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Pakistan must sign no-war pact with India: Former diplomat Ashraf Jehangir Qazi

India can't take GB without extremely damaging India--at least India's northwest--in a conventional war without even involving nukes. Also, has anyone looked at what taking GB would mean for India?? Just look at the geography! GB is broadly hugged by parts of Pakistan who would slaughter and slaughter the 'invading Hindus' forever. All that without China getting involved on Pakistan's side which is almost a certainty, going by the events of the last few years.

And frankly, India is a third world, resource starved, over-populated dirty country and most Pakistanis wouldn't see any 'benefit' of being part of that. I mean no disrespect. I know Pakistan is not great either. But, knowing human nature, who'd want to be part of a Mexico vs America?? In this case, both India and Pakistani are the Mexico. Plus add in religious hostilities which seem so entrenched in the Subcontinent!!

It should really sink into the ruling class of India that it is better to seek an 'honorable peace' which Pakistan is asking for right now.

Irrespective of whether India is rich or poor, there is not any incentive for India or Pakistan to change the border...Neither India nor Pakistan are able to provide any quality of life to their major population in the current stage.
I do not think, the Indian political class is really interested in any further inroad to Kashmir...All this noise of taking GB and other parts of Kashmir is just for the sake of TV debate only....But it is also true, India will not compromise any kind of its ownership wrt to its own JK. So Pakistan needs peace, LOC has to be converted to an IB...That is the only possible solution for Kashmir.
You’ll see Pak sign a no-war pact, including resolution of disputed areas with India favoring moves on the LOC in a not so distant future. They’re already doing it, such pieces are just trying to put the idea in people’s mind.

Two deliberate and concrete moves have already happened from late last year till now. A few more will follow.
With this entire episode of regime change, it should be an eye-opener for the normal people of Pakistan that India is not the only enemy that needs to be managed by Pakistan, but the people of Pakistan need to handle the devil inside the room which is your Army to become a normal progressive nation... I can see many people in PDF is still of the opinion that Army is a saint without Bajwa...But they are not understanding that Bajwa is just a symptom of a problem that is too deep-rooted within your institution...Whoever in place of Bajwa will come, they will follow a similar trajectory unless any civilian leader forces him to change the path.
@VCheng @SQ8
I would just nuance that with the system that the Army itself has produced and is a victim of(in terms of better officers). It’s basically a system that was laid down post Iskander Mirza and is an extension of the Raj mentality simply because their system wasn’t killed off, it was adopted to serve the brown sahibs. Right within that system there are A.O Hume type personalities along with Sydney Rowallts and Dyers. It extends beyond the Army because that isn’t the systematic progeny but the entire bureaucracy and feudal political structure is aligned with it.

Probably why even for the most part Indians got confused because of what they call “duality” is actually an unwitting gemini persona within what is the Pakistan establishment. Where you have outstanding military men who do understand both threats externally but also realpolitik while respecting civilian(citizen) rule supremacy like Gen Tariq Khan( and many others) you have Zai ul Haq who while having some strategic vision destroyed the very fabric of any progressive thought in order to keep their position of power.

In a way while the Nehru dynasty in its efforts to cement its rule and legacy empowered civilian rule, it also laid the foundations for meritocracy eventually breaking through because military force would not be tolerated for any dispute as part of national character - both Kashmir and the Golden temple situation will attest to it eventually. In Pakistan, that never happened - even after the blistering surrender in 71, Bhutto in his myopia actually encouraged or ignored witch hunts by yes men that led those that would always uphold constitutional supremacy to be sidelined - in a way he strung his own noose. That process was finished in India by the time Indira came up because Jawahirlal had laid the groundwork for her.
No, its' not. What has changed?? That after a lull of some years, the TTP terrorists have found new vigor via the rise of Afghan Taliban? Pakistan dealt with TTP before and will deal with them again. At least this time Pakistan can deal with a govt in Afghanistan which is beholden to the Afghan people instead of looking for 'support' from thousands of miles away.

The 'long game' for Pakistan would be through peace in Afghanistan, however dark that 'peace' might be. However long that peace might be. The Taliban, both in Pakistan and Afghanistan, are also human beings, eventually receptive to 'change' and 'modernity'. It may not happen in our lifetime but it WILL happen. And that's when an overpopulated, resource-starved Pakistan can look north in the land with few people and many resources.

1st try to treat Afghanistani as humans.

2nd you people sill blind about they hate you? You must have done wrong with them? When will be going to realised and try to correct it.

Well due to your national interst in Afghanistan, caused most of the challenges by considering afghanistan as a your backyard.. Once you will start treating them as Sovereignty nation.... Most of the your problems will get sorted, getting completely closed the border, applied ViSa systems etc.

You polices has too many flaws currently and going by this, situation in Pakistan will never be improved

The video says, almost everything. .. Afghani guys
1st try to treat Afghanistani as humans.

2nd you people sill blind about they hate you? You must have done wrong with them? When will be going to realised and try to correct it.

Well due to your national interst in Afghanistan, caused most of the challenges by considering afghanistan as a your backyard.. Once you will start treating them as Sovereignty nation.... Most of the your problems will get sorted, getting completely closed the border, applied ViSa systems etc.

You polices has too many flaws currently and going by this, situation in Pakistan will never be improved

The video says, almost everything. .. Afghani guys

Trust me, I know we have our own beef with Pakistan...But Afghanistan is not all about Rasid Khan or IPL cricketers who play in India....India should be lucky and fortunate that we are neighboring Punjab and the Sindh part of Pakistan rather than Afghanistan... If the situation comes, the regular people of Afghanistan will be quite difficult to have any type of compatibility with India.
Trust me, I know we have our own beef with Pakistan...But Afghanistan is not all about Rasid Khan or IPL cricketers who play in India....India should be lucky and fortunate that we are neighboring Punjab and the Sindh part of Pakistan rather than Afghanistan... If the situation comes, the regular people of Afghanistan will be quite difficult to have any type of compatibility with India.
Agreed but it also depe on you foreign policy.

Iran is a Muslim country and also shares the border with Afghanistan, but they don't face such challenges
Agreed but it also depe on you foreign policy.

Iran is a Muslim country and also shares the border with Afghanistan, but they don't face such challenges

If the Taliban continue to rule in such a medieval way in Afghanistan, it will be a big cultural headache for Pakistan itself...Because, the hardline radical culture will slowly creep into the eastern part of Pakistan which is comparatively modern, liberal, and progressive in nature...So even without any interference from India, Pakistan will be in trouble if they do not isolate themselves from the cultural influence of Afghanistan.
Idea bura nai hai, but give us the Kashmir back and than we will have peace.
You can ask to get Kashmir for you to your generals who sold Kashmir chooran to Pakistan public for last 75 years...They should be held accountable for your wish.
So Kashmir tumare baap ka tu hai nai, you want Peace with Pakistan solve the Kashmir issue because without that there will be no peace.
Pakistan's long term strategic objective should be to balkanize India. Making peace with India will be seen as a weakness as always.
Pakistan has been trying to do that since 1947. But 1971 happened instead. Talibans are breathing down the neck.
Economy is in tatters and still going south.

Better strategic objective should be gain economic strength and try to be at peace with current borders.
So Kashmir tumare baap ka tu hai nai, you want Peace with Pakistan solve the Kashmir issue because without that there will be no peace.
Even GB and part of Kashmir is not belong to you... If you keep them, you can also..
Peace with Pakistan solve the Kashmir issue because without that there will be no peace.
Only solution seems feasible is to maintain the status quo. By repealing 370, India has made it amply clear.
Paksiatn has tried all methods in its arsenal in 1948, 1965 and 1999 but failed.
It can’t even try those things in current times.
Otherwise, India isn’t loosing anything and isn’t likely to be affected as much as Pakistan due to Kashmir issue.

People will have to learn to move on.
Only solution seems feasible is to maintain the status quo. By repealing 370, India has made it amply clear.
Paksiatn has tried all methods in its arsenal in 1948, 1965 and 1999 but failed.
It can’t even try those things in current times.
Otherwise, India isn’t loosing anything and isn’t likely to be affected as much as Pakistan due to Kashmir issue.

People will have to learn to move on.

It’s a stalemate , so don’t rush to ideas , and now pat yourselves on the back that you couldn’t settle Kashmiri even when Pakistan had always fought wars with you with its one hand tied behind his back by the west sanctioning its military, during wars. We Indians are passing laws in Kashmir so effing what . How’s that going to solve anything. it’s all in your heads you know and fear Kashmir problem is going no where!
If the Taliban continue to rule in such a medieval way in Afghanistan, it will be a big cultural headache for Pakistan itself...Because, the hardline radical culture will slowly creep into the eastern part of Pakistan which is comparatively modern, liberal, and progressive in nature...So even without any interference from India, Pakistan will be in trouble if they do not isolate themselves from the cultural influence of Afghanistan.

My personal opinion on this is fairly clear. Pakistan could have handled things a lot better.

The catastrophe in Pakistan is nobody's fault; Pakistan's leaders are to blame.

The struggle to install their puppet government in Afghanistan is still going on. Pakistan wants a puppet administration, but it comes at a very costly price.

I'm not saying it's wrong since it serves their national interests, but since 1979, they have been going in the completely wrong direction by inviting the Taliban, providing armed training, and the people of Afghanistan into Pakistan. further allowed them to freely live in Pakistan.

Now, at the present day.
1. Pakistan is one of the nations that contributed to Afghanistan's downfall, which is why the majority of Afghans despise it.

2. The Taliban and unidentified/uncontrolled Afghans reside in Pakistan.

3. Tribal regions in Pakistan are primarily Pashtun-controlled and have experienced such conflict situations; during the Soviet War, they were important assets; however, Pakistan no longer has much authority over them.

4. Disputes with local people (Balochi and others) within Pakistani territory.

One of Pakistan's biggest issues is that its leaders have been selling people on false optimism for decades. For example "Kashmir people are living in hell, we have to rescue them, Kashmir Banega Pakistan, India is hell for the muslims, muslims can't live to Hindus etc...

Pakistan is currently facing problems on several fronts in South Asia, but I think the Talibani version of Pakistan poses a more significant threat because of Taliban influence there, particularly in Pashtun tribal areas and the areas surrounding my Mullah's.

The relationship with India, on the other hand, is hopeless. No leader of Pakistan can depart from the narrative of "kashmir Bangega Pakistan," which has been promoted for decades. Problem is, India will not turn over Kashmir, and also, Pakistan will never be able to take it back.
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