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Pakistan lends no support to Austria’s anti-nuclear weapons treaty in UN

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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Pakistan lends no support to Austria’s anti-nuclear weapons treaty in UN
By Reuters
Published: April 29, 2015

UNITED NATIONS: Austria on Tuesday called for banning nuclear weapons because of their catastrophic humanitarian effects, an initiative it said now has the backing of 159 countries, however, Pakistan – which possesses nuclear weapons – is not listed as supporter of the initiative.

“The only way to guarantee that nuclear weapons will never be used again is through their total elimination,” Austrian Foreign Minister Sebastian Kurz told the 191 parties to the treaty, the world’s benchmark arms control accord. “All states share the responsibility to prevent the use of nuclear weapons.”

Kurz was speaking at the five-year review conference of the 1970 nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).

Diplomats from the 159 countries supporting the ban, presented ahead of the 70th anniversary of the US atom bombs dropped on Japan, said the initiative was modelled on successful campaigns to ban land mines and other weapons and could take years to move forward.

The initiative has virtually no support among NPT nuclear weapons states and veto-wielding Security Council members – the United States, Britain, France, Russia and China – or the countries of NATO, an alliance that provides a kind of “nuclear umbrella” security guarantee for its members.

But most of the 193 UN members back it.

The five permanent Security Council members signed the NPT as nuclear weapons states, although the pact calls on them to negotiate the reduction and eventual elimination of their arms caches. Non-nuclear states complain that there have been too few steps toward nuclear disarmament.

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif on Monday demanded countries possessing nuclear weapons scrap any plans to modernize their arsenals.

Four other states presumed to have nuclear weapons – Israel, Pakistan, India and North Korea – are not listed as supporters of the initiative.

Iran, accused by Western powers of developing a nuclear weapons capability under cover of a civilian programme, says its programme is peaceful. It is in talks with six world powers to curb sensitive nuclear work in exchange for sanctions relief. Tehran supports the Austrian initiative.

Without any explanation, Zarif, who on Monday spoke on behalf of the Non-Aligned Movement, cancelled a planned speech in his national capacity on Tuesday morning as news broke of Iran’s seizure of a cargo ship in the Gulf.

“Zarif decided that he did not have much to add to the NAM statement he gave on Monday. Hence it was decided not to give a national statement,” a diplomat at the conference told Reuters on condition of anonymity.
Great words ,Kindly start dismantling your weapon`s we will gladly follow after you guys are done with it.
nobody should do it after or before anyone...that's why treaties are put in place, no??
best way to secure global peace is for every country to have nuclear warheads. Thus MAD doctrine will result in no full scale war, only small scale border clashes... a happy nuclear world :).. imagine gaza, yemen, libya, cuba etc all having nukes. Who would dare to attack them?
We will after china start theirs.

China will do after US ,Russia, UK, France and list goes on just little connection we will do when India and Israel both disarm themselves.

Nuclear weapons are over rated.

Brother I wish you were in Naga Saki or Heroshima then you have realized ,these are serious weapon and that's why are called weapon of mass destruction.

We will after china start theirs.
No Chinese member tried to say

World should be nuclear, biological and chemical weapons free. We should point our nuclear weapons at those alien invaders, not each other. :tup:

Waisey world is at balance with every one having one then No US or her allies will try to bomb any one for Oil and anarchy
chalana kise nay hey nahe aur jena haram kiya huwa hey Nuclear Nuclear Nuclear War ka...
I believe we should get rid of them ASAP. World should be nuclear free but unfortunately that can't happen.
B-but if there will be no nuclear weapons how will we nuke India? I am glad we are not signing the treaty.

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