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Pakistan Navy forces out an armed Indian Submarine from Pakistani waters.

P.S do you really think Pakistani subs doesn't peeks into Indian waters ? ;)
How would they know? they havent been able to track one yet.

How do your point, still stands? You said, tht in such time, when Pak navy is on alert, indian navy entered enemy waters, and went back un challenged...while Pak navy clearly said tht it prevented indian submarine from entering Pakistani waters.... Lollll... And now u are shamelessly saying tht my point remains the same :laugh:...

After being given a reality check, all you could come up with...is talk abt Pak military press releases.... :laugh: Hw is tht even relevant? Butt hurt?:laugh:
No use arguing with this one. He will come up with another idiotic post.
well the way such news is presented and then treated in pakistan i can only laugh at it trust me dear it does not happen like that but then i wont contest pakistani members claims here cause they wont understand it deu to there hyper nationalistic and anty india feelings so keep beleving what your told to but the fact is that sub "showed itself" rather than "bieng dtected" now go and ask this to any person who knows a thing about sub warfare he will tell you what im talking about
you are funny
Today in arabian sea...want a video??

That is a video of a submarine already running on surface, I am asking you an example, where a submarine has been forced to surface, using just Sonar .

You seem like a kid, who is more interested in point scoring, than debating with facts.
Event the pro Indian Arab News is reporting the same


KARACHI, Pakistan: The Pakistani navy detected an Indian submarine off the Pakistani coast and prevented it from entering its waters, it said in a statement on Friday, as tension between the nuclear-armed rivals simmers.
The submarine was detected “south of the Pakistani coast” on Monday, the navy said in a press release.
“Thereafter, despite the submarine’s desperate efforts to escape detection, it was continuously tracked by Pakistan Navy Fleet units and pushed well clear of our waters,” the press release said.
The navy also released footage and photographs of what it was said was the submarine trying to enter Pakistani waters.
The Indian navy was not immediately available for comment.
Relations between Pakistan and India have been strained for several months, while cross-frontier shelling has intensified leading to deaths of civilians and soldiers stationed along the disputed frontier.
Kashmir lies at the heart of the tension between India and Pakistan and the countries have fought two of their three wars over the region since partition and independence from Britain in 1947.
I mean if we have detected it we should have sunk it .
To sink something you need some good Juggling balls,that we aint atm,the violator goes home like a worthless sheep,so everybody wins
One maasumaana sawaal (innocent question):

What was India's objective behind sending it's submarine on a snooping mission towards/into Pakistan's territorial waters? Did it achieve that objective?
If it was being tracked for last 4-5 days as the press release says , then it is highly unlikely that it was able to achieve its objectives whatever those were.
That is a video of a submarine already running on surface, I am asking you an example, where a submarine has been forced to surface, using just Sonar .

You seem like a kid, who is more interested in point scoring, than debating with facts.
Listen this is the whole scenario
The sub was being chased,the sub knew it was in trouble as it was surrounded by all 4 sides,so it had to stay under water for 4 days but the batteries were dying so to replenish the batteries it had to surface and was caught.
And how do you imagine it did that ?

As I asked another member here, so will I , you.

Tell us about any real life incidents (from your extensive knowledge about submarine SOPSs) , where a hostile submarine has been forced surface, by just using an active sonar ?
Well there was this incident which again involved an Indian Sub and again denied by the Indians....well there's a surprise. :D

But it is a ghulail/slingshot/catapult not a bow

Even if I had fired it at the surfaced sub it would have just made a "tuuunnnggg" sound:wacko:
yes sorry ghulail it is :mad:
All you had to do was hit the self-destruct button on the sub with that thing and boom.
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