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Pakistan Marines

sir we see in training viedeo they fire AA mistal also.
What is the procedure to join Pakistan marines? Is it the same way to join navy and then transfer to marines or some other procedure.

Explain with details.

What the age requirement .can join after 4 year bachelors.
This force is most likely for the Sir Creek region. Great job!!
The marines should be raised as a corps and under navy command for force projection they should have their own logistics and weapon systems and operate independantly from the army command. They should be based along coastal areas and used inland when required but primary used for force projection and sea operations against the enemy. In a situation where a war with india might occur the corps could attack indian coastline and build a bridge head and draw indian forces towards it to releive pressure on other fronts. It should be made a fast action or re action force.
SSGN are like what US Navy SEALS right?
Maybe you could merge the two and create a marine corps similar to that of the British Royal Marine Commandos.
Actually the PN Marines (ex-SSGN) is a complete branch in itself in the PN. It is equipped with UK Griffon TD-2000 hovercrafts to patrol the creeks. Its weapons include the recently inducted Colt 5.56mm Semi-Auto Rifle. The Marines are also equipped with FPV's and RHIBS for VBSS. The Steyr AUG is still in service, though being phased out slowly from the Marines. They are also equipped with RBS-70, Russian RPG's, HALO and HAHO equipment, depth charges etc. Being relatively a new set-up coming from the SSG, the Marines role is going well in the PN.

Merely wish to point out some facts here for everyones benefit. SSGN and Marines are two separate units within PN. They have no overlap in their operational responsibilities at all. SSGN were conceived and setup in 1967. The Marines were created in 1970 as a precursor to the looming civil war comprising a small batallion of around 300 men. They were taken PoW at the cessation of hostilities, but their numbers were never replenished with a fresh unit following the conclusion of the war in December 1971. This saw the end of the short-lived batallion. The SSGN however were not impacted in any way and continued to operate normally

In 1990 it was decided to re-raise the marines and what we see today is a resiult of that, comprising 4 battalions. The Marines are naval infantry. There never has been nor are there any plans in the remote future to provide the marines with an offensive capability in the same way as SSGN. Their mandate is to provide protection to naval facilities both at shore and at sea. So heavy tanks, landing craft, choppers - all the hallmarks of an organic marine force are nothing more than a vision The recently formed creek batallion is not intended to be an invading force as the lack of equipment levels which they have been provided with would not support such a mission. That is not to say that they could not be sent in, but their primary task woudl be hold any infiltration from the creek borders with India. To that effect, the Marines have been equipped with the already mentioned (in this thread) four hovercraft and four MAB's (Military Assault Boats). The latter were acquired from Thailand and inducted in July 2005. The equipment used by the Marines features the full range available to any of the Pakistani armed services and includes HK MP5, G3, SMG (aka AK-47) & the MG3. In addition the Marines air defence unit is euipped with Mistral MANPADS. Infantry training for the Marines is provided by the Pak Army Sind Regiment at their training ground in Hyderabad. But this role was due to be assumed by the Marines themselves.

The Marines are not however trained in heliborne ops, para jumping (so HAHO and HALO are both out), combat diving etc. These latter activities belong to SSGN. Whereas the marines are expected to undergo infantry oriented training, SSGN undergo the 8 month commando course at Cherat as well as the 8 month SSGN course at Iqbal. The para training for SSGN is conducted in addition to these two courses, as is the HAHO/HALO training. Then there are all the other specialist training eg Anti-terrorist, hostage rescue, VBSS, airborne ops etc which take place over the course of an SSGN's career.


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Lindsy - nice to have u back after quite a gap!
what will be standard weapon for our navy marines and simple army soldier it is now MP 5 and G 3 do we are going for stryer what about bareeta

---------- Post added at 08:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:07 PM ----------

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---------- Post added at 08:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:13 PM ----------

[/COLOR]i think famas is good for our future needs of army and navy
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