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Pakistan Navy invites Islamic Scholars on Warship

This Jamat was led by Mufti Muneeb ur Rahman, who is barelvi. One of the molvi on board did a khutba which someone has uploaded onto this forum. He mentioned there was molvi's from across all firqa's there. I assume there might have been shia ones too then.

I'm glad they didn't take the mullahs of PDF onboard, they'd have probably drowned the lot of you out there. You people have no respect for difference of opinion look at you all bickering like fools. All the usual bakwas being spouted.
The only culture which may continue and will exist, is the culture for which our Army, nation is proud of. Bars aren't our culture and we are independent now. Sorry to say but such makes the gentlemen very low on moral due to consumption of alcohol by anymean.
It was far better than being rabid by Wahabi mullahs.
It was far better than being rabid by Wahabi mullahs.

An infection be called an infection though, one can not adopt another plague merely justifying the act based upon one happened at place .Whatever happened back then wasn't appreciated nor can be this. How come a forbidden thing became better than other crime, really warrants an urgent review of our approach in regard of wrong doing.
For Pakistan we don't want western culture or extremism who attack Prophets peace be upon them and kill our people. We just want good people who work hard to make their country better. Who want to live a peaceful life.
Like no religious discussion or Personal attacks.

Only @El Sidd follows the rules.

And @El Sidd got banned two times. And has so many negative Ratings.

Systems fucked up here like the political mess in the country itself.

Peace out.
El Sidd
Like no religious discussion or Personal attacks.

Only @El Sidd follows the rules.

And @El Sidd got banned two times. And has so many negative Ratings.

Systems fucked up here like the political mess in the country itself.

Peace out.
El Sidd
Iam sending you the coordinates, scramble some drones anubis :buba_phone:
This Jamat was led by Mufti Muneeb ur Rahman, who is barelvi. One of the molvi on board did a khutba which someone has uploaded onto this forum. He mentioned there was molvi's from across all firqa's there. I assume there might have been shia ones too then.

I'm glad they didn't take the mullahs of PDF onboard, they'd have probably drowned the lot of you out there. You people have no respect for difference of opinion look at you all bickering like fools. All the usual bakwas being spouted.

We are a country founded upon the basis of Islam, it's time we started acting like one.

Asalamu Alaikum

Don't Deobandis overwhelmingly dominate the military in terms of numbers and positions held? I rarely hear of any religious Barelvis or Shias in the military.

I think it's to do with the job, the military is seen as an Islamic fighting force and this would appeal to Deobandis/Salafis more than anyone else.

Asalamu Alaikum

Best scholars for the military are ex military Islamic scholars, such as the late Zubair Ali Zai.
No(!) Pakistan was not founded on this basis(!) Muhammad Ali Jinnah was a secularist(.) Even when he became Quaid and wanted an Islamic economic system(!) Or when he created the Dept of Islamic reconstruction and made Muhammad Asad(an ethnic Ashkenazi jew) its director(!) What Jinnah really wanted was a "United British India" as he was known as a ambassador for muslim-hindu unity(!) he never really matured from that early phase in his life(!)
I would like to point out your comments make absolutely no sense and your logic is followed by the TTP and ISIS. What do you mean brelevis believe in worshipping shrines? Visiting shrines doesn't mean people are worshipping them. It's like what ISIS said. Muslims are worshipping kaba because we want to touch the kaba, kiss it, we place a shroud on kaba, we circumbulate the kaba so let's just bomb kaba. Because of the false propaganda ISIS alqaida bombed the shrine of Prophets in Iraq. Destroyed Jannatul Baqqi Jannatul Maula. Bombed the shrine of Bibi Zainab in Syria.

Visiting shrine is not shirk or bidat because first of all what's in a shrine. It's a grave of a servant of Allah almighty and visiting a servant of Allah almighty is allowed according to Islam. Giving them Salaam is allowed according to Islam.

It seems like you never been to Madina shareef to visit the best of creation Hazrat Muhammad peace be upon him.

New rule:

I'm not discussing this topic with ANYONE who alikens me to ISIS, the TTP or other groups like them from this point onward.

No, shrines are haram. Visiting graves is not the same as building shrines and making dua to the individual buried within it.

Sahih ahadith quite clearly state this, and it was literally commanded for Muslims to level graves beyond 2 feet in height.

No, I do not make pilgrimages for shrines, I do not consider it halal.

@dsr478 I believe you are using some deity,s pic as your avatar

Sir sunnis and shias don't even exist its only you lot grabbing attention of everyone on global news.

Asalamu Alaikum

No, it is not a deity, it is an old Hepthalite ruler.
It's interesting that our Armed Forces really only invites "scholars" from a particular school of thought in these types of events. If you are going to have visits by religious scholars, why not have representation from all schools of thoughts and religions present in the armed forces?
Why are Tableeghi molvis invited anywhere near a ship? These Tableeghi are secret terrorists, they provide logistical and ideological support to TTP.
It's interesting that our Armed Forces really only invites "scholars" from a particular school of thought in these types of events. If you are going to have visits by religious scholars, why not have representation from all schools of thoughts and religions present in the armed forces?
I think It's more to do with bringing em in the mainstream. Considering their bully nature on any issue, the State is extending them special treatment--------.

Besides one can notice the not so subtle change brought over the years even by the I.s.p.r media production team. The martial sound tracks are becoming boring and devoid of any passion due to this patronization. The lyrics are becoming "shirk free too"

One just have to compare these with the 80, and 90,s milli naghmas. However Those were the real deal.

Well,The proof is in the pudding.

Below is Some what " biddati stuff" but charges you to the core

Emaan, Yaqeen aur Taqwa mai
Hum Ghani Ghani
Hum Ghani Ghani
Hum Mustafawi(SAW)
Hum Mustafawi(SAW)Yawar Dawar
Allah o Nabi
aur Gali Gali
Dam Mast Qalandar Ali Ali
Dam Mast Qalandar Ali Ali

This one's relatively kosher

@tps77 @DESERT FIGHTER @RealNapster @Hell hound @Maxpane @django @Maarkhor @B+ Dracula
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