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Pakistan Keen To Purchase F-16 Fleet From Norway: Mukhtar

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5 Million per F-16 I'm wary of such speculative price tag.

$15-18 Million would be realistic by 2015. $600M for 2 squadrons or 36 is too good.

I'm yet to get input from Air Force associated Seniors if 1 squadron of these F-16s dedicated for Electronic Warfare is a good idea.

u mean a wild weasel type of squadron - i dont see PAF inducting a full squadron - 4-6 a/c in a dual-role would suffice.
Both for SEAD missions as well as mission similar to The EA-18G Growler is designated for. Although both will have flight performance similar to that of the regular F-16s squadrons. This attribute that would enables this specific squadron to perform escort jamming as well as the traditional standoff jamming mission. These will be able to accompany other squadrons during all phases of an attack mission.
It would cost approximately between $1.6-1.8 billion therefore 2 squadrons are sufficient.
Very good news yaar so by 2015 will have about 100 f16 Block52along with Jf17 fleet now this is some serious force:pakistan:

Yet another great idea by Paf plz ignore some morons who think it is not a good idea to buy these fighters they just want to look over smart n in my book over smart meaning is moron so shut up you fools :D
Please note that the news is about showing interest in Norwegian F-16s. No deals or negotiations yet.
and in which year Norway getting hands on f-35, i believe it will be pro 2020.

JF17 Thunders
2010 - 25 planes
2011 - 50 planes
2012 - 86 planes (production boost)
2013 - 122 planes (Energy crisis ends in Pakistan and $$ and production goes up)
(Due to the Iran Pakistan gas pipeline)
2014 - 158 planes
2015 - 194 planes
2016 - 230 planes
(Note a little increase in production in 2013 could give us 300 planes no rush but )

2014 - 18 planes FULLY LOADED PAIN
2015 - 36 planes FULLY LOADED PAIN
2016-2017 100 planes (Option)

2010 - 64 planes
2011 - 64 + 18 planes (Planned Options) = 82 planes
2012 Nothing
2014 Nothing
2015 -Get 30 F16 Norway
2016 -Get 30 F16 Norway

Total F16 - 2016 = 142 PLANES

2010 - 181 planes (We do custom Mod Jobs on these birds - now with BVR lol)
150 sealed pack engines bought in 2004 0 - KM

These planes have been updated with radars and other goodies
So if anyone thinks we will not be flying the mirages is kidding themsleves.

Cengdu F-7 Skybolt
2010 - 192 planes (Some of these planes troubled US raptors even in mock combats)

300 - JF17 Thunder 2015
142 - F16 Viper 2016
150 - J10B Dragon 2017
180 Mirages (Phase Out) 2018-2021
192 F7 (Phase Out) 2018-2022

this guy is funny :rofl:
Atleast one F-16 squadron has been disbanded out of a possible five squadron force. They are now flying an all MLU force.

This might mean that they have more F-16's in storage which have not been MLU'ed. At one point they had 70 odd F-16's -- I am sure 24 of them did not crash!

Smaller European Airforces tend to disband squadrons or withdraw aircraft routinlely due to budget constraints.

Just a thought.
Netherlands are in the process of transferring their F16's to Chile
US was asking too much for old F-16s- rumour
Venezuela was looking to get rid of their fleet of 20+ F-16's A/B's
It does not make sense to me personally. PAF is already involved in manfacturing JF17s and involved in R+D of J10. We reduced the F16 order from 36 to 18, although there is talk of acquiring another 14, why go for old F16s. Norway will get f16s in another 5-10 yrs. So when will they disband their fighters and when will we get them. Are we so desperate that we will go for F16s in 2020 when even our own Bl52s will need upgrading.
I think it may be a ploy to make some money somewhere, but i personally think PAF will concentrate on in house development and piggy backing on chinese aviation developments, they will get to their destination with better and newer planes and alsoprobably the same amount of money, although we may well be relying on funds from US for the Norwegian purchase.
It does not make sense to me personally. PAF is already involved in manfacturing JF17s and involved in R+D of J10. We reduced the F16 order from 36 to 18, although there is talk of acquiring another 14, why go for old F16s. Norway will get f16s in another 5-10 yrs. So when will they disband their fighters and when will we get them. Are we so desperate that we will go for F16s in 2020 when even our own Bl52s will need upgrading.
I think it may be a ploy to make some money somewhere, but i personally think PAF will concentrate on in house development and piggy backing on chinese aviation developments, they will get to their destination with better and newer planes and alsoprobably the same amount of money, although we may well be relying on funds from US for the Norwegian purchase.

F-16 MLU 3-4 etc are pretty much the same as block 52+ in terms of technology so PAF is looking for a cost effective solution to full fill the roles of another batch of new F-16s that they originally wanted.
If these F-16s are delivered within 2 years under 5 million dollars unit price I think it may be a good deal along with MLU.
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