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Pakistan – Israel Ties, Relations and Recognition

This thread is full of reasons and arguments why you should change your stance. Your idea of Israel as Pakistan's opponent is a wavering, fever-induced mirage; drink from the well of truth and you may discover a friend where before you imagined an enemy.
I never imagine a Jew as an enemy until he has not acted as one. I consider my self as Muslim of Iran, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Chechnya, Somalia, Azerbaijan, Indonesia it is you who has to decide who am I to you and have ever acted as my enemy, I will only reply you in the language you will speak to me. Like Newton said every action has an equal and opposite reaction. This is a good theory it help in negotiation and also in war to make a missile fly.
Such hypothetical plans exisit in theory all the time..Pakistan is the only country which actually engaged successfully in militarily conflict with Israel..the downing of Israeli jets in Syria..
That just made Pakistan join the list of losers in the wars.
It is the end score which counts.
So the Israelis who don't act as enemies are your enemy?
If you are hurting Palestinians you are my enemy, If you are not then you are my friend it is very simple. I am an enemy for an enemy and a friend for a friend you have to decide who you are.
That just made Pakistan join the list of losers in the wars.
It is the end score which counts.

List of losers in wars like how hizbullah made the israeli markava tank a turkey shootout!!!

Gods chariot blown to pieces by outdated russian rockets...sheesh
If you are hurting Palestinians you are my enemy, If you are not then you are my friend it is very simple.
We've been through this on the previous page: if you choose to embrace lies then you're not out to embrace justice. You're choosing sides based upon identity, not deeds in context.

There's no justice in blaming someone for acts they didn't do or are not responsible for, while excusing someone else for the acts they did do and are responsible for.
We've been through this on the previous page: if you choose to embrace lies then you're not out to embrace justice. You're choosing sides based upon identity, not deeds in context.

There's no justice in blaming someone for acts they didn't do or are not responsible for, while excusing someone else for the acts they did do and are responsible for.
I am not choosing sides. I am not deciding who to support. I am Pakistan and I am Palestine. There is only one solution for peace keep one half of Jerusalem give one half of Jerusalem divide the rest of land according to percentage of the population of both parties Jews, Muslims and Christian and Let the Christians decide if they want to go with Jews or Muslims. Nothing less Nothing more.
Both countries were created by the legal entity with recognized administrative authority over both regions - the British Empire.
Was there ever a legal transfer of power between Britain to Israel when (Imposter) Israel came into being?
Yes they are both are production of British Colonies and yet they are anything but same. As Pakistan formed on Two Nation Ideology in British colony as in India two major nations lived (Muslims and Hindus) they are living here since many centuries. Wherever there is majority of each of them it will become their own country in which they live in according to their Religion. On the other hand Jews were never in majority in Arab Let alone in Palestine from last several centuries. It was major mismanagement and a severe mistake by Britishs.
Oh, it was everything but a mistake!
Was there ever a legal transfer of power between Britain to Israel when (Imposter) Israel came into being?
From the Jewish Virtual Library:

The Mandate system was instituted by the League of Nations in the early 20th century to administer non-self-governing territories. The mandatory power, appointed by an international body, was to consider the mandated territory a temporary trust and to see to the well-being and advancement of its population.

In July 1922, the League of Nations entrusted Great Britain with the Mandate for Palestine. Recognizing "the historical connection of the Jewish people with Palestine," Great Britain was called upon to facilitate the establishment of a Jewish national home in Palestine-Eretz Israel (Land of Israel). Shortly afterwards, in September 1922, the League of Nations and Great Britain decided that the provisions for setting up a Jewish national home would not apply to the area east of the Jordan River, which constituted three-fourths of the territory included in the Mandate and which eventually became the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

The British Mandate authorities granted the Jewish and Arab communities the right to run their internal affairs; thus the yishuv established the Elected Assembly and the National Council. The economy expanded, a Hebrew education network was organized and cultural life flourished.

The Mandatory government did not succeed in maintaining the letter and spirit of the Mandate. Under Arab pressure, it withdrew from its commitment, especially with respect to immigration and land acquisition. The White Papers of 1930 and 1939 restricted immigration and acquisition of land by Jews. Later, immigration was limited by the 1930 and 1939 White Papers, and land acquisition by Jews was severely restricted by the 1940 Land Transfer Regulations.

After the UN General Assembly adopted the resolution to partition Palestine on November 29, 1947, Britain announced the termination of its Mandate over Palestine, to take effect on May 15, 1948. On May 14, 1948, the State of Israel was proclaimed.
Zionist Jews are very devious. Just like the one above.
Be careful.

They've been caught red handed trying to get rid of British MPs in an Al-Jazeera sting. Thankfully many are waking up to their devious nature.....but we have a long way to go.
Zionist Jews are very devious. Just like the one above.
Be careful.
Tell me what I did that was underhanded, please.

I am not choosing sides. I am not deciding who to support. I am Pakistan and I am Palestine -
See the mind-twisting you have to do to hold onto jew-hatred and anti-Zionism? It damages logic and lives far beyond the Israel sphere, for why should Pakistanis invest themselves in a conflict far away when there are so many problems at home and doesn't BHarwana show that violence to solve them can be justified? Pakistan recognizing Israel will therefore cut down on the impulse to solve political problems with violence.
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