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Pakistan must manufacture it's own heli

China and Pakistan should have shared more joint development.

Hopefully the next chopper after Z-10 will be a joint development of China/Pakistan, just like JF-17, since it was a wonderful experience. :tup:
well this is the only thing we have closest to a helicopter,still what we see in the video is just a skeleton,not the real thing,which we can hope Inshallah will be alot better

Ya I know. but the concept of a gyrocopter is different than a helicopter..
In Gyrocopter the rotor is in autorotation whereas
in Heli.. it is powered to push the air down and create lift
i personaly feel division of subcontinent is a mistake by both countries politicians..
Well , constructing a full fledged Helicopter is not that difficult

The biggest component is "the engine "

All the electronics are already being made in China, which can be brought in easily via trade or via Pakistani companies (Private companies) who are also working on the UAV platform

It really is all about - investment is Pakistani Government willing to invest 100-200 Million dollars into a production line for a
Light multipurpose Helicopter that can carry 6-8 soliders or supplies

I mean its one thing to be getting Bell Helicopters for few millions here and there but we do need a proper helicopter

I am 100% sure that we can make the Bell helicopter skeletons, and even our industries can manufacture the parts for the rotors and electrical parts , we just need to really get some research done , to get a light helicopter up in air

Or we can get a licence production of a helicopter like China has done

Main principle of helicopters have not changed , since it was created
What we lack is the engine , since in Pakistan , we have sold out our Auto Industry , and normally engine research and development is done in that sector.Engineering wise we lack behind be case we do not have the know how to create an engine , which could carry "load"


I'm lost for words in bold red. Really I am !
Sigh, I seem to only enter threads to criticize these days, but I cant help it, some of the ideas floating around are just outrageous. This thread, while the idea behind it is logical, since we do need an influx of attack and transport choppers...however we dont need to manufacture our own. We will lose millions of dollars if we ever decided to manufacture one.
If it was a joint production with China, then it would make sense, since we would have the advantage of mass production as a means to keep per unit cost down and we would recoup the cost relatively quickly.
But if it were just a Pakistani project, the demand doesnt justify the cost...how many would we honestly buy? Not very many, the infantry heavy system of the Army means the choppers and mechanized infantry will always be in a massive minority...it has become clear the army prefers quantity over quality, we also lack the funds in general, so pouring everything we have in to such a project would be fool hardy.
A different platform is most probably required to have a transport chopper and an attack variant...so dual projects would be even more costly...it is cheaper to just buy them.
I think this sort of thinking derives from the ambitions of the Indians and Chinese, just because they can do it, we tend to think we can too...but most often, the question of, "is it nessecary?" is often overlooked. The Indians and Chinese have the funding and far larger demand for such products...we have a small nation and relatively smaller military, with even smaller funding...this just isnt optimal for us.
Yes we should have our own (or in collaborations with any other country) Helicopter project. But there are so many things we lack in, I don't think helicopter project should be the absolute priority at this stage.
i personaly feel division of subcontinent is a mistake by both countries politicians..

Well you can always apply for Indian nationality :P no one is stopping you but please let the Pakistani Passport at airport check out
I'm lost for words in bold red. Really I am !

In Japan , Misubishi - Honda and other Auto giants also have a role in Japanese military , we on other hand have sold out our own research and development in favor of quick donations from other countries, with UK their Rolls Royce engines , and with Germany we all know their BMW company was once also providing military engines I am sure I read that....

The reality is that we have solid our our sovereignty , once we said yes its ok to import engines and cars from other countries , and killing our own markets .... local auto makers went bankrupt , and the small gains that crooks made they are probbly dead now ...

This is why , for our JF17 Thunders we have to rely on Russian Engines , because our leaders did not had the mind to move our Auto Manufacturing sector

All these Auto gaints were key factor in world wars , becasue they drove the tanks and other military vehicles on their engines and technology ...and german engines were renowned for their performance.

Obviously here we are 2011 , and we have 0 Auto company , that is a independent Research and development

Most companies are "collaborations" all the research and development is done outside , they merely assemble the parts
and call it a Pakistani Suzuki , or Pakistani bike, or Pakistani SUV ....

There is no pride unless the damn engine is made locally

And surprisingly , we have the resources but no one finds necessary to train a generation of engineers who will move our nations forward, instead we keep importing this vital need for our country's survival from outside
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