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Pakistan is eyeing sea-based and short-range nuclear weapons, analysts say


It is about time that you learnt that india is no 'standard' for developing weapons----. Your process and your projects are there to make money and keep jobs alive for your defence department----and in the process the programs are stretched as much as they can be.

Secondly----your mindset for production is totally different than ours----you want to start from scratch because you want to claim its originality---.

We don't have any such issues----we have no qualms about the originality of the item---we don't start from scratch---we take the existing and make the end product as soon as possible because of our needs and limitations on funding---.
so my friend very well put, why to invent the wheel again when it has already been invented. Indian in their wisdom like to reinvent the wheel, and therefore so be it.
Let us leave it to their ways of thinking, and think that you can teach a horse to drink but you cannot take him there,
so my friend very well put, why to invent the wheel again when it has already been invented. Indian in their wisdom like to reinvent the wheel, and therefore so be it.
Let us leave it to their ways of thinking, and think that you can teach a horse to drink but you cannot take him there,
Sometimes one has to re-invent or as we say, do it our self to know the nity gritties of the trade. And we do follow the idea of not re-inventing the wheel and use what's readily available, but then people out here start screaming foul that x% of the product is indigenous rest is friendly countries helping.

Humare yahan 1 kahawat hai, tum karo to chmatkar hum kare to balatkar !! Wahi baat ab lagu hoti hai.
Pakistan already has Nuclear cruise missile babur on submarines...whats new in this article?
third strike capability against any foreign enemy is important part of our national defense....sea-based has been part of the agenda for years and good to see we will be seeing the capability in place....next should be sub-launched nuclear cruise missiles in order to complete the nuclear triad of Pakistan
making remarks out of envy about fast developments by Pakistan.

And it will not effect India as India will move its land mass thousand miles away from Pakistan after or before attack.

we should build a lead lined wall between us. that should work no ? i'm dead serious.
Sometimes one has to re-invent or as we say, do it our self to know the nity gritties of the trade. And we do follow the idea of not re-inventing the wheel and use what's readily available, but then people out here start screaming foul that x% of the product is indigenous rest is friendly countries helping.

Humare yahan 1 kahawat hai, tum karo to chmatkar hum kare to balatkar !! Wahi baat ab lagu hoti hai.
JO tum karo ya him karien, it is norm in this world that each Nation copies from others inventions and achievements, I can take you back to Muslims era and before that Greek Era and before that Romans, all did copy style from war fare to inventions, many Italian scientists wee awarded by England, Columbus was Spanish but was sponsored by England, so on and so for.

Nations who learn fast and adopt quickly are successful and other who invent phrases such as tum karo to.......................stay behind due to their inability to adopt and adopt fast..
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we should build a lead lined wall between us. that should work no ? i'm dead serious.
it is strange that when you loose you start trolling, what a way to go.is that how you carry a conversion, if loosing than start glibly goo.

So if it is not you cup of tea than at least say something of value not gogogaga.
Please excuse this post it has no content w.r.t the topic. Sorry PDF.

.......Nation copies from others inventions and achievements,....Nations who learn fast and adopt quickly are successful and other who invent phrases such as tum karo to.......................stay behind due to their inability to adopt and adopt fast..
Well if that was true there would be no innovation to begin with. If everyone was just busy coping they would have just found out nothing works. Also if only there was 1 inventor and other just copying and adopting then the one inventing it would have the un due advantage of knowing everything about the product and can exploit it against others. Now, in the present context, we are doing something similar. People with grandiose theory will say that "Arjunk/LCA are waste of money and resource, look at us with so less resource we have this and this". Well they are true. In the short run you may have a good product but it's no way the best, neither is our product. But what we have done now is a step towards making the best.

I know there will be someone out there to quote what I said and say "Hey we JV and make such a good product, you could have done the same. Why reinvent ?". The answer is, JV inherently means that someone is doing x% of the job for you. Even if its not the critical tech, but it's a working component, a link in the chain which makes you product perform what it performs. So now if the JV partner backs out and you have all the critical components but lack some minor components, u still won't be able to extract the fullest potential of ur JV product. By being a complete in-house product your first few products may be bad or worse but you learn and are not dependent on anyone.

People then come with statements like "Indigenous ? My A$$ !! That thing contains 94% of foreign product not even the pedestal is of ur countries !!! Ha even my <<Foreign Product>> is more indigenous than that !!". Well first of all how did you calculate that percentage ?? Did u just find the weight of the foreign and local product and found its %age or counted the nos. ?? 'Boz even idiots would laugh at u if u did that. Here we work upon what you said in your post. We have some WIP sub systems in the stables and need to validate few other critical tech stuff which has already been developed. Hence we those stuff which are already been worked on by us and use them to test other critical stuff and also to set benchmark for our own WIP. Now "How it's diff from JV ?" Here we plan to develop the entire product and to validate few sub system we use quick prototyping and buy stuff. Whereas in JV u invest money for the entire product of which a %age is been used by some else to develop and produce what you cannot. I do not say one is inferior to the other. Both have different goals and have different outcomes.
@gslv mk3

Lol okay .. Although even Russians claim tht it is an export version of yakhont.. MTRC rules..


Useless rants of a frustrated troll.

@gslv mk3

Lol okay .. Although even Russians claim tht it is an export version of yakhont.. MTRC rules..


Useless rants of a frustrated troll.

@gslv mk3

Lol okay .. Although even Russians claim tht it is an export version of yakhont.. MTRC rules..


Useless rants of a frustrated troll.

So you have come back with your Brahmos rants after @sandy_3126 owned you in another thread .... :P
So you have come back with your Brahmos rants after @sandy_3126 owned you in another thread .... :P

I know you are dumb but still can you please stop acting like a toddler.. Owning? Just coz india modified its software or guidance system doesn't mean it is indian.. There is a reason Brahmos range is under 300.. MTRC.. There is a reason russian doesn't use the downgraded,short ranged variant of yakhont.. And so on ...
Explained beautifully by @Secur. And others.

P.S: This thread isn't about Brahmos but Paks strategic naval weapons...

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