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Pakistan Navy interested in type 056

Well, in China, we treat Type 056 as safe guard, we have a long coast line then need a large number ships to patrol. We should keep it easy to opration, has comfortable environment, build fast and cheap enough, don't need put very advanced weapon on it. We have enough advanced ship for fighting. Type 056 only used to instead Type 037, a 500 ton ship, and it is more advanced than Type 037, double size but only need same amount people to oprate it. We even changed the 30mm gun to 14.7mm on Type 056A.

But for Pakistan, I think you may need more powerful ship than 056 becuase you only can equipt this type ship with limited number. I think you can find other countries to help design the ship and build in Pakistan locally.
That's will be a good addition. But why not PN look towards the Destroyers from China, Turkey, or even from EU.
Because destroyers are very expensive and are overkill given the current state of the PN. IMO, starting with operating frigates will be a good first step. After this, then the PN can contemplate buying destroyers.
Because destroyers are very expensive and are overkill given the current state of the PN. IMO, starting with operating frigates will be a good first step. After this, then the PN can contemplate buying destroyers.
I guess after 4 Type-54s PN will be placing an order for Type-55 Destroyers but that will be in 2025.
Err, why would PN be interested in 056 when Ada is literally an ASW platform? Lol
I like the idea of watering down the ADA. Change the rule base from naval to commercial, and opt for COTS sensors for baseline air/surface tracking and ASW. It's a shame the PN gunned ahead with the Damen OPV 1900. It could've waited and worked on an OPV variant of ADA.
I like the idea of watering down the ADA. Change the rule base from naval to commercial, and opt for COTS sensors for baseline air/surface tracking and ASW. It's a shame the PN gunned ahead with the Damen OPV 1900. It could've waited and worked on an OPV variant of ADA.

yeah, its like the PN is a kid in a candy shop. Gimmie everything,.
Why not buy more frigates one destroyer equals to 4~6 frigates. As we are not a blue water navy our focus would be to increase our multipurpose platforms
The PN is the kid stuck in the bargain section of the candy shop...blowing money on the cheap stuff.
I would rather PN just stick with ada and fully develop its indeginous ship building ..
If it feels its in trouble it can do an emergency purchase of type 54 and build more azm and an slightly improved azm

Now if china is provided very lucrative deal(cheap/basline cost) and long term funding then PN might opt for it as chinese scale of ship building means it will be very cheap..cheaper then even of we build at home due to lack of supply chain

But isnt that what we need..? We need to develop a supply chain..
On bigger then type 54 ships.
I would rather improve the weapons sensor of type 54 rather then going for bigger ships given our geography and numbers we will need
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