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Pakistan is eyeing sea-based and short-range nuclear weapons, analysts say

Pakistan's civilian leadership and military leadership has no control over Pakistan's intelligence agency.
ISI is militray organization currently under military leadership ... Civilian based agency is named as intelligence bureau
What joke Lol:lol:
Mr TTA should check F -16 first version development period .
I dont compare F16 with LCA .Because one is just in development period and other most successful story in fighter exports.

You know what I meant .But instead you choose to ignore it.
Developing an Aircraft from scratch is challenge .It is not like developing JV version with a country having matured Aircraft industry :whistle:

Even after developing LCA for 3 decades, you ended up with foreign sub systems. Avionics, weapons, Engine etc.

So what did you achieve?
This thread has the potential to cross 10+ pages within 4-5 hours,lets see :D
Are these Sea based Missiles suppose to be launched from Naval Warships or Subs?
pakistaan thinks nuke is the answer to india. lol...soon, you will see small cute nukes are of no use other than keeping them safelly even if there is a war. this is not working even as a scare tactic.

supposedly india has high radiation bombs with a high half life. that means for hundreds of year, pakistan would remain a barren land filled with nuclear waste and radiation field if pakistan uses it's cute lil nukes off ships and boats and whatnot. :)
Next what?? Nuclear grenade. ...:eek:
making remarks out of envy about fast developments by Pakistan.

pakistaan thinks nuke is the answer to india. lol...soon, you will see small cute nukes are of no use other than keeping them safelly even if there is a war. this is not working even as a scare tactic.

supposedly india has high radiation bombs with a high half life. that means for hundreds of year, pakistan would remain a barren land filled with nuclear waste and radiation field if pakistan uses it's cute lil nukes off ships and boats and whatnot. :)
And it will not effect India as India will move its land mass thousand miles away from Pakistan after or before attack.
Well western harping on PAK's nuclear weapons sounds ludicrous. Almost all articles regarding PAK's nuke carry some sort of speculative non-sense by westerners. How would terrorist be able to sabotage nukes? Its not something any group no matter how sophisticated they hypothetically can be, can use without the use of massive state resources. India and US have more nuclear mishaps than PAK ever had. And at least PAK never had renowned terrorist maniacs like bush and modi as their PM or COAS.
Even after developing LCA for 3 decades, you ended up with foreign sub systems. Avionics, weapons, Engine etc.

So what did you achieve?

And which nation have an aircraft with 100% of theiir own system?
Pakistan ,US?

Now I am asking you what did you achieve in the missile development .Forget about Sea based system what about land based system except that 60 mile Nasr ?
Dont point on Babur or other.We know what happened to US Tomohawks when it landed in Pakistan.

We cant see regularly experiment from our western neighbour like we did in India ,a pure proof for R&D.

All we can see the test of Nasr nothing else.
Well developing second-strike capability was the next logical step for Pakistan. So no these reports are kind of trivial. But i think Pakistan should divert focus to becoming a technological power house. That would help weapons development exponentially.
Pakistan has massive land-based and air-based nuclear forces with multiple type of nuclear-tipped ballistic missiles and nuclear-tipped air-launched cruise missiles.

Only thing remaining now is sea-based nuclear deterrence.

Pakistanis have been working day and night in this regard as well.

Good to see that we are developing militarily.
A cardinal principle of Pakistan’s nuclear program has been: ‘Don’t worry; we separate warheads from launchers.’ Well, that is very hard to do at sea.”

Spot on! How are they going to separate the warheads from the missiles on ships? Considering the latest incident when terrorists tried to hijack a Pakistani naval ship a few days ago, having nukes on board ships will be extremely dangerous. In fact it is alarming!

If terrorists do manage to hijack a Pakistani ship loaded with nukes with inside help .....Oh well. Nuff said.

Pakistan has massive land-based and air-based nuclear forces with multiple type of nuclear-tipped ballistic missiles and nuclear-tipped air-launched cruise missiles.
What the heck are you rambling about? There's no such thing as 'air based' nuclear forces. And WTF is 'multiple type of nuclear-tipped ballistic missiles'? Some new type of warheads that Pakistan is designing? An all-in-one nuke? :lol:

Please get your glossary of military terms right. You're confusing the crap out of us.:wacko:
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The biggest joke of the year on PDF:

Comparing F-16 development with LCA.

The sad thing is that LCA is not anywhere close as good as F-16. And F-16 was available in the 1980s, LCA is still not inducted. India must be dreaming when it think it can build AMCA. By the time AMCA is ready, F-22 and its replacements would be antiques.

Spot on! How are they going to separate the warheads from the missiles on ships? Considering the latest incident when terrorists tried to hijack a Pakistani naval ship a few days ago, having nukes on board ships will be extremely dangerous. In fact it is alarming!

If terrorists do manage to hijack a Pakistani ship loaded with nukes with inside help .....Oh well. Nuff said.

What the heck are you rambling about? There's no such thing as 'air based' nuclear forces. And WTF is 'multiple type of nuclear-tipped ballistic missiles'? Some new type of warheads that Pakistan is designing? An all-in-one nuke? :lol:

Please get your glossary of military terms right. You're confusing the crap out of us.:wacko:

What he mean by air based is air launched or air dropped. Don't be too picky with words as you know exactly what he is talking about.
Oh yes within one year they will mastered in Sea based system :lol:
India developed its k15 after decades of hard work and 10 gruesome testing.
But one of analysts in our western neighbour is boasting that they can developed within 1 year .Perhaps they might be some Greek Gods :D


It is about time that you learnt that india is no 'standard' for developing weapons----. Your process and your projects are there to make money and keep jobs alive for your defence department----and in the process the programs are stretched as much as they can be.

Secondly----your mindset for production is totally different than ours----you want to start from scratch because you want to claim its originality---.

We don't have any such issues----we have no qualms about the originality of the item---we don't start from scratch---we take the existing and make the end product as soon as possible because of our needs and limitations on funding---.

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