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Pakistan Navy invites Islamic Scholars on Warship

Then whats there in your d.p? a selfie of some sort? o_O

It's a drawing, obviously, but not one considered detailed enough to be haram. The proportions of the individual are not life-like enough, and he's missing several key features.
New rule:

I'm not discussing this topic with ANYONE who alikens me to ISIS, the TTP or other groups like them from this point onward.

No, shrines are haram. Visiting graves is not the same as building shrines and making dua to the individual buried within it.

Sahih ahadith quite clearly state this, and it was literally commanded for Muslims to level graves beyond 2 feet in height.

No, I do not make pilgrimages for shrines, I do not consider it halal.

Asalamu Alaikum

No, it is not a deity, it is an old Hepthalite ruler.
Ok I won't reply to any of your comments on this page. Be happy :)
Ok I won't reply to any of your comments on this page. Be happy :)


Anyway it's ironic since your name is Kiliji, one could easily argue that the Kiliji dynasty was pretty ISIS-like.

Anyway it's ironic since your name is Kiliji, one could easily argue that the Kiliji dynasty was pretty ISIS-like.
Seems like you can't help yourself with your comments. Kilij is a Ottoman Sword name. I don't know anything else about it.
Since you mentioned about ISIS, I encourage you to read the arguments used by ISIS and TTP for their actions. The word Shirk Kufr Bidah is very famously used
Since you mentioned about ISIS, I encourage you to read the arguments used by ISIS and TTP for their actions. The word Shirk Kufr Bidah is very famously used

So just because we both use the words shirk and bidah makes us the same?

By that logic, you are the same as ISIS since you drink water, just like them, and believe in Allah (Azza Wa Jal) just like them.
So just because we both use the words shirk and bidah makes us the same?

By that logic, you are the same as ISIS since you drink water, just like them, and believe in Allah (Azza Wa Jal) just like them.
ISIS and TTP falsely claim the Muslims are worshipping graves, idols and Prophets. And they want to kill everybody since they are mushrikeen. This is how 21st century terrorist are recruited. First declare that Muslim are not Muslims, then declare countries army is non Muslim as they protect the people, then brainwash the youth with this until they automatically are willing to fight the mushrikeen people and army.
Could be a power trip, like, psychology increase fear in hearts and subdue their minds by putting them in the middle of warships. inko maroob karna in other words...
ISIS and TTP falsely claim the Muslims are worshipping graves, idols and Prophets. And they want to kill everybody since they are mushrikeen. This is how 21st century terrorist are recruited. First declare that Muslim are not Muslims, then declare countries army is non Muslim as they protect the people, then brainwash the youth with this until they automatically are willing to fight the mushrikeen people and army.

When did I say I want to "kill everybody because they are mushrikeen"? Literally hundreds of millions of Muslims believe what I do, and haven't gone around blowing people up, only a small handful have done that.

If we were all that crazy, believe me, the rest of you guys wouldn't stand a bloody chance, there are too many of us and we hold too much power.
A few questions need to be answered;

-Who invited them on the ship and why?

-If it was for a lecture why is there a need to be on the water? These are combat vessels and in the event of an outbreak of hostilities, they should be ready to move in an instance, not hosting the local tableeqi Jammat.

-In the event of a fire, accident or something worse, none of these men have any sort of training and will in fact burden the crew i.e. they would have to be saved, so who took the decision in total disregard for health and safety?

-If these guys wanted a tour why was it not opened to anyone else? Professional navies around the world have specific days and programs where civilians can see what the navy is about.

Like this;

This looks like a closed tour filmed by some jammat members.
I think It's more to do with bringing em in the mainstream. Considering their bully nature on any issue, the State is extending them special treatment--------.

Besides one can notice the not so subtle change brought over the years even by the I.s.p.r media production team. The martial sound tracks are becoming boring and devoid of any passion due to this patronization. The lyrics are becoming "shirk free too"

One just have to compare these with the 80, and 90,s milli naghmas. However Those were the real deal.

Well,The proof is in the pudding.

Below is Some what " biddati stuff" but charges you to the core

Emaan, Yaqeen aur Taqwa mai
Hum Ghani Ghani
Hum Ghani Ghani
Hum Mustafawi(SAW)
Hum Mustafawi(SAW)Yawar Dawar
Allah o Nabi
aur Gali Gali
Dam Mast Qalandar Ali Ali
Dam Mast Qalandar Ali Ali

This one's relatively kosher

@tps77 @DESERT FIGHTER @RealNapster @Hell hound @Maxpane @django @Maarkhor @B+ Dracula

They have been part of the establishment's mainstream since Zia. The only time they were really sidelined was when our founding fathers were still alive because they knew of the poison these sectarian bigots will sow.

The state has now become a floundering idiot, who bends over backwards to appease these people every time a mullah with a lathi comes out. Pathetic really, as if all Pakistanis and members of the armed forces follow these people.
They have been part of the establishment's mainstream since Zia

A lil correction please it was the brainchild of bhutto. Zia took it to a next level I'd have done the same to tame the imbecile communist Afghanis but by using the sufi ideology This way the chances of rehabilitation could be greater in all probability.

The state has now become a floundering idiot, who bends over backwards to appease these people every time a mullah with a lathi comes out. Pathetic really, as if all Pakistanis and members of the armed forces follow these

Verdict reserved
A lil correction please it was the brainchild of bhutto. Zia took it to a next level I'd have done the same to tame the imbecile communist Afghanis but by using the sufi ideology This way the chances of rehabilitation could be greater in all probability.

Verdict reserved

Bhutto just tried to use them. Even to his end days, he regretted getting these baboons on board. He even said so to our elders, that he never intended to give them any real power. In that respect, Bhutto was arrogant and thought he could control the djinn when it was out of the bottle.

Zia on the other hand, really gave them a taste of power in the state, in my opinion at least.
Zia on the other hand, really gave them a taste of power in the state, in my opinion at least.
Based on personal likings and disliking his father sent him to a wrong madrassa

And bhutto wanted a chief Submissive like his federal security force chief

@Sher Shah Awan one more thing needs to be taken into account .These were the same folks who'd vehemently set empty boxes of televisions on fire after jumma in thier gatherings lol reminds me of ku klux klan. Don't yuu think they've come way past that stage? A Transition from one extreme to another is happening?
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