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Pakistan isn’t banana republic, it’s absurdistan

How close is this article to the reality in Pakistan (and probably to PDF too)?


Borrowing from Chomsky
Ashraf Jehangir Qazi November 08, 2017

PAKISTAN was greeted by its people with joy and hope despite the awful accompaniment of mass atrocities and slaughter. The country had little. But the Pakistan Dream sustained it despite early signs of troubles to come. Those troubles came and determined the shape of Pakistan today.

Hope has been replaced by resignation and speculation. Corruption is accepted as a norm, and when successfully practised by persons elected to high offices of public trust, it is respected as a symbol of power, privilege and patronage.
Everybody loves a winner! Losers are fascinated and seduced by the possibilities of sharing in the patronage. Expectations are minimised. Electoral victories are assured except for the risk of losing to ‘friendly opposition’. Critics can let off steam as long as they don’t disturb the furniture and wake up the people.

In 1776, Adam Smith observed that the principal architects of policy make sure their own interests are very well cared for, however grievous the impact on the people. They follow the “vile maxim” of “all for ourselves and nothing for anyone else”. Almost 250 years later, our democratically elected political businessmen fit this description perfectly. They are bewildered and deeply offended by the injustice of being politically embarrassed just because of massive corruption.

A recent film, Requiem for the American Dream, based on Noam Chomsky’s 10 principles of the concentration of wealth and power unintentionally and unsurprisingly describes much of the political reality in Pakistan. America under Trump and contemporary Pakistan share a number of political features: fake news, lying leaders, the rise of the generals, the rule of the rich, basic ignorance of complex issues, bombast in place of governance, primitive political discourse, dysfunctional legislatures, contempt for the rule of law, dangerous posturing, etc.

I have accordingly broadly applied Chomsky’s 10 principles to the current situation in Pakistan:

(i) Reducing democracy in order to control the people. A corporate capitalist economic model is more compatible with feudal attitudes and authoritarian structures than with democratic and participatory processes. A security state more or less wholly concerned with enemies, emergencies and wars on terror tends to subordinate human and political rights to state (elite) interests. The containment of ‘excessive’ democracy must continue in the name of strengthening democracy.

(ii) Shaping the ideology by interpreting religion and patriotism in a way that disguises and serves the interests of the elite instead of the people. The media and the education system are required to play key roles in building and selling appropriate narratives for this purpose.

(iii) Redesigning the economy to equate growth and development with increasing inequality, impoverishment and insecurity which are the inevitable consequences of a predatory concentration of wealth. The small but vibrant middle class helps disguise the depth of mass poverty.

(iv) Shifting the burden of supporting a class-based economy from the rich to the middle and poorer classes requires predominantly indirect taxation, tax exemptions, loan write-offs, inflationary financing, debts to pay off debts, disproportionate defence expenditures; building infrastructure without human resource development, pervasive corruption and an undocumented black economy which sustains an impoverished underclass;

(v) Attacking solidarity. Speaking truth to power threatens no one. Speaking truth to each other, however, threatens elite structures and interests with an informed citizenry aware of its power against those who exploit it. Any people’s movement is, accordingly, intolerable and must be co-opted, isolated or neutralised. In particular, education needs to be controlled and limited through conservative, religious and elite supervision;

(vi) Run the regulators. Those institutions that are required to protect consumers and the people against fraud and injustice need to be ‘captured’ so that elite interests are protected against the entitlements and encroachments of the people, including common consumers. The Welfare State must be limited to being a Nanny State to nurture the rich under the guise of a Security State. This requires controlling legislation, undermining the law and influencing, intimidating and ignoring the courts. It also requires a significant percentage of Pakistan’s elected legislators, both provincial and federal, to become dollar millionaires to pay for their electoral expenses — past, present and future — in return for serving elite and corrupt interests in the name of parliamentary democracy.

(vii) Engineering elections. Pakistan can teach the world. Concentration of wealth means concentration of power. This facilitates control over election officials, the costs of vote buying and defraying the expenses of constant electoral theatre over several months in which personalities instead of issues are discussed. Narratives and slogans help to eliminate scrutiny of mandates and candidates.

(viii) Keeping the rabble in line. Organised labour and socialist political thought, with all their shortcomings, are still one of the true advocates and guarantors of the people’s interests. They need to be discredited as secular inventions against divine injunctions in support of private property. As long as the people are kept ignorant of their power they can be controlled, deceived, divided and co-opted into various elite vote banks against their own interests;

(ix) Consent is manufactured through the removal of hope for redress and the use of overwhelming narratives and state force against ‘disturbers of the peace’. This is the essence of ‘maintaining law and order’. The assistance of a complicit media, hired intellectuals, the deep state and criminally perverted politics is indispensable, and

(x) Marginalising the people by ensuring that their representatives do not represent them, public opinion does not determine public policy, and the public relations industry distracts public attention from what is happening on a daily basis to the overwhelming majority of Pakistanis. Inculcating an other-worldly piety and philosophy among the people can also reconcile them to being victims in this world. In particular, it is important to ensure that reason, enlightened self-interest and a driving mutual compassion never inform the political thinking of the people.

Chomsky is not a cynic. Nor is he a pessimist. He is a sage who knows honest hope requires knowing reality, relentless struggle, and optimism regarding the eventual triumph of the public good over its many enemies.

The writer is a former ambassador to the US, India and China and head of UN missions in Iraq and Sudan.



Published in Dawn, November 8th, 2017
The brazenness with which such illegalities continue is utterly shameless:


Meddling in politics
Editorial November 14, 2017

WHAT was widely speculated has been confirmed by one of the protagonists himself.

Mustafa Kamal, once MQM mayor of Karachi and now furious critic of his former party, has admitted that the security establishment brokered the already-frayed alliance between his PSP and the MQM-P.

The episode is only one of several in recent days that suggest political engineering of the electoral landscape is once again being taken up in earnest.

Put bluntly, it amounts to a form of pre-poll rigging to manipulate and undermine the democratic process.

Unhappily, not only does it appear that anti-democratic elements in the state believe that meddling in the democratic process is necessary, but that sections of the political class, too, are welcoming this interference with enthusiasm.

Nearly a decade since the latest transition to democracy began, the democratic project is arguably being weakened in fundamental ways. The upshot for democracy in the country is surely bleak.

Perhaps the most dispiriting aspect of the latest round of political engineering unleashed in various parts of the country is how many elements from across the political spectrum are willing to participate in the undermining of democracy and how unapologetic figures such as Mr Kamal are about behind-the-scenes efforts to boost their electoral and political prospects.

It is possible that the silence of mainstream political parties is encouraging the audacious interventions in the democratic arena. The PML-N and PPP — the parties that led the last two elected governments in the country — appear unable to mount even a weak defence of the democratic order at the moment.

Some ministers from the PML-N have indirectly referenced the Karachi machinations while a few outspoken PPP leaders have bemoaned political interference; but the collective response amounts to a tacit acceptance of the political engineering under way.

And while fear may be preventing mainstream political leaders from speaking out against the artificial, new ultra right-wing groupings that are materialising, these politicians ought to know that silence will only embolden these sections to the detriment of all Pakistanis.

What is also striking about the latest round of political engineering in process in various parts of the country is that there is no attempt made to conceal the machinations and no denials coming forth.

Once upon a time, during the tenure of former army chief retired Gen Jehangir Karamat, there was at least an attempt to distance the security establishment from politics. And during several suspicious episodes over the past decade, at least denials of interference have been issued.

Certainly, with a general election on the horizon and the leadership of the largest political party in the country, the PML-N, embroiled in conflicts with the state and inside the party, there has been space created for anti-democratic interference.

But the perpetrators of that interference ought to realise that undemocratic politics has failed in the past and will fail in the future.

Published in Dawn, November 14th, 2017
Another patent absurdity:


No trace of the missing
Editorial Updated November 15, 2017

MISSING persons continue to remain undocumented and missing — and it appears that the courts and parliament are powerless to do anything about this terrible blot on Pakistan’s human rights record.

On Monday, seemingly helpless representatives of the federal and KP governments appeared in the Supreme Court empty-handed; they had been required by a special bench to present basic data on the country’s 45 declared internment centres.

The information that had been demanded included up-to-date lists of detainees, the offences they have been charged with, whether or not they had faced trial and the length of their incarceration — in sum, the bare minimum information the state should have for any individual in its custody.

But the court simply gave the representatives another fortnight to produce the data.

Meanwhile, following a meeting of the Senate Committee on Human Rights, Senator Farhatullah Babar has called for setting up a new commission on enforced disappearances because the existing one has failed to produce results and to publish a six-year-old report on missing persons.

Taken together, the events suggest a defiance of the law by some elements within the state and an abdication of duty by other parts of the state to ensure that citizens have their rights and institutions act according to the law.

What is particularly dispiriting is that despite the passage of several years and facilitation by the law, the state appears unwilling to take a reasonable position on the issue.

The first military operations in the country are now more than a decade old, while the Action in Aid of Civil Power Regulations, 2011, provided a legal framework to bring missing persons within the ambit of the law.

Surely, by now a reasonable solution to what is admittedly a vexing problem ought to have been found.

The only reasonable conclusion to be drawn at this stage, however, is that there are some state elements that reject the notion that accountability and transparency ought to apply to at least some security issues.

The public, the courts, parliament, the governments and, indeed, the families of the suspects, simply have to trust the judgement of nameless and faceless figures wielding great power over the lives of alleged terrorism, militancy and extremism suspects.

Certainly, the long fight against militancy calls for special measures and greater flexibility in dealing with an internal threat that is shadowy and evolving.

But the state’s duty is to progressively bring its actions within the ambit of the law — that is what separates the justness of the fight by the state from the terrorists, militants and extremists who seek to inflict harm on the country and its people.

Today, there is no justification for defiance of the law, just as there is no rationale for the continuing phenomenon of missing persons.

Published in Dawn, November 15th, 2017
You have got to be kidding me

So what is the justification to defy the law and make Pakistani citizens "disappear" in their own country? To claim that the answer is "security" makes a mockery of the rule of law, and contradicts itself by taking away the right of citizens to be secure in their persons in the name of security.
So what is the justification to defy the law and make Pakistani citizens "disappear" in their own country? To claim that the answer is "security" makes a mockery of the rule of law, and contradicts itself by taking away the right of citizens to be secure in their persons in the name of security.

there is no justification just like there is no justification that the country is being projected as a lawless jungle by the government who continues to give full protocol to people with corruption charges and makes core issues a war of attrition between the institutions.
there is no justification just like there is no justification that the country is being projected as a lawless jungle by the government who continues to give full protocol to people with corruption charges and makes core issues a war of attrition between the institutions.

Except the country does appear to be a lawless jungle based on plenty of evidence on record and in plain view.
Except the country does appear to be a lawless jungle based on plenty of evidence on record and in plain view.

it is a controlled loot by the politicians who simply play the blame game while working together behind the scenes.
the public realizes it but are helpless since the law is only applicable to them.

so watcha gonna do

as long as there is potential to loot and store outside this will continue... that is why i have high hopes once bankruptcy looms they will bolt and leave the people alone and that would be quite nice
it is a controlled loot by the politicians who simply play the blame game while working together behind the scenes.
the public realizes it but are helpless since the law is only applicable to them.

so watcha gonna do

as long as there is potential to loot and store outside this will continue... that is why i have high hopes once bankruptcy looms they will bolt and leave the people alone and that would be quite nice

All one can do is observe and bear witness - honestly and fairly. It is not the politicians to blame only, if truth is to be told. Or we can pretend that all is well with other institutions.
All one can do is observe and bear witness - honestly and fairly. It is not the politicians to blame only, if truth is to be told. Or we can pretend that all is well with other institutions.

the public should first hold the politicians responsible. the politicians can hold the other institutions responsible since they are under their watch...

the public can only vent out their frustrations in a democratic way i.e. if you are a voter and voted for a candidate you can ask him what has she/he delivered during his tenure and i am sure a seasoned politician will survive the bout with the public who are gullible as an average Mormon
the public should first hold the politicians responsible. the politicians can hold the other institutions responsible since they are under their watch...

the public can only vent out their frustrations in a democratic way i.e. if you are a voter and voted for a candidate you can ask him what has she/he delivered during his tenure and i am sure a seasoned politician will survive the bout with the public who are gullible as an average Mormon

As I said, we can pretend all is well. It is not much of an issue for me to assume such a stance. :D
As I said, we can pretend all is well. It is not much of an issue for me to assume such a stance. :D

while you arrive at conclusions in a haste... i tend to be little patient with them...
its just a difference in attitude when it comes to absorbing the news presented
while you arrive at conclusions in a haste... i tend to be little patient with them...
its just a difference in attitude when it comes to absorbing the news presented

There is no conclusion made in haste here Sir. The Missing Persons issue has dragged on for a long time and remains patently and absurdly illegal.
There is no conclusion made in haste here Sir. The Missing Person's issue has dragged on for a long time and remains patently and absurdly illegal.

this is actually overblown charade of missing persons this missing persons that.
comb through political asylum seekers and human traffickers and you will find 90 percent of those missing.
the rest .

the matter sounds grave but is hardly an issue in Pakistan apart from the usual rhetoric of the evil state which allegedly carried out multiple genocides in Bangladesh and whatever.
this is actually overblown charade of missing persons this missing persons that.
comb through political asylum seekers and human traffickers and you will find 90 percent of those missing.
the rest .

the matter sounds grave but is hardly an issue in Pakistan apart from the usual rhetoric of the evil state which allegedly carried out multiple genocides in Bangladesh and whatever.

See, all is well. Hardly an issue. No problem. Nothing to see here. Let's move along. :D
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