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Pakistan Navy invites Islamic Scholars on Warship

Open the bar culture again...I must say...
Wow.....That's disgusting. Are you in your senses?

Asalamu Alaikum

Don't Deobandis overwhelmingly dominate the military in terms of numbers and positions held? I rarely hear of any religious Barelvis or Shias in the military.

I think it's to do with the job, the military is seen as an Islamic fighting force and this would appeal to Deobandis/Salafis more than anyone else.
What is the source of this "gem"...do you have any statistics or facts to back up your claims?...Have you contracted this infectious disease from indian?
Pakistan's vast majority subscribes to the barelvis and that's perhaps the reason that despite all the terrorism Pakistan stands strong and majority is peaceful.

Deobandis are the ones who did not want to issue fatwa against the terrorists of TTP because TTP terrorists are either Salafi wahabi or Deobandi ...
They also said Pak army soldiers are not martyrs who are fighting these terrorist scumbags...and the same Deobandis were against the creation of Pakistan and issued fatwas against Quaid and Allama Iqbal. And mufti Mehmood on record said that we are not part of the sin of creating Pakistan.
Most of the fassad we see in the society today is because of these deobandis / wahabis sectarian scumbags who indulge in violence against Shias, Barelvis and other groups.

Sufi / Barelvis are the ones who struggled for Pakistan under Quaid-e-Azam's leadership and it is people like sufi Barkat who said Pakistan has a bright future...

It was Zia-ul-Haq kana dajjal who indoctrinated this wahabi deobandi virus into the army.
Yes, till 1979 we have bars in mess......

Where young officers and seniors meet each other and exchange their experience in a friendly way....
That was disgusting tradition borrowed from the British indian army and had to be shunned...we are a Muslim country and so are our armed forces.
Open the bar culture again...I must say...

The only culture which may continue and will exist, is the culture for which our Army, nation is proud of. Bars aren't our culture and we are independent now. Sorry to say but such makes the gentlemen very low on moral due to consumption of alcohol by anymean.
Wow.....That's disgusting. Are you in your senses?

What is the source of this "gem"...do you have any statistics or facts to back up your claims?...Have you contracted this infectious disease from indian?
Pakistan's vast majority subscribes to the barelvis and that's perhaps the reason that despite all the terrorism Pakistan stands strong and majority is peaceful.

Deobandis are the ones who did not want to issue fatwa against the terrorists of TTP because TTP terrorists are either Salafi wahabi or Deobandi ...
They also said Pak army soldiers are not martyrs who are fighting these terrorist scumbags...and the same Deobandis were against the creation of Pakistan and issued fatwas against Quaid and Allama Iqbal. And mufti Mehmood on record said that we are not part of the sin of creating Pakistan.
Most of the fassad we see in the society today is because of these deobandis / wahabis sectarian scumbags who indulge in violence against Shias, Barelvis and other groups.

Sufi / Barelvis are the ones who struggled for Pakistan under Quaid-e-Azam's leadership and it is people like sufi Barkat who said Pakistan has a bright future...

It was Zia-ul-Haq kana dajjal who indoctrinated this wahabi deobandi virus into the army.

There have never been any surveys, but one can clearly estimate based on the fact that Madrassas are overwhelmingly run by Deobandis and by the fact that almost all the major positions in Pakistan that are held by religious people, are held by Deobandis.

Barelvis are not "peaceful" just because they are Sufi, do you not remember Mumtaz Qadri and the crisis that followed? Barelvism also believes in shrines and praying to dead people, this is pure bidah and shirk. I am aware many Barelvis do not do this, but this is what Barelvism believes in (read Ahmed Raza Khan's work).

Are you crazy? Have you forgotten about Deobandis like Muhammad Shafi? Many senior Deobandis supported Pakistan, and those that did not thought so because they thought Muslims would just be further divided, not because they loved Hindustan. Any Islamic scholar at the time who viewed himself as a Hindustani nationalist and disliked Pakistan because of his nationalism was an apostate, plain and simple.

TTP are also Pashtun, are you going to harass them too? Don't be stupid. Heck, by that logic we should just call all Muslims terrorists.

FGS saying someone is not a Shaheed is not the same as saying their execution is justified, stop conflating things.

Zia Ul Haq did more for Pakistan than you'll ever do, that's for sure.
There have never been any surveys, but one can clearly estimate based on the fact that Madrassas are overwhelmingly run by Deobandis and by the fact that almost all the major positions in Pakistan that are held by religious people, are held by Deobandis.

Barelvis are not "peaceful" just because they are Sufi, do you not remember Mumtaz Qadri and the crisis that followed? Barelvism also believes in shrines and praying to dead people, this is pure bidah and shirk. I am aware many Barelvis do not do this, but this is what Barelvism believes in (read Ahmed Raza Khan's work).

Are you crazy? Have you forgotten about Deobandis like Muhammad Shafi? Many senior Deobandis supported Pakistan, and those that did not thought so because they thought Muslims would just be further divided, not because they loved Hindustan. Any Islamic scholar at the time who viewed himself as a Hindustani nationalist and disliked Pakistan because of his nationalism was an apostate, plain and simple.

TTP are also Pashtun, are you going to harass them too? Don't be stupid. Heck, by that logic we should just call all Muslims terrorists.

FGS saying someone is not a Shaheed is not the same as saying their execution is justified, stop conflating things.

Zia Ul Haq did more for Pakistan than you'll ever do, that's for sure.
Just two words: Bull's Megacrap..
If you cannot refute it, don't bother conversing in the first place.
I refuted it in the most appropriate way. :D
Let's not harbour any animosity. I pray Allah to guide you to the right path.
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I refuted it in the most appropriate way. :D
Let's not harbour any animosity. I pray Allah to guide to the right path.

If you are going to make snide comments that suggest I'm a terrorist or Hindustan-lover just because I am Salafi, I will harbour animosity.
If you are going to make snide comments that suggest I'm a terrorist or Hindustan-lover just because I am Salafi, I will harbour animosity.
I didn't say anything about you...go and read my post again... I didn't even know if you're salafi or not.. but you rather resorted to rant without any facts, reference or link so what ever you said is simply floating in the air ...a novel...a fiction...a rant... there is no other way to put it.
If you still harbour animosity towards me.....then it is your call.. sad and tragic..can we being Muslim can harbour hate and animosity...what does your set of beliefs teaches you?
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@dsr478 I believe you are using some deity,s pic as your avatar

I can almost guarantee that there are just as many (if not even more) Deobandis/Salafis than there are Barelvis. Just look at how many Madrassas are run by Deobandis/Salafis rather than Barelvis.

Also, Shias are at roughly 5%.
Sir sunnis and shias don't even exist its only you lot grabbing attention of everyone on global news.
There have never been any surveys, but one can clearly estimate based on the fact that Madrassas are overwhelmingly run by Deobandis and by the fact that almost all the major positions in Pakistan that are held by religious people, are held by Deobandis.

Barelvis are not "peaceful" just because they are Sufi, do you not remember Mumtaz Qadri and the crisis that followed? Barelvism also believes in shrines and praying to dead people, this is pure bidah and shirk. I am aware many Barelvis do not do this, but this is what Barelvism believes in (read Ahmed Raza Khan's work).

Are you crazy? Have you forgotten about Deobandis like Muhammad Shafi? Many senior Deobandis supported Pakistan, and those that did not thought so because they thought Muslims would just be further divided, not because they loved Hindustan. Any Islamic scholar at the time who viewed himself as a Hindustani nationalist and disliked Pakistan because of his nationalism was an apostate, plain and simple.

TTP are also Pashtun, are you going to harass them too? Don't be stupid. Heck, by that logic we should just call all Muslims terrorists.

FGS saying someone is not a Shaheed is not the same as saying their execution is justified, stop conflating things.

Zia Ul Haq did more for Pakistan than you'll ever do, that's for sure.
I would like to point out your comments make absolutely no sense and your logic is followed by the TTP and ISIS. What do you mean brelevis believe in worshipping shrines? Visiting shrines doesn't mean people are worshipping them. It's like what ISIS said. Muslims are worshipping kaba because we want to touch the kaba, kiss it, we place a shroud on kaba, we circumbulate the kaba so let's just bomb kaba. Because of the false propaganda ISIS alqaida bombed the shrine of Prophets in Iraq. Destroyed Jannatul Baqqi Jannatul Maula. Bombed the shrine of Bibi Zainab in Syria.

Visiting shrine is not shirk or bidat because first of all what's in a shrine. It's a grave of a servant of Allah almighty and visiting a servant of Allah almighty is allowed according to Islam. Giving them Salaam is allowed according to Islam.

It seems like you never been to Madina shareef to visit the best of creation Hazrat Muhammad peace be upon him.

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