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Pakistan Military Multimedia

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Air Cdre F S Hussain, SBt, TPk, in the centre
Sqn Ldr M M Alam (2nd from left), SqnLdr Nazir Latif (2nd from right), Flt Lt Saif-ul-Alam (3rd from right)

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Air Cdre (then Flt Lt )F S Hussain in the cockpit of Super Marine Attacker

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Sqn Ldr Rafiqui (4th from right), Sqn Ldr Muniruddin (2nd from Left) along with the pilots of No 5 Sqn at Sargodha

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Sqn Cdr Rafiqui (centre) along with members of No 5 Sqn at Sargodha

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The ‘Paybills’ PAF’s First Jet Aerobatics Team

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‘Making the Mark’-Flt Lt Jamal A Khan flies RAF Venom during an Air-to-Air Gunnery mission at RAF Leconfield, UK (1957)

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Air Cdre Daudpota (Base Cdr Rafiqui) along with Gp Capt Hakimullah (centre) and Wg Cdr Cecil Chaudhry (right) at Rafiqui

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Flt Lt Hakimullah taking Aim as Flt Lt Amjad looks on- ADA pilots relaxing during 1965 war

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Pakistani version of ‘Texas Rangers’-Squadron Commander Imtiaz Bhatti (centre) with his under command fighter pilots

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During one of his visits to Mafraq Air Base. His Majesty King Hussein l, who was one of his great admirers asked Hameed Anwar for an impromptu air display. Himself an enthusiastic jet pilot, King Hussein climbed up the air traffic control building to have a better view of the show. On that day, Hameed Anwar was at his best, he did some stunning low level aerobatics in honour of the King as shown in the photo. In a letter written to the Chief of the Air Staff, PAF, in Jul 1993, King Hussein described Hameed Anwar as “one of the best pilots and men I have been fortunate to know.”

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Sqn Ldr Saif-ul-Azam (2nd from right), Imtiaz Bhatti (2nd from left) along with other fighter pilots, in front of newly inducted F-6 aircraft at Sargodha
They were still using the original leather helmets that came with F6s.

4 Legends of Pakistan Air Force


R to L : Air Marshal Malik Nur Khan, Air Commodore F.S. Hussain, Air Commodore Mitty Masood
and Wg. Cdr Mervyn L. Middlecoat, just before the 65 War in Sargodha.

Photo Courtesy : Lesley Ann Middlecoat

Prime Minister Nawabzada Liaquat Ali Khan (back row, first from right), the Shah of Iran (back row, third from right) and Rear Admiral Jefford (next to the Shah on left) with officers of the Royal Pakistan Navy on board the HMS Jhelum in Karachi. HMS Jhelum was a battleship originally named the HMS Narbada. The ship served in the Royal Navy during the First World War and was transferred to Pakistan in 1948 and renamed HMS Jhelum, subsequently becoming PNS Jhelum.

Ex Zarb E Momin


Pakistan troops take over guard duty at Buckingham Palace,England in 1953



A rare photograph
PMA, 1964

The Commandant, Adjutant and Drill SM happen to be from the same unit.





The first defence delegation from Pakistan visiting the US in 1949. On the left of Defence Secretary Iskander Mirza is Maj Gen Ifitikhar, C-in-C designate, who died in an air crash a few months later


General Anthony Clement “Nuts” McAuliffe, Commander of US Forces in Europe, who evaluated Pakistan’s capability to absorb US equipment, witnesses Exercise NOVEMBER HANDICAP. On the right is Miangul Aurangzeb, Guides Cavalry


Maj Gen Hayauddin, Head of Pakistan’s Military Mission, who managed the military assistance program in Washington. On the right is Brig Suleman, Signal Officer-in-Chief, who was on a visit


The first of two F-16As and four F-16B were flown to Sargodha by the six pioneers, with a young Squadron Leader Shahid Lateef (retd as Vice Chief of the Air Staff, PAF) grabbing the media's spotlight by landing the first F-16B (serial# 82602) aircraft. The first unit to re-equip with the F-16 in January 1983 was Sargodha based No. 11 'Arrows' Squadron, which by now was under the command of one of the six pioneers - Wing Commander Shahid Javed.

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