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Pakistan Naval Aviation - Updated

All Thanx to china but now we need major changes in top leader ships of armed forces they have failled misreably what we need changes and good leaderships in all aspects of govt other wise we dont have any chance of survival and armed forces if they are sincere with country catch theses bastered Nation went through alot now Nation cannot take more now we need to stand al together sincerely each and every one if we need to survive as a country our intelligence has to wake up and get to work and do not see any thing just pakistan we see just what good for pakistan and forget i got orders from that person to do this we will get bashing like this what is good for pakistan should be given preferance on everything and bring anything to crush these terrorists why terrorists get more moral booost becoz all their operations always been on target if we need to crush them crush their moral catch them alive nd take intel out of them and hang them in front of whole pakistan so others who want to do same will think of consicuences i know they dont fear death but they fear Nation as a nation we need to stand they fear beating of armed forces which they are not getting
So many years of Navajo and gardari. More of the same plZ
Both PAF & PAA are using Italian AW-139. I hope the Navy will also induct AW-149 for its future frigates & Corvettes.
Both PAF & PAA are using Italian AW-139. I hope the Navy will also induct AW-149 for its future frigates & Corvettes.
AW149/AW189K is quite different. Yes it might share the same general design of the AW139, but uses different engines (T700 or Aneto vs. AW139's PT6). Plus, there's been no real marinization work on the AW149/189K -- e.g., foldable tail, AShW and ASW, sensor integration, CMS integration, etc.

The AW159 is $45-50 m per unit (inclusive of maintenance/support) and the NH-90 and AW101 are each around $125-150 m each.. However, the latter two can double as troop transports and AShM carriers.
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