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edit..Sorry for being naive, but could you please tell me how to paste photos here?
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Kushab Nuclear reactor

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Kahuta Nuclear facility

Chasma Nuclear facility

Karachi Nuclear power plant
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You're posting grabs from a single kmz file that roams the Google Earth Community forums. Anything to add on your own?
You're posting grabs from a single kmz file that roams the Google Earth Community forums. Anything to add on your own?
Well to be honest, just wanted to give my share of contribution.
Everything is from the net and freely available, its for members who might have missed it.
ISRO has been working on its own reconnaissance satellites for years now. The guy is posting what he has access to. Do you even fricking know what they have up in the sky? Fricking google RISAT-2, twat ! Even Resourcesat-I can be used as a spy satellite although I haven't read about its ability to counter visual aberrations resulting from cloud formations. Cartosat I, II, IIA and III are already up and while India claims that they are only for cartography, I don't think a 2.5m resolution camera is only for mapping Indian territory, but of course none of them are dedicated and built specifically for reconnaissance. RISAT-2 is up in the sky and scanning through our territory while we kept shrinking SUPARCO's budget and ended up having only one dysfunctional borrowed communication satellite in the air.

At least, ******* know what you're dealing with and stop your jingoistic BS.

I did not thank that post bcoz that would make it look like I was thanking for the same reason others did for. U are an alarmist just like me. Also of the extreme kind. I consider myself to be of the same class.
Never underestimate the enemy. Always be conservative when it comes to assessment of your capabilities. That way we win in real terms without the jingoism.

if u ThInK That these r All The AiRbASes Then Ur R LiViNg UnDER A RoCk!!!!!!:pakistan::pakistan:!!

LOL, just because i'm being lazy doesn't mean i'm not capable enough. I have already exposed all the pakistani air bases in other forum last year. it's just a matter of time. Sit back and relax while i slowly post them 1 by 1.

Let me know if you are in a hurry, i'll give you the coordinates in a nut shell. :lol:
Where can I get a list of all public pakistani and indian bases (army/airforce/navy)..? thanks
what is the use of such a pointless effort of posting u can get much better info if u purchse a satellite also post pics of your favourite places via that thing
Some idiot just discovered google earth and thinks he bacame a mster spy LOL...

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