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Pakistan Navy invites Islamic Scholars on Warship

Last time many extra religious Navy officers found involved in base attack......We need soldiers not moulvees.....Very bad impact expected....
Air force and navy falling for these mullahs......

Airforce and Navy are too much into maulvi stuff..

It’s okay if you are religious and perform salat etc in your own capacity .. or go to mosques and meet maulanas... but this is just weird.. maulvis on a ship during operations?

How’s this different to the indian military/navy and it’s funny yoga stunts!
Lots of free time and nothing to do...
Open the bar culture again...I must say...
+20 protection
+15 evasion
-50 intelligence

You would think that religion would be kept away from any country's military, since most of the stuff the military does is against religious doctrines, and the military really doesn't need to be backseat driven by religion.
Where is a plank when you need one?

Where were your thoughts when non Muslims set foot on our warships? Or this is just for Muslims with beards? You people are reflection of the slave mentality which we are facing as nation.

None of them looks like a scholar...they are fat molvies..
Didnt expecting this form you..!!! :disagree::disagree: Anyways :-)

Fauj ne kabi dum darood aur kabhi bum barood k moulvi ko sath lga leti hai.
Yehe kam reh gye hain krne waly bs..
Yani aitraz molvio pe ha bss

Too much tablighi affair spoils the sailors. Iam amazed we didnt learn any lessons from the past

A purge in the navy is long overdue
And who should be purged? All deobandis and wahabis or all men with beard? Whats the criteria

Airforce and Navy are too much into maulvi stuff..
Whats wrong with maulvi stuff?
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I suppose its the color of turban, which gives away the his sect.
Could anyone help write the sects. against each turban colors, i wrote below: Orange =
Green =
Brown =
White =
Black =
+20 protection
+15 evasion
-50 intelligence

You would think that religion would be kept away from any country's military, since most of the stuff the military does is against religious doctrines, and the military really doesn't need to be backseat driven by religion.

We are a country founded upon the basis of Islam, it's time we started acting like one.

It looks like the ship is out on water, why on earth have they been invited on board? They have no place there.
What's even more worrying is that they are all from the Deobandi fiqh, where are the barelvis, shia etc? I can guess.....
This should be investigated.

Asalamu Alaikum

Don't Deobandis overwhelmingly dominate the military in terms of numbers and positions held? I rarely hear of any religious Barelvis or Shias in the military.

I think it's to do with the job, the military is seen as an Islamic fighting force and this would appeal to Deobandis/Salafis more than anyone else.

bhai...a scholar should be smart...like tariq jameel, maulana Saqib Raza, Noman Ali Khan...

Asalamu Alaikum

Best scholars for the military are ex military Islamic scholars, such as the late Zubair Ali Zai.
I am sorry but I disagree with this act.

Why weren't professors from different universities invited instead?

Let's not forget it was the Bralevi scholars that overwhelmingly supported the Pakistan Movement. The majority deobandi/wahhabi scholars were against it.

The Wahhabi/deobandi ideology is followed by a minority of Muslims in the world, similarly in Pakistan they are a minority. I'd even say there are more numbers of shias in the world than the deobandi/wahhabis.

The Pakistan armed forces draw their strength from all segments of society. Trying to bring sectarianism into the armed forces should be a capital crime punishable by the death penalty.

I do not like this trend a single bit.
Last time many extra religious Navy officers found involved in base attack......We need soldiers not moulvees.....Very bad impact expected....
Air force and navy falling for these mullahs......

Open the bar culture again...I must say...
We need ultra religious for Pakistanis heroes will be always Khalid Bin Waleed and Ali bin Talib and Saad bin Abi Waqas. You try to change that or make them less religious and see How your entire force will crumble

Tableeghis are the cause of most infiltration into sensitive institutions and subsequent terrorists activities
No they are not your issue is with Islam Mullahs are cover to say it indirectly
we should avoid divide on basis of sect .next time i like to see khadim rizvi invited on naval warship among other ulema

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