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Pakistan National Cadet Course - Reinstated

I still have the NCC uniform with me . Thick black full sleave strechable sweaters , blackpants and boots. Hours and hours of march past on the drum beat in searing heat of july. Highlight :Got to load a G 3.

in 45 degrees temp
In Pakistan every year 4.3 Million that reach military age not 10mil as he said.


There are some problems with this method, especially housing, feeding, clothing, etc etc. You also have to keep in mind that you will need trainers and if you work out say 1 trainer for each 100 batch, you will need 43,000 trainers. Plus an army of cooks to feed that many people, plus medical staff.

To understand the scale of what is being asked, the total population of Turkmenistan is around 5 Mil. The population of Pakistan's 3rd largest city Faisalabad is 3.2 Mil.

Lets not forget, how are we to pay for all of this?
It is a long term investment. You have to see the bigger picture and think beyond just the army.. it has to be a program sponsored by the state.. i.e. paid from other funds than the defence. It you listen to him carefully, he gives the full details that how it will help the nation in the long run and that amount spent on this will be peanuts compared to the dividends it will generate..
It says (Headlines): After 22 years, the decision has been made to start NCC for students.

(Continues): It's so students can defend themselves in the current difficult circumstances. They've started collecting all the student details.

That's the main parts.

You missed the 80s, large numbers of students carried Mausers in those days.

That's the problem with this decision, we don't want that gun culture returning among students. This should only be done if completely necessary.
Maybe that's why it has been brought back, war with India has started...this is prep work
That's the problem with this decision, we don't want that gun culture returning among students. This should only be done if completely necessary.

You hardly get any chance to do much with guns during NCC training, it is mostly daily parades and lectures highlighting theory of war, general military structure and measures/tactics one has to take in case of war, that is all what is taught to you. Loading of a military gun and firing was very small part of NCC training, just one day if I remember correctly from my NCC days in 1995/1996.

Thousands of boys apply at every recruitment center whenever recruitment starts there isn't any scaricty of men willing to join army and these programs of training students are useless
If you have good stamina and athletic body you are better than an average soldier just physical strength and stamina is all what counts

NCC was NOT just about physical stamina etc., a significant part of NCC was based on daily lectures surrounding the theory of war, war tactics, strategy, military discipline, camouflage techniques, general information of military structure of Pakistan etc.
You hardly get any chance to do much with guns during NCC training, it is mostly daily parades and lectures highlighting theory of war, general military structure and measures/tactics one has to take in case of war, that is all what is taught to you. Loading of a military gun and firing was very small part of NCC training, just one day if I remember correctly from my NCC days in 1995/1996

If someone offers you a cigarette to smoke, and then you can freely buy them from the shop, are you more likely to start smoking or less? Add to that, constant adverts showing how cigarettes are socially desirable, or in this case the idea that war is inevitable, and we must defend ourselves.

It's a complex issue, and introducing young people to guns shouldn't be taken lightly. That said, necessary is a word that leaves very few choices.
NCC was NOT just about physical stamina etc., a significant part of NCC was based on daily lectures surrounding the theory of war, war tactics, strategy, military discipline, camouflage techniques, general information of military structure of Pakistan etc.
Such type of lectures are useless no one takes interest
And there isn't any benefit of this program even if students are interested
Just like your bicep :lol:

Kaka Biceps don't grow on trees. You may think its useless, but it helps when you buy a zidi bakra that is not willing to move an inch and you don't have any other option but to lift it. That's why I keep telling you, come join I will train you for free. :)

On topic
Excellent decision taken.
And this time it should be mandatory rather than optional.

They have to keep in mind people with special needs.
Kaka Biceps don't grow on trees. You may think its useless, but it helps when you buy a zidi bakra that is not willing to move an inch and you don't have any other option but to lift it. That's why I keep telling you, come join I will train you for free. :)
Looks like you are not much proud and confident of your bicep either ,thats why you changed your long time avatar after getting some criticism :lol:
Looks like you are not much proud and confident of your bicep either ,thats why you changed your long time avatar after getting some criticism :lol:

I have changed it to show my little support for Kashmiri children. And I do value that more than my bicep.

I don't need to prove an image by the way.

I have changed it to show my little support for Kashmiri children. And I do value that more than my bicep.

I don't need to prove an image by the way.

Edit: and if it wasn't for my dear sir @Mangus Ortus Novem I may not have realised it.
A very good idea should be given priority we one the ones in 99 they stoped it
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