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Pakistan is not Myanmar, Interior Minister warns India

That is called cross-border terrorism and your govt supporting that is running a very high risk of india being declared a terrorist state officially (which unofficially she already is for a very very long time)
And epicenter of terrorism as well? :lol:
Thanks for acknowledging. India indeed is the epicenter of cross-border terrorism in the region, LTTE, Mukti Bahini, BLA, TTP etc etc are but a few examples.
Then why is it that the world's most wanted terrorist is not found in a military hideout in India but in land of pure?
Pakistan should just stop the jihad/terrorism in Kashmir and there is no need to worry.
No, but neither is India capable of conducting anything like OBL raid which some Indians often quote.
But they are capable of conducting such operations in their cheap reconstructed TV shows and their pseudo intellectuals have conducted almost dozen times..!! :cheesy:
a guy named "Rat Hore"

it doesnt get much better than that, unless your name is "Dik Shit"

you people have some 'interesting' names over there

Still a lots better than SUPAR(I)CO and
'Khwa'ja and Sar'dari'.:D
China - The game just begins.
Sri Lanka - We literally changed the Govt there....what failure are you talking about?
Pakistan - Read the statements of your Army chief and ministers. If the assets are dying miserably, there wont be such a rhetoric from your side.

we drowned your tamil buddies to the bottom of indian ocean and you watched helplessly....you supported our enemies in Afghanistan and now we all know what happened to them

next up will be your so-called "consulates"

China - you havent a chance in hell. The fact that your countrymen are literally burning over CPEC speaks volumes about the level of ***-burning you are forced to endure
Then why is it that the world's most wanted terrorist is not found in a military hideout in India but in land of pure?

Lot and lots of wanted terrorists are hiding in indian territory - the so called "consulates" in Afghanistan.

Keep supporting terrorists, one day it is going to come back to you to bite very very hard. In fact already started, hail to freedom fighters - Khalistanis, Kashmiris, Maoists etc etc etc.

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