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Pakistan Navy invites Islamic Scholars on Warship

Where is a plank when you need one?

Too much tablighi affair spoils the sailors. Iam amazed we didnt learn any lessons from the past

A purge in the navy is long overdue

They all look deobandi

not that i am against them but we need to bring all legit alims on board, not just noisy maulvi's only. i am no body to judge these alims and maulvi's iman, taqwa and ilm. but then again PN is a national unit and should be treated as such. may be they are there but not in the picture.
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Airforce and Navy are too much into maulvi stuff..

It’s okay if you are religious and perform salat etc in your own capacity .. or go to mosques and meet maulanas... but this is just weird.. maulvis on a ship during operations?

How’s this different to the indian military/navy and it’s funny yoga stunts!
Lots of free time and nothing to do...

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