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Pakistan – Israel Ties, Relations and Recognition

In 80's Israel has send its jets to destroy Nuclear power-plants.. Israel was all set to destroy the plants but thanks to the Indians that reject israeli idea..

You really need to study history more carefully. India was part of the whole plan to attack Pakistani nuclear facilities. The only reason Israel held back from actually attacking was due to the refusal from Indian side to let the jets land back in India to refuel and extreme pressure and warning from Pakistan.

Noor DahriNoor Dahri is an independent researcher based in London, UK. He has studied Counter Terrorism from International Institute for CounterTerrorism ICT- Herzliya - Israel.

Pakistan is an ideological country, as is the State of Israel. In the 20th century, only two countries emerged on the map of the earth in the name of religion; the Islamic State of Pakistan and the Jewish State of Israel. Both countries have nuclear technology and both have not yet ratified the NPT (Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty). This action shows that both states do not want to restrain their nuclear capability and always want to be seen to be tough for the enemy of the states. Israel and Pakistan never ever wanted their destruction through striking each other and, on many occasions, not only cooperated but divvied up their combined intelligence issues.

According to the report conducted by Azriel Bermant:

“Pakistan is the first Muslim state with a nuclear weapons program, it does not call for Israel’s destruction or sponsor terror attacks against Israel”.

History has shown that Israel never wanted her enemies and constantly desired to hold close and solid links with those nations who still want her destruction. Israel was the first Jewish state to offer peaceful handshake with Pakistan just after her independence. Pakistan and Israel are historical twins and there are many political and religious similarities and coexistence.

Late Pakistani General and Dictator Muhammad Zia –ul-Haq said:

“Pakistan is like Israel, an ideological state, Take out the Judaism from Israel and it will fall like a house of cards. Take Islam out of Pakistan and make it a secular state; it would collapse.”

General Zia –ul-Haq wanted bilateral relations with Israel, and in fact, he established secret intelligence cooperation with Israel over different operations.

Despite the nation of Pakistan, the government of Pakistan does not hate Israel at all because Pakistan accepts the powerful growth and Israeli influence in the world. Pakistan always seeks help and Israeli cooperation whenever it is needed and, on many political matters, Israel unconditionally has helped Pakistan. Israel has always wanted good relations with Pakistan since its birth.

The actual intention of writing this article is to bring to the Pakistani nation the reality that is the State of Israel. Pakistani political leaders, army generals, diplomats, journalists and establishment have always wanted a good relationship with the State of Israel – which is a good outcome but, regrettably, the fear of radical Mullahs or an extremist type nation did not pull in these pillars in order to step forward towards Israel.

Pakistan and the Pakistani nation is branded as a land and country of terrorism by the international community, and now Pakistan has a prime opportunity to shed this label with the help of Israel and to show the world that Pakistan is ready and more capable to nurture and preserve these historical links.

Pakistan could help solve the Palestine issue with the assistance of Israel because Palestine and other Arab countries see Pakistan as a most valuable, dependable and reliable state. Palestine is a political issue instead of a religious one and it could be resolved by political efforts. Pakistan has the ability to solve this more complex matter if it maintains good and equal relations with the State of Israel.

Israel has always called for positive steps to shake hands with Pakistan and Pakistan has also joined forces with Israel in sensitive issues; it turns out that it is in Pakistan’s national interest to go with Israel publicly.

The country of Israel is a reality and as eligible as Pakistan, and the country of Israel is as powerful and nuclear as Pakistan. There are many similarities and common perceptions between both countries, so let’s work together and get the peace regardless of religious belief, race, colour and hatred.

Israel has never been Pakistan’s enemy and has always offered good wishes for Pakistan because Israel knows that Pakistan is a bright reality and she has always welcomed the call from Pakistan. Moreover, good relations with Israel could help Pakistan to improve its shape in the eyes of the international political community.

The Pakistani nation is under horrific influence of extreme Mullah Mafia who do not want its nation to move forward and make good ties with the International community; especially with the State of Israel although Israel never posed any political or security threat to Pakistan.

Pakistan cannot achieve its political goals without the assistance of Israel and Israel is the only country to have a strong influence through her solid political connection in the US politics. Pakistan has succeeded in many political goals with the assistance of the advocated American Jewry in Congress.

According to Pirzada Hasaan Hashmi, a political activist:

“Israel has the strongest lobbying powers in the world. If Israel and Pakistan are on good terms, we can use this lobbying to foster healthy relationships with other countries, because other than Saudi Arabia [and China], no major country supports Pakistan”.

In the era of ex-military chief and former president of Pakistan, Pervez Musharraf, Pakistan had maintained very powerful relations with Israel but it did not go forward due to pressure from Pakistan’s extreme religious parties.

Nowadays, there is one prime similarity between Pakistan and Israel; both countries are at war with Islamic terrorism and they are both fighting the disease of religious extremism which has severely impacted their respective image as well as affects their wider status on the world stage

The Pakistani nation has ascended in the 21st century through social media and there are many people in the nation who have openly demonstrated their support and solidarity with Israel. They are very keen to establish political relations and move beyond the hatred. This more mature population, however, is still in the minority because of religious extremists’ influence in the society of Pakistan, who can tolerate relations with India at some point but who have no word in their religious dictionary to pursue and establish close relations with the Jewish State of Israel.

The people of the country are a tangible power and they can alter the destiny of the country. The people of Pakistan need to step up to the plate and send a strong message to the religious community, challenging and changing its hateful and inciteful behaviour towards non-Muslim states. It needs a revolutionary change in Pakistan which can bring a real Islamic and democratic country. Political Islam has put the country into a catastrophic situation in the world.

The State of Pakistan should take a bold step by not only making close relations with Israel, but also recognising the State of Israel without any religious fear – because recognition of the State of Israel would not harm any religious virtue. Turkey has not only recognised the State of Israel but also has very substantial military and intelligence cooperation with Israel, which has made Turkey a very strong country economically as well as politically in the world.


I don't disagree with the writer but this is written with Israel's perspective.The progressive diplomatic relation with Israel is possible but Pakistan have some issues with Israel in-which major one is to stop building illegal jewish colonies on Palestine land. Pakistan have already said on many international forums that its relations with Israel are directly related to Israel's role with Palestine.
You really need to study history more carefully. India was part of the whole plan to attack Pakistani nuclear facilities. The only reason Israel held back from actually attacking was due to the refusal from Indian side to let the jets land back in India to refuel and extreme pressure and warning from Pakistan.

Such hypothetical plans exisit in theory all the time..Pakistan is the only country which actually engaged successfully in militarily conflict with Israel..the downing of Israeli jets in Syria..
Both Israel and Pakistan were created by the British Empire as part of winding itself up, administratively speaking. Legally, they are both equally valid.

Yes they are both are production of British Colonies and yet they are anything but same. As Pakistan formed on Two Nation Ideology in British colony as in India two major nations lived (Muslims and Hindus) they are living here since many centuries. Wherever there is majority of each of them it will become their own country in which they live in according to their Religion. On the other hand Jews were never in majority in Arab Let alone in Palestine from last several centuries. It was major mismanagement and a severe mistake by Britishs.
I have not read a BS article than this. If there is something that one has to keep in mind is the word Israel. Israel has helped India on many occasions in war times the Israeli air force has fought against PAF from the Indian side. Now Pakistan has the time space and potential to strike back. Israel hited us when we were weak but why should we spare them when we are strong. Israel is going to make it's move under Trump presidency to completely destroy Palestine. Israel is not the example of Pakistan but an example of India. Palestine is the example of Pakistan. the only difference is Pakistan came into being and Palestine never got it's freedom. Israel is doing the same with Palestine that India tried with us. They are trying to isolate it. David Ben-Gurion the founder of Israel warned them that Pakistan will always be their enemy if Israel remembers that we should also remember that.
You really need to study history more carefully. India was part of the whole plan to attack Pakistani nuclear facilities. The only reason Israel held back from actually attacking was due to the refusal from Indian side to let the jets land back in India to refuel and extreme pressure and warning from Pakistan.
what it make difference.. at the end India back off from the plan..

Noor DahriNoor Dahri is an independent researcher based in London, UK. He has studied Counter Terrorism from International Institute for CounterTerrorism ICT- Herzliya - Israel.

Pakistan is an ideological country, as is the State of Israel. In the 20th century, only two countries emerged on the map of the earth in the name of religion; the Islamic State of Pakistan and the Jewish State of Israel. Both countries have nuclear technology and both have not yet ratified the NPT (Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty). This action shows that both states do not want to restrain their nuclear capability and always want to be seen to be tough for the enemy of the states. Israel and Pakistan never ever wanted their destruction through striking each other and, on many occasions, not only cooperated but divvied up their combined intelligence issues.

According to the report conducted by Azriel Bermant:

“Pakistan is the first Muslim state with a nuclear weapons program, it does not call for Israel’s destruction or sponsor terror attacks against Israel”.

History has shown that Israel never wanted her enemies and constantly desired to hold close and solid links with those nations who still want her destruction. Israel was the first Jewish state to offer peaceful handshake with Pakistan just after her independence. Pakistan and Israel are historical twins and there are many political and religious similarities and coexistence.

Late Pakistani General and Dictator Muhammad Zia –ul-Haq said:

“Pakistan is like Israel, an ideological state, Take out the Judaism from Israel and it will fall like a house of cards. Take Islam out of Pakistan and make it a secular state; it would collapse.”

General Zia –ul-Haq wanted bilateral relations with Israel, and in fact, he established secret intelligence cooperation with Israel over different operations.

Despite the nation of Pakistan, the government of Pakistan does not hate Israel at all because Pakistan accepts the powerful growth and Israeli influence in the world. Pakistan always seeks help and Israeli cooperation whenever it is needed and, on many political matters, Israel unconditionally has helped Pakistan. Israel has always wanted good relations with Pakistan since its birth.

The actual intention of writing this article is to bring to the Pakistani nation the reality that is the State of Israel. Pakistani political leaders, army generals, diplomats, journalists and establishment have always wanted a good relationship with the State of Israel – which is a good outcome but, regrettably, the fear of radical Mullahs or an extremist type nation did not pull in these pillars in order to step forward towards Israel.

Pakistan and the Pakistani nation is branded as a land and country of terrorism by the international community, and now Pakistan has a prime opportunity to shed this label with the help of Israel and to show the world that Pakistan is ready and more capable to nurture and preserve these historical links.

Pakistan could help solve the Palestine issue with the assistance of Israel because Palestine and other Arab countries see Pakistan as a most valuable, dependable and reliable state. Palestine is a political issue instead of a religious one and it could be resolved by political efforts. Pakistan has the ability to solve this more complex matter if it maintains good and equal relations with the State of Israel.

Israel has always called for positive steps to shake hands with Pakistan and Pakistan has also joined forces with Israel in sensitive issues; it turns out that it is in Pakistan’s national interest to go with Israel publicly.

The country of Israel is a reality and as eligible as Pakistan, and the country of Israel is as powerful and nuclear as Pakistan. There are many similarities and common perceptions between both countries, so let’s work together and get the peace regardless of religious belief, race, colour and hatred.

Israel has never been Pakistan’s enemy and has always offered good wishes for Pakistan because Israel knows that Pakistan is a bright reality and she has always welcomed the call from Pakistan. Moreover, good relations with Israel could help Pakistan to improve its shape in the eyes of the international political community.

The Pakistani nation is under horrific influence of extreme Mullah Mafia who do not want its nation to move forward and make good ties with the International community; especially with the State of Israel although Israel never posed any political or security threat to Pakistan.

Pakistan cannot achieve its political goals without the assistance of Israel and Israel is the only country to have a strong influence through her solid political connection in the US politics. Pakistan has succeeded in many political goals with the assistance of the advocated American Jewry in Congress.

According to Pirzada Hasaan Hashmi, a political activist:

“Israel has the strongest lobbying powers in the world. If Israel and Pakistan are on good terms, we can use this lobbying to foster healthy relationships with other countries, because other than Saudi Arabia [and China], no major country supports Pakistan”.

In the era of ex-military chief and former president of Pakistan, Pervez Musharraf, Pakistan had maintained very powerful relations with Israel but it did not go forward due to pressure from Pakistan’s extreme religious parties.

Nowadays, there is one prime similarity between Pakistan and Israel; both countries are at war with Islamic terrorism and they are both fighting the disease of religious extremism which has severely impacted their respective image as well as affects their wider status on the world stage

The Pakistani nation has ascended in the 21st century through social media and there are many people in the nation who have openly demonstrated their support and solidarity with Israel. They are very keen to establish political relations and move beyond the hatred. This more mature population, however, is still in the minority because of religious extremists’ influence in the society of Pakistan, who can tolerate relations with India at some point but who have no word in their religious dictionary to pursue and establish close relations with the Jewish State of Israel.

The people of the country are a tangible power and they can alter the destiny of the country. The people of Pakistan need to step up to the plate and send a strong message to the religious community, challenging and changing its hateful and inciteful behaviour towards non-Muslim states. It needs a revolutionary change in Pakistan which can bring a real Islamic and democratic country. Political Islam has put the country into a catastrophic situation in the world.

The State of Pakistan should take a bold step by not only making close relations with Israel, but also recognising the State of Israel without any religious fear – because recognition of the State of Israel would not harm any religious virtue. Turkey has not only recognised the State of Israel but also has very substantial military and intelligence cooperation with Israel, which has made Turkey a very strong country economically as well as politically in the world.


The writer of this article, whoever it is, is completely blind, lacking facts and seems to have been paid a substantial amount of shekel by the Zionists to write such claptrap!

The illegal Zionist state is nothing short of deceptive and evil in its nature. It's nothing short of cancerous illegal entity in the Middle East and spreading its disease all around - a mischief maker at best. The writer has either deliberately omitted certain facts or more precisely does not know what he is writing about as his 'facts' have no truth or bearing on any present day ground realities. The truth and facts are that the illegal Zionist state is a danger to Pakistan and the Muslim ummah at large.

The writer ought to have researched some facts and expressed and highlighted some of them in this piece of drivel. He has clearly failed to state exactly what the illegal Zionist state stands for - a murderous entity, grabbing land of those who are the legitimate owners. This is piece is a nonesensical article, it just depicts how desperate he and his funders are, and it's nothing short of mockery of all things Pakistan and Islam.

To expound my point, the following is a hate speech by David Ben Gurion, a Zionist extremist - not a Jew, and nothing to do with Judaism - in which he said:

“The world Zionist movement should not be neglectful of the dangers of Pakistan to it. And Pakistan now should be its first target, for this ideological State is a threat to our existence. And Pakistan, the whole of it, hates the Jews and loves the Arabs. “This lover of the Arabs is more dangerous to us than the Arabs themselves. For that matter, it is most essential for the world Zionism that it should now take immediate steps against Pakistan. “Whereas the inhabitants of the Indian peninsula are Hindus whose hearts have been full of hatred towards Muslims, therefore, India is the most important base for us to work there from against Pakistan. “It is essential that we exploit this base and strike and crush Pakistanis, enemies of Jews and Zionism, by all disguised and secret plans.”
***David Ben Gurion - DBG - the first Israeli Prime Minister.His words, as printed in the Jewish Chronicle,9 August 1967***

One thing is for sure, all Zionists to this day have denied the authenticity of this statement made by DBG and claim otherwise. It is clear in the kitabullah - that these people we can never be taken as friends and we should follow ALLAH AoJ and His and our beloved Rasuul SW, for truely our complete success and gains lie with our Creator and the best of creation Muhammad SW, not with the whims and desires of a few misaligned disjointed thinkers who've clearly lost their true path and ideology.

We know our path and they are aware of theirs, and never the twain shall meet until the descent of Isa AS and Imãm Mehdi's arrival - and we know what will take place then, inshaALLAH!

Pakistan/Palestine Zindabãd, Paendabãd.
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what it make difference.. at the end India back off from the plan..
Seriously If Israel or India thinks that they attack a single and that they can shut Pakistan's Nuclear development, I am seriously shocked at the RAW and MOSSAD because Pakistan has Multiple Nuclear plants and The rate at which Pakistan is producing Nukes it will by pass France in 2020. They cannot stop Pakistan. It would have been stupid of them to attack any plant in Pakistan because a strike on a nuclear facility cannot derail Pakistan's nuclear program. It will hardly have any effects and instead they will lose jets over Pakistani air space.
The illegal Zionist state is nothing short of deceptive and evil in its nature. It's nothing short of cancerous illegal entity in the Middle East and spreading its disease all around - a mischief maker at best.
Are you sure you're not talking about Iran?

“The world Zionist movement should not be neglectful of the dangers of Pakistan...." One thing is for sure, all Zionists to this day have denied the authenticity of this statement made by DBG -
Sure it's phony, exposed many years ago and acknowledged as such by Pakistan's generals: link.

You are confusing what facts are with what you want them to be to craft hatred against Jews who are innocent of the intentions you attach to them; the people of Pakistan are your intended victims, as you seek to inflame them from peace to conflict. This is not healthy for Pakistan at all:

...The reason we need to desist from the tendency to believe in conspiracy theories is that they exonerate leaders, government servants and decision-makers actually responsible for running state affairs...Blaming external forces for all the ills this country is plagued with, shields inefficient leaders. ...Instead of formulating conspiracy theories, we must look into ourselves and see what we have done wrong — and learn from those mistakes.

So perhaps the very best reason for Pakistan recognizing Israel and opening up friendly diplomatic relations with it is that it will serve as a kind of knife to excise all this conspiracy cr*p from Pakistanis' minds, with.better governance as the result.
Seriously If Israel or India thinks that they attack a single and that they can shut Pakistan's Nuclear development, I am seriously shocked at the RAW and MOSSAD because Pakistan has Multiple Nuclear plants and The rate at which Pakistan is producing Nukes it will by pass France in 2020. They cannot stop Pakistan. It would have been stupid of them to attack any plant in Pakistan because a strike on a nuclear facility cannot derail Pakistan's nuclear program. It will hardly have any effects and instead they will lose jets over Pakistani air space.
israel plan to attack Kahuta after Osirak attack in Iraq in early 80's. and at first india was ready to give israel military bases to israel to attack on Kahuta. but CIA intervened and informed Zia about the Plan and the later Zia inform indian prime minister that if there would be any attack on Kahuta we will destroy indian nuclear plant in mumbai..

Pakistan Nuclear chief Munir ahmad had also informed indian counter part about consequences after attack on Kahuta.
Why? If any other Muslim Country is having relations with Israel then why is it must for us to have it too?
We took a stand on Palestine...If Israel gave Palestine's their land,and recognize it as a country and respect its sovereignty...We will happily recognize Israel...!

Ya Muslims gave up! Believe cant defeat Zionist Nation planing to conquer till Medina.
recognize Israel means we surrender. Have some hope Brother have some HOPE.
israel plan to attack Kahuta after Osirak attack in Iraq in early 80's. and at first india was ready to give israel military bases to israel to attack on Kahuta. but CIA intervened and informed Zia about the Plan and the later Zia inform indian prime minister that if there would be any attack on Kahuta we will destroy indian nuclear plant in mumbai..

Pakistan Nuclear chief Munir ahmad had also informed indian counter part about consequences after attack on Kahuta.
1. CIA has no interest in saving Pakistan's Nukes.
2. Israel has to fly and land both in India to attack Pakistan's Nuclear facilities they cannot do it from the Israel the distance is too much
3. All the Nuclear facilities are located well with in the center of Pakistan making Back would have been difficult as Pakistan had modified the FIM-92 stinger and the modified version at that time was a deadly weapon.
4. CIA stopped Israel and India from getting hurt it never saved Pakistani nukes Please read the paragraph highlighted in the Image


Ya Muslims gave up! Believe cant defeat Zionist Nation planing to conquer till Medina.
recognize Israel means we surrender. Have some hope Brother have some HOPE.
What hope man, we have a working plan for Israel's doom. Please get over the idea that Pakistan is like Jordan or Saudia or Egypt that can't live without Jews. We have and will put a cork in Israeli ***.
Are you sure you're not talking about Iran?

Sure it's phony, exposed many years ago and acknowledged as such by Pakistan's generals: link.

You are confusing what facts are with what you want them to be to craft hatred against Jews who are innocent of the intentions you attach to them; the people of Pakistan are your intended victims, as you seek to inflame them from peace to conflict. This is not healthy for Pakistan at all:

...The reason we need to desist from the tendency to believe in conspiracy theories is that they exonerate leaders, government servants and decision-makers actually responsible for running state affairs...Blaming external forces for all the ills this country is plagued with, shields inefficient leaders. ...Instead of formulating conspiracy theories, we must look into ourselves and see what we have done wrong — and learn from those mistakes.

So perhaps the very best reason for Pakistan recognizing Israel and opening up friendly diplomatic relations with it is that it will serve as a kind of knife to excise all this conspiracy cr*p from Pakistanis' minds, with.better governance as the result.
Looks like it works now.
What hope man, we have a working plan for Israel's doom. Please get over the idea that Pakistan is like Jordan or Saudia or Egypt that can't live without Jews. We have and will put a cork in Israeli ***.

Finally Someone is Alive, its nice to see someone is having courage and hope. This is what makes Pakistan unique.

As you can see, Pakistan is a respectable sovereign country that never recognized that child killer regime. unlike Gulf monarchies
Hails to Pakistan.
Never compare it to a lap dog.
Huh shame on the Muslim countries which recognized Israel as an state, forever loser monkeys:
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Every Muslim nation had fallen till its knees against Zionist nation, Only Iran and Pakistan are remaining and trust me we must co-operate if we want to stay protected!.
You are confusing what facts are with what you want them to be to craft hatred against Jews who are innocent of the intentions you attach to them; the people of Pakistan are your intended victims, as you seek to inflame them from peace to conflict. This is not healthy for Pakistan at all:

...The reason we need to desist from the tendency to believe in conspiracy theories is that they exonerate leaders, government servants and decision-makers actually responsible for running state affairs...Blaming external forces for all the ills this country is plagued with, shields inefficient leaders. ...Instead of formulating conspiracy theories, we must look into ourselves and see what we have done wrong — and learn from those mistakes.

So perhaps the very best reason for Pakistan recognizing Israel and opening up friendly diplomatic relations with it is that it will serve as a kind of knife to excise all this conspiracy cr*p from Pakistanis' minds, with.better governance as the result.
Let me explain you something my dear friend it is not the words of hate which I am writing but the actual situation on ground. Pakistan evolved as a religious ideology and the very frame work of Pakistan and the intend of it's existence is to demolish Israel. We don't say it like Iran. We don't make threats like Iran but you know what is the difference between Pakistan and Iran is Pakistan acts first and thinks later. We in Pakistan don't need low yield tactical nuke for India, India is a big country and to hit India we need high yield nukes but Pakistan has more low yield nukes than it has high yield nukes. We don't need babur 3 for India, Shaheen III is enough to cover every inch of India, We don't need Submarines for India China can do the marine job against India for us. Pakistan and India will never ever got to war in future it is a mutually assured destruction for both but in the coming times we will attack and fight a full fledged war against Israel if it even thinks to touch Palestine. Israeli means less to us and Palestine is our heart. Jerusalem is in the soul of every Pakistani. The very idea we were created is to fight Gazwa-e-Hind and fulfill the Prophecy that there will be a force that will come from east and raise the Islamic flag on the Holy Land. Stay in peace with Palestine don't be greedy and don't give us a reason to attack you trust me we will never attack but if there is a reason we will never hold back. These words are not hate against Jews but love for Palestine. If Israel has a right to existence that Palestine also has a right to existence. We will never compromise on Kashmir or Palestine. hope you understand we don't want to fight Israel but we will always defend Palestine.
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