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Pakistan Naval Aviation - Updated

Is PN going to place some orders for Augusta Westlands - similar to the ones BN ordered?
Once a gunner, always a gunner!

Navy alouette 3 armed with an MG-3 machine gun !

Paf moved old helo to training role till they get replaced in future
Pn may also do the same and is on process especially with surface fleet expansion

make sense to go with same platform as paf and pa customized for navy

for now z-9 and z-18F and aw101 seams to be available but wonder if aw-139 based naval Version is an options

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PN is already using Z9 EC.
If they are happy with it, they might equip new coming ships with same platform.

It seems like it as the total fleet is 6-8 but it also depends on the class of heli needed, z9 is still 2 Ton class with ~400km range and medium class of 8-12 ton with 800-1000 km range so to extend reach especially for anti sub hunting you may want more station time 4-6 hours vs z9 2.5 hours plus can add anti ship rule too to by arming medium class with anti ship missiles such as Exocet on sea king or Chinese medium heli z-18/z20 with Chinese anti ship missiles c-701 or c-xxx series

time will tell when 054 shows up which can carry russian medium class, not seen z18/z20 operational on frigates yet in plaan

Z20 is first Chinese heli with fly by wire controls of I am not mistaken

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