the Chinese universal VLS... Can't make it out precisely but I think 2x8 cells, centerlined for sufficient hull depth
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This might also be a follow-on to the C28A.


  • CSOC-Tiger-Frigate.jpg
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This might also be a follow-on to the C28A.
While I can't rule out a connection to e.g. F22P, I doubt this is direct a C28A developmental variant, as the C28A doesn't have a stack. Rather, effluents are routed to below the waterline. Design-wise, use of a stack would be a step backwards from C28A imho. Any idea from which date this model is?
While I can't rule out a connection to e.g. F22P, I doubt this is direct a C28A developmental variant, as the C28A doesn't have a stack. Rather, effluents are routed to below the waterline. Design-wise, use of a stack would be a step backwards from C28A imho. Any idea from which date this model is?
IDEX 2017
Can these VLS be added in our current F-22 P Frigates
Critical factor would be available hull depth. Note that in the image I poster of a further development of C28A, the VLUs are placed along the centerline, not across. Placement along the centreline makes for a narrower setup, at the deepest point of the hull. This is also done in 054A, which has a 16m beam. Unlike on the 054A, the narrower 14.4m beam C28A follow-on model has no radar target illuminators however, which suggests a different missile than HHQ16, particularly a 'fire and forget' type missile. So, that means either IIRH (IR homing) and/or ARH (active radar homing), for example DK-9 and/or DK-10 respectively.
See http://defenseupdates.blogspot.nl/2012/11/dk-10-surface-to-air-missile-at-zhuhai.html



In relation to the question "Can these VLS be added in our current F-22 P Frigates", I refer to an earlier post of mine. In principle, yes. Probably just one, maybe two 8-cell vlu's. (F22P beam is just 13.8m, so at least 1x 8-cell launcher crosswise forward of the bridge, possibly 2 of there is sufficient available length forward of the bridge) If just one VLU, then it would be essential that the missile can be quead packed. Allthough I can't be sure, the use of what appear to be no less than four 8-cell VLUs on the C28A follow does not to me suggest that there is quadpacking. Unless the ship also uses a good number of CY-5 / Yu-8 ASW missiles.


IDEX 2017
Could be another ship, in between the 1500 ton corvette and 3000 ton High power frigate.






Still, the presence of a stack makes it not likely as direct descendant of C28A. Possibly of F25T or F22P lineage though. So, speculatively, a cousin of C28A ;-)
1500 ton with Gun, 32 VLS to carry 8 SSM plus 24 SAM , 2 x AK630 plus 2X 25 mm type on side , ASW helo pretty good suite for 1500 ton
Endurance (no of days out at sea) may not be as good (15 days) as 3000 ton F22p (months)

Azmat class are 50 million a piece , assuming this is 100 million a piece, for 600 million 6 can be obtained
Indian Navy is soon going to have Ships between 70 to 80 I mean Frigates and Destroyers and Corvettes other ships not included. Most of there Navy will always be deployed against us. Therefore Pakistan needs to invest in its Navy and we need a major investment meaning we need 24 Frigates which are equipped with VLS I mean those VLS which can fire cruise Missiles and we need around 14 to 16 Submarines. Other wise India will unleash hell on us through sea. And don't give me budget crap because we are left with no other choice now either arrange money whether through China or Arabs and increase your Navy or face humiliating defeat and massive attack through Indian Navy.
Indian Navy is soon going to have Ships between 70 to 80 I mean Frigates and Destroyers and Corvettes other ships not included. Most of there Navy will always be deployed against us. Therefore Pakistan needs to invest in its Navy and we need a major investment meaning we need 24 Frigates which are equipped with VLS I mean those VLS which can fire cruise Missiles and we need around 14 to 16 Submarines. Other wise India will unleash hell on us through sea. And don't give me budget crap because we are left with no other choice now either arrange money whether through China or Arabs and increase your Navy or face humiliating defeat and massive attack through Indian Navy.

Again, your foolish notion about fitting LACM on frigate? Your talking about 24 frigates? PN is talking about 4 stripped down corvettes. Who are you going to hit with a 700km cruise missile when you 24 frigates are being forced to port or kept in Pakistan's waters by those 70 ships? Sub mounted cruise missiles yes, definately, but PN doesnt have the money to get 6000T destroyers capable of fielding those cruise missiles putting them on 3000t Frigates means you will sacrifice 4 AShM for a single LACM which in an attack on ships would be shot out of the sky by Naval defense systems due to it slow movement.

You advocate wasting space for weapons that would actually help the ships survive and strike IN ships in favor of weapons that will have no use in the naval theater for PN.
Again, your foolish notion about fitting LACM on frigate? Your talking about 24 frigates? PN is talking about 4 stripped down corvettes. Who are you going to hit with a 700km cruise missile when you 24 frigates are being forced to port or kept in Pakistan's waters by those 70 ships? Sub mounted cruise missiles yes, definately, but PN doesnt have the money to get 6000T destroyers capable of fielding those cruise missiles putting them on 3000t Frigates means you will sacrifice 4 AShM for a single LACM which in an attack on ships would be shot out of the sky by Naval defense systems due to it slow movement.

You advocate wasting space for weapons that would actually help the ships survive and strike IN ships in favor of weapons that will have no use in the naval theater for PN.
Than get ready to defeat because Frigates equipped with Anti Ship Missiles are sitting ducks nothing more than that and India is inducting Destroyers and Frigates which can fire long range cruse Missiles they don't even need to come close to your ships or coast to hit you hard. I know the money issue but it's time we increase the budget other wise it would be biggest humiliation we will ever see in human history
Than get ready to defeat because Frigates equipped with Anti Ship Missiles are sitting ducks nothing more than that and India is inducting Destroyers and Frigates which can fire long range cruse Missiles they don't even need to come close to your ships or coast to hit you hard. I know the money issue but it's time we increase the budget other wise it would be biggest humiliation we will ever see in human history
WTF are you talking about? Your rambling is starting to make less and less sense. Frigates with AShM are sitting ducks? In what way? Because you think out ranging an opponents weapon with a long range slow missile is the solution? Those weapons will get knocked out of the sky by Barak-8 and CIWS, they move too slow. and fitting one 2 LACM on F-22P will suddenly make it an amazing naval ship? You are childish. Talk about defeat? Your ships will be sunk in 30 minutes of leaving port during a conflict without air defense and wont be able to sink a single destroyer let alone sneak all the way into firing range to hit India with only 2 LACM.

A better solution for you would be to build a fleet of star destroyers and take out the IN from space.

Please live is the real world. PN has a budget, even if you expand it 3 fold you wont be able to field ships the size of large destroyers with any significant capability to hit India. For this, PN is following the best strategy...11 SSK which are quite and now, with the advent of Babur 3, all (even Agosta's) will have the capability to fire LACM. They are far better suited to attack India than even your 24 warship fleet surface fleet. And they may actually survive the mission. Surface fleet needs to be able to hold of IN ships and protect subs and air assets (which hunt IN subs). To do this you get things like Istanbul class warships, which when equipped with Quad packed missiles like ESSM, CAMM, or K-SAAM, will carry 64 medium range SAMs and 8-24 Short range SAMS to shoot those Brahmos, P-8s and Mig-29s down before they threaten PN fleet or submarines and Return fire with 16 AShM (250-300km range) to help sink IN fleet. Ship for ship, they carry more firepower than any non-carrier ship in IN (including Kalkotas).
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