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‘Pakistan made a mistake’: Criticism at home over ICJ decision : Pakistani Media

Yes, MK, people get ruled by those whom they deserve. And yes, rulers are but an image of the masses. All true...

But what does this means then...?

Shall we close shop and hand over the keys to the indians just like Mr. Sharif and Mr. Zardari?

Will that end the misery, suffering, injustice, poverty?

What can be done? Please, don't tell me there is no hope. Life can't exist without hope... I thought in your religion hopelessness was forbidden.

What can be done, MK?

Why is there death of outrage in Pak Society? Don't you have any enough high poles?

Do forgive for my outburst...not my style... but this is so blatant, so transparent TREASON...and yet there is no outrage. Why?

Lets assume what you said is right, and nawaz did sold himself (which i have reservations about), but lets asume for the arguement sake. Lets say pakistan hangs the dude and india takes pakistan to UNSC, then you will again have pakistan knocking your doors to save them again. In that case will you like to interfere for the country whose president himself is selling himself at the hands of enemy. One side you have pakistan whose president accordig to you have sold himself, on other side you have india with whom you have positive trade deficit which could take a hit if once again you try to hurt india un-necessarily.
This is a temporary victory. But I have a feeling Pakistan will walk away later even if the case goes against them. My guess is they will keep Yadav for 15 years or more and release him silently during one of ur future peaceful years.
no. either nawaz will die or kalboshan will.
Army, politicoans, nation all want the terrorist hanged.
Any way. ICJ juristriction will be challenged again by Pakistan. Morever ICJ don't have juristriction over Pakistan's security and domestic issues.
india broke 2008 agreemment which mean india will have to visit ICJ altleast 500 times every year to get counselor access to every fisherman, terrorist we catch.
Relax our media is crap and as always ill informed. All these opposition parties are scoring brownie points against current govt. Where were their expert opinions before the verdict ? Where was their advice before may 19. ...did anyone of these politicians raised any concern regarding our lawyer's inexperience.

As far as case is concerned, getting stay order was the easiest part for Indians but to prove him as innocent is the most difficult. Going forward , icj will be bound to look at every video and evidence against Yadav provided by our side and that's where we can shut India for good, provided if we play well.

Also we have an option to dismiss ICJ involvement all together and if India takes the issue to UNSC than China will veto it for sure since commander Yadev was spreading terror against CPEC. Peace in Balochistan is also in China's interest. Any Indian sh*t there is equally threatening for them. Pakistan can blindly trust on China if Indian goes to SC.

If india was in pakistans place we would have outrightly rejected hague's authority to interfere in our internal matters of national security. We did that once successfully in 1990 even after shooting down pakistani plane.

I dont know what made pakistan accept the hagues authority, when they had the choice to reject it. May be lack of international muscle.

Now further down the road pakistan will have to spend its diplomatic resources to convince to ICJ how their military court proceeded in sentencing death verdict was in accordance to the law, and submit the relevance proofs to prove whatever they say has factions of truth in it.

If at all pakistan hangs him, defying ICJ's ruling they will have to spend their resources in UNSC to fight out the relevant sanctions, and then once again they will have to knock on the doors of china to save them once again, for which china will raise eyebrows, and needs to be seen if they are willing to mallign themselves image once again in front of world and india with whom they have positive trade deficit. Surely they will hate to see a wave of campaign by indians to pressure the govt to curb the imports from china, for the this silly hanging of civilian which btw is bilateral affair between india and pakistan.

Lol China will malign itself if they vetoes it ??? Seriously buddy seriously? ???? Do u know how important Balochistan peace is for them when their billions of dollars are in line and your Yadev was doing just what which don't want for an inch. India UNSC move will have written China's veto all over the face man. Letting terrorist like Yadev free and especially of the country whom they don't like much , is intolerable for them as well.
Ah, my brother,

I care not for this ugly terrorist or his foul being... if Pak political class were loyal to Pak State then this could have been played to Pak's advantage... think Kashmir.

There are so many ways that this monsters life could have saved so many Kashmiris' lives...

But Mr. Sharif has not only insulted the 90000 victims of indian terrorism but Mr. Sharif must carry on his soul the burden of future deaths of Kashmiris and Pakistanis...

This is unacceptable.

With all my heart I condemn these sellers of Pak Nation. I know it means zero in reality...but at least I have spoken my belief.

Hell shall never accept those who profit from the flesh of human beings...

Only grief and misery awaits these thieves.. Mr. Sharif, Mr. Zardari and all of those who find themselves in this pyramid of corruption.
All your billions will never confer on you or your offsprings the happiness or joy that a free soul enjoys. Live in your eternal misery, eat the human flesh. Remain condemned!

May the Universe protect Pak.

We must let no opportunity go without condemning these parasites on Pak Nation.
Keep aside NS, investigation of KY terrorism has been done by Army.So it is Pakistani army's credibility which can nail India. Is your army ready for acid test.
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Lanat on Nawaz Shareef, his government and everyone who voted for him. He sold Pakistan for his personal affairs and he's a traitor to the State of Pakistan.
Most pertaining question from an independent point of view - what is the price (judicial, political and any other popular justice) current Pakistani regime needs to pay for sacrificing Pakistan freedom to have own justice system? Now ICJ rule Pakistan and this has far greater consequence for Pakistan.

For india it is not all win, this ICJ ruling set the prescience for Kashmir issue to be tried in ICJ and in international forum.
No body will dare stand up to India regarding Kashmir

Not China
Not ict
Not un

Just like mushraff moans about the world backs India no body listens to weaker smaller Pakistan

Might is always right
Yes, MK, people get ruled by those whom they deserve. And yes, rulers are but an image of the masses. All true...

But what does this means then...?

Shall we close shop and hand over the keys to the indians just like Mr. Sharif and Mr. Zardari?

Will that end the misery, suffering, injustice, poverty?

What can be done? Please, don't tell me there is no hope. Life can't exist without hope... I thought in your religion hopelessness was forbidden.

What can be done, MK?

Why is there death of outrage in Pak Society? Don't you have any enough high poles?

Do forgive for my outburst...not my style... but this is so blatant, so transparent TREASON...and yet there is no outrage. Why?
the truth of the matter is, its our military which pampered and imposed this thug class on the nation ------- either the military go for a political coup or kiss a good bye to their status as an independent institution which also directly affects the sovereignty of Pakistan. Anyways, we are one step away from becoming another Bangladesh.
completely BS report..the case is weak..Pakistan has nothing to present..execution shall go on as usual..
Killing him our jails would be a victory for India. And Pakistan will be the bad guy internationally. Just sayin'.
don't go to international just do it your self,,

But you don't have time to realize the truth

Someone made money as usual... that was the objective.

Currently the Pakistani state has no leadership- the government isn't in charge, the army isn't in charge, the sleauths are confused, the bureaucrats are demoralized or trying to make as much off corruption they can.. Middle men are bribing and making exorbitant amounts left and right , up and down, military and civil servants- all over. Profit margins of 100% average on million dollar contracts.

40% is going rate in Sindh, Punjab is 30-40%- KP is naswar, and Balochistan is everything.CPEC is on average 60% down the drain in corruption but the Chinese will get their money back + flesh based interest no matter what.

The media is running helter skelter between "experts" paid 1000-10000rs depending on topic and seniority + actual experience. In between rooh afza and upcoming ramazan program advertisements.

Finally, Pakistanis are busy sharing facebook posts, whatsapp "agar yeh forward nahin kiya tu sawab kam hoga" messages completely numb to the coming hell.

Hell isnt burning fire taught by the ignorant Mullah, its a state of perpetual decline and suffering.

To the person who referred the legal team(probably a girian or family to some government official) to the people who sold out his 20 year service in 2011 for maybe a million max in a Dubai or London account.. they made their world in their view.

But while they'll get their just desserts because death seeks them in ways the NSA cant imagine, its the rest of those that can read and understand in the 17crore Pakistanis who choose to stand by and not do anything who will really be questioned.
You chose the instagram selfie over talking and organizing a protest, you chose to ignore your power of voice and action. You chose the safety and security of your family now or used it as an excuse for your own internal laziness or apathy.
As did I.

Yadav is a completely irrelevant case in the annals of history and technically insignificant to what India has and can do. Its the mechanism of the state in all of this which is alarming.

Oh well, back to wasting my time at work. Pretending to look busy.
@MastanKhan age has caught upto me .. still, I reckon Ill have periods of nostalgia about my idealism when and if I make it to 50

Here comes waste Guy,

International-ising Jadhav
Ikram Sehgal, May 19, 2017


This was a good week for Pakistan. First Modi made the faux pas of the decade by boycotting the China Summit on the “One Belt One Road (OBOR) initiatives, then India gave us an enormous platform for internationalizing human rights by going to the ICJ over the Kulbushan Jadhav matter. Arrested by security forces while entering Balochistan from Iran last year on March 23, Lt Comd Jadhav, a serving officer of the Indian Navy, admitted in a confessional video that he is an operative of the Indian intelligence agency Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) and that his passport under the pseudonym “Hossein Mubarak Patel” was fabricated for “intelligence gathering”. Admitting Jadhav was a citizen the Indian Foreign Office claimed he had taken “early retirement from the Indian Navy” but was unable to explain away his passport. Before she and her children were whisked away by Indian intelligence agencies Jadhav’s wife confirmed he was due to retire in 2022. His phone calls in Marathi to his family did not go with his assumed identity.

Spies and saboteurs are routinely dealt with a Field General Court Martial (FGCM) under the Pakistan Army Act (PAA) under the Manual of Pakistan Military Law (MPML). Jadhav has the right of appeal to Pakistan’s Supreme Court within 60 days. Every country in the world, including India, has similar statutes and provisions in law. Reacting angrily after the death verdict by a military court, some BJP politicians demanded the Baloch form a government-in-exile and that the Indian govt declare Balochistan ‘an independent state’. Could there be a more blatant example of interference in the internal affairs of another country or inciting its breakup?

While ICJ did not allow Jadhav’s confessional video before a Magistrate that he was tasked by RAW to plan, coordinate and organize espionage and sabotage activities to destabilize Pakistan to be played it is available on the internet. Recruited after the Indian Parliament attack, he ‘contributed his services’ towards information and intelligence gathering within India before RAW tasked him with establishing a small business in Chahbahar in Iran for running a clandestine terror network targetting Pakistan. Answering to Anil Kumar Gupta, the Joint Secretary of RAW, he conducted operations in Balochistan and Karachi training and launching Baloch insurgents to kill or maim Pakistani citizens. Crossing into Pakistan from the Saravan border in Iran on March 3, 2016 during one of his missions he was apprehended. Jadhav is living proof of India using terror as a strategy through its “state actors”. Remember the Tamil Tigers and Prabhakaran in Sri Lanka?

Accusing Pakistan of violating the Vienna Convention, India petitioned ICJ “to take steps to annul the decision of the military court”. Receiving limited international exposure till now the ICJ Jadhav case provides an excellent opportunity for Pakistan to disseminate to a world audience credible evidence about India’s state-sponsored terrorism destabilizing its neighbours. This challenge on the basis of violation of human rights also opens a door of opportunity highlighting the widespread Indian brutalities in Kashmir.

The ICJ’s public hearing on May 15 at “The Hague” first heard India’s observations and thereafter Pakistan’s. Former Solicitor General Harish Salve acted as India’s Counsel while QC Khawar Qureshi represented Pakistan. Pakistan not granting consular access to Jadhav despite many requests was termed by Salve as a violation of the “Vienna Convention on Consular Relations”. He said the trial was conducted without informing Jadhav and legal formalities were not followed, claiming Jadhav’s confession was forcibly extracted and that he was kidnapped from Iran, not arrested in Balochistan. Voicing fears that “Jadhav will be executed before this trial ends”, he requested the court to stay the carrying out of the death sentence.

Queen’s Counsel (QC) Khawar Qureshi said in Pakistan’s response that Jadhav was not eligible for consular access and that India had approached the ICJ in haste. Labeling India’s petition as “time-wasting tactics” he called upon the ICJ to dismiss the petition. Khawar asked if India had accepted Jadhav as its national why they had not provided his birth certificate, Indian passport, etc? India did not provide any evidence to prove Jadhav’s innocence or that he is not an Indian spy. Responding to India’s contention that Jadhav’s trial was in gross violation of the Vienna Convention, Khawar noted that it provisions are not intended to apply to a ‘spy’ involved in terror and espionage activities. Consular access between India and Pakistan is decided solely on the basis of the 2008 bilateral agreement which stipulates such access will be subject to discretion if arrested is made on political and security grounds, such as in Jadhav’s case.

Khawar requested the court to cancel India’s application on three grounds viz there is no urgency, the relief sought by India is manifestly unavailable and the jurisdiction is limited. Pointed out precedents where ICJ decisions were not followed, Paraguay Vs USA, Germany Vs USA and Mexico Vs USA ignored the ICJ verdicts and domestic laws prevailed, Khawar cited the 1999 aerial incident in June 2000 where (based on arguments by India), the ICJ ruled it lacked jurisdiction to adjudicate the dispute brought by Pakistan against India in September 1999 relating to India’s shooting down of an unarmed Pakistan Navy aircraft in Aug 1999. Khawar said it was wholly inappropriate to invoke jurisdiction of this court for purpose of political grandstanding.

On May 10, the Indian media reported the “stay order” by which the ICJ had “restrained Pakistan from Jadhav’s execution”, this proved to be false. Foreign Minister Sushma Swaraj even tweeted that she “has told the spy’s mother about the court stay order”. The ICJ may or may not agree to India’s request for provisional measures but even if it does it would keep its perfidy in the international spotlight.

The Federal Information Ministry’s job is primarily to promote the image of the State and its critical installations, secondly to promote the image of the Government that it serves. Pervez Rasheed’s primary interest was in attacking the Army and Imran Khan, in that order. Leaving the Army alone, Mariam Aurangzeb mostly goes after Imran Khan. She should stick to her primary aim of projecting Pakistan and protecting its institutions, leaving attacking Imran Khan to Danyal Aziz since this well suited and booted gentleman seems to have nothing else better to do in life. India challenge by going to the ICJ inadvertently gives us a unique opportunity of not only internationalizing the Jadhav affair but more importantly opens the door for exposing the murderous violation of human rights in Kashmir.
The writer is a defence and security analyst.


I am not interested reading full Message by title it's self waste

for all Read

the truth of the matter is, its our military which pampered and imposed this thug class on the nation ------- either the military go for a political coup or kiss a good bye to their status as an independent institution which also directly affects the sovereignty of Pakistan. Anyways, we are one step away from becoming another Bangladesh.

Yes, my young brother,

The things we fear most do occur somehow. You are right Pak has almost become BD.

Why doesn't Mr. Sharif just form a confederation with india then... let's get over with it.
He and Mr. Zardari can earn a few quick billions...and indians can finally realise their dream of creating an indian empire from AF hellhole to Burma....

@MastanKhan , my dear friend, pointblank!

I agree with your views. If I had the money, I would give you 100 millions... I don't hence this powerless outrage from my end.

I ask myself...sometimes, aren't there Young Paks in the armed forces...

all of your politicos are creatures of corrupt cloth and mullahs are from even worse stock...

Mr. IK is neither a politician nor a revolutionary. No, offence towards Mr. IK...but facts speak for themselves, just like you to pointed out.

MK this malice can't go on for long now... it is nearing make or break moment soon.
Either way you are looking at nasty outcomes.

I truly fear that your old country is past the Mao Moment.

Mr. Sharif and Mr. Zardari both are looking at the Abyss!

Lost is the Soul which falls into the darnkess of human heart...

I just say those who stolen the happiness, innocence, justice, education and a good future from families and thier children can never find happiness... these eaters of human flesh will meet their fate in this world too.
Most pertaining question from an independent point of view - what is the price (judicial, political and any other popular justice) current Pakistani regime needs to pay for sacrificing Pakistan freedom to have own justice system? Now ICJ rule Pakistan and this has far greater consequence for Pakistan.

For india it is not all win, this ICJ ruling set the prescience for Kashmir issue to be tried in ICJ and in international forum.

Go and Ask in ICJ any way we are not ruling ICJ, or ask Pakistan to hang Jadav who worries, but for hanging Jadav is not easy, they have to pay for that very huge,

Yes, my young brother,

The things we fear most do occur somehow. You are right Pak has almost become BD.

Why doesn't Mr. Sharif just form a confederation with india then... let's get over with it.
He and Mr. Zardari can earn a few quick billions...and indians can finally realise their dream of creating an indian empire from AF hellhole to Burma....

@MastanKhan , my dear friend, pointblank!

I agree with your views. If I had the money, I would give you 100 millions... I don't hence this powerless outrage from my end.

I ask myself...sometimes, aren't there Young Paks in the armed forces...

all of your politicos are creatures of corrupt cloth and mullahs are from even worse stock...

Mr. IK is neither a politician nor a revolutionary. No, offence towards Mr. IK...but facts speak for themselves, just like you to pointed out.

MK this malice can't go on for long now... it is nearing make or break moment soon.
Either way you are looking at nasty outcomes.

I truly fear that your old country is past the Mao Moment.

Mr. Sharif and Mr. Zardari both are looking at the Abyss!

Lost is the Soul which falls into the darnkess of human heart...

I just say those who stolen the happiness, innocence, justice, education and a good future from families and thier children can never find happiness... these eaters of human flesh will meet their fate in this world too.

Your word can work for you but not in India and reset of the world, India is Asian Gaint don't forgot that
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