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Pakistan is eyeing sea-based and short-range nuclear weapons, analysts say

Actually he is quoting based on the lesson taught by history. We cannot take decades taken for K15 as the case study of many of other projects in India are not good example when it comes to comparing time lines. It took decades to get LCA flying but it did not meant it will take decades for JF-17 to get operational at squadron level.
So i suggest that instead of bragging about what you have achieved and being arrogant about it, must contribute something constructive.

But LCA did its purpose .It got necessary IOC.
But when an educated analyst said like that without any explanation it will more resemble to boasting.
Developing our own system within our nation would take a lot of time and money .Be it US or Russia or Europe they spend a lot of decades and trillions of money to develop such advanced system.Otherwise you should have some foreign support or you might be some type of GoD
We cannot take decades taken for K15 as the case study of many of other projects in India are not good example when it comes to comparing time lines.

It took a decade because its an advanced shaped trajectory missile.Make one first.

It took decades to get LCA flying but it did not meant it will take decades for JF-17 to get operational at squadron level.

JF 17 was a JV with China,who already had experience developing third and fourth generation fighters,while LCA was an indigenous endeavour,a direct jump from second generation to fourth generation That explains the delay I guess.

Your process and your projects are there to make money and keep jobs alive for your defence departmen

Nice story.

But Brahmos aka yakhont yakhont is indian..

Brahmos isn't the Yakhont,both doesn't even share basic dimensions.

. As for NASR and Shaheen series .. Atleast what we have works unlike india.

And you think Indian BMs doesn't work ? We have ICBMs & canisterised STM in service.

O what you claim are "indigenous" yet their designs n even 70% systems are outsourced from other countries..

Nice BS claim.

Arjun and lca are two examples...
Both specially Arjun are foriegn designs

Was that a joke ? :omghaha:

It must have been a Diwali night then.

got comprehension issues ? Is it a mushroom cloud ?
It took a decade because its an advanced shaped trajectory missile.Make one first.

JF 17 was a JV with China,who already had experience developing third and fourth generation fighters,while LCA was an indigenous endeavour,a direct jump from second generation to fourth generation That explains the delay I guess.

Nice story.

Brahmos isn't the Yakhont,both doesn't even share basic dimensions.

And you think Indian BMs doesn't work ? We have ICBMs & canisterised STM in service.

Nice BS claim.

Was that a joke ? :omghaha:

got comprehension issues ? Is it a mushroom cloud ?

But LCA did its purpose .It got necessary IOC.
But when an educated analyst said like that without any explanation it will more resemble to boasting.
Developing our own system within our nation would take a lot of time and money .Be it US or Russia or Europe they spend a lot of decades and trillions of money to develop such advanced system.Otherwise you should have some foreign support or you might be some type of GoD

Guys, i don't want to enter a dik measuring contest with you people but it is about time that you realize that India is not an ideal bench mark to compare product development timelines. This is what was being quoted in initial post to which i replied. You have, on numerous occasion proven to be a failure when it comes to indigenous defense equipment. I do not need to quote you the examples because you already know them all and if you still don't, then it is only because you want to keep it that way and in this case i cant help one bit.

I just was laughing out loud reading a post by a member saying that it is great that TWO BIGGEST DEMOCRACIES of the world India and US are investing and competing in Space Technology. It was regarding the India Mars mission. Now, where is really appreciate and congratulate India on there achievement in Space field, i was not able to comprehend what the poster was smoking that made him select his words as he did.
Two biggest democracies... competing in space.....
i mean,
come one,,
are you serious??
is there any competition??? get a life dear!!
and this is what i call i Joke :rofl:
India is not an ideal bench mark to compare product development timelines

In several fields,we are catching up with the giants- our SSBN would be a good example.

You have, on numerous occasion proven to be a failure when it comes to indigenous defense equipment.

And have been much successful in developing several indigenous defense equipment.I could list them,but it will take several pages.See how many missile projects we undertook-only one was cancelled!

And several projects you guys mention as failures are simply delayed - For eg LCA maybe delayed,but it is in serial production & getting ready for induction in mid 2015.

I just was laughing out loud reading a post by a member saying that it is great that TWO BIGGEST DEMOCRACIES of the world India and US are investing and competing in Space Technology. It was regarding the India Mars mission. Now, where is really appreciate and congratulate India on there achievement in Space field, i was not able to comprehend what the poster was smoking that made him select his words as he did.

Well,if it is about MOM & MAVEN,ISRO budget for MOM is far less than MAVEN,and even then they have reached Mars.I hope you have heard of Musharaff's ';Pakistan is now ahead of India in space technology' statement.If even your president makes such ridiculous statement,why are pointing fingers at an ordinary Indian member here ?
using ObjectiveReader1 quote ---- ""Pakistan has no need for more nuclear weapons, especially sea-based nukes. Pakistan should focus on securing it's existing stockpile and on improving its internal security.

Pakistan's civilian leadership and military leadership has no control over Pakistan's intelligence agency. Clearly, some members of ISI are corrupt and are working with al Qaeda.

Pakistan cod become a failed state. Such weak governments definitely should not have nukes.""

Yep, Pakistan shouldn't have nukes so that India can easily invade it...
In several fields,we are catching up with the giants- our SSBN would be a good example.

And have been much successful in developing several indigenous defense equipment.I could list them,but it will take several pages.See how many missile projects we undertook-only one was cancelled!

And several projects you guys mention as failures are simply delayed - For eg LCA maybe delayed,but it is in serial production & getting ready for induction in mid 2015.

as i said, i am not here to prove mine is bigger. A few posts back K15 was being refereed as a bench mark for production time line and a member was being ridiculed with was quite stupid to say the least. Indian projects have almost always fallen behind time line and so K15 or for that matter any Indian project CANNOT be presented as a bench mark. The argument is as simple as that. Once you can get over with this we can come to next point. For now, i will stick with it and pass on replying to things you said that will only derail the thread!
. Indian projects have almost always fallen behind time line and so K15 or for that matter any Indian project CANNOT be presented as a bench mark.

Would you say that about our Ballistic missiles,Sonars and radars.

A few posts back K15 was being refereed as a bench mark for production time line and a member was being ridiculed with was quite stupid to say the least.

No one referred to K 15 as a benchmark among SLBMs,Its a first attempt,a really advanced one in that.

Oh yes within one year they will mastered in Sea based system
India developed its k15 after decades of hard work and 10 gruesome testing.
But one of analysts in our western neighbour is boasting that they can developed within 1 year

Note : 10 years was the time taken for development of K 15 & its land based variant Shaurya,yes-you can make a SLCM Babur in a shorter period of time,since the Babur is already proven.
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Would you say that about our Ballistic missiles,Sonars and radars.
You feel there still is anything left to be said after this? :what:

No one referred to K 15 as a benchmark among SLBMs,Its a first attempt,a really advanced one in that.

Oh yes within one year they will mastered in Sea based system :lol:
India developed its k15 after decades of hard work and 10 gruesome testing.
But one of analysts in our western neighbour is boasting that they can developed within 1 year
.Perhaps they might be some Greek Gods :D
This is the comparison i was referring to.:undecided:

But you know what, i am sure there will be a reply from you as it takes some guts to admit when you make a mistake!!

When arguments are so educated like, there was no smoke, there was no smoke cloud, the shape of the smoke cloud was not like a mushroom, it is not a mushroom cloud, mushroom cloud is a different thing so still i am right! :D then god help @ Windjammer .
I am out of this point less debate. When you can come with so many excuses i dont see the point in trying to explain something. Untill something informative and positive come on this thread, i am out of this. :)
But you know what, i am sure there will be a reply from you as it takes some guts to admit when you make a mistake!!

Here's what I said 'No one referred to K 15 as a benchmark among SLBMs,Its a first attempt,a really advanced one in that.' There is nothing in post #7 that goes against my claim.Meanwhile you are out of this thread try researching more about indigenosly developed Indian systems in service,there are dedicated threads in the Indian section.
as i said, i am not here to prove mine is bigger. A few posts back K15 was being refereed as a bench mark for production time line and a member was being ridiculed with was quite stupid to say the least. Indian projects have almost always fallen behind time line and so K15 or for that matter any Indian project CANNOT be presented as a bench mark. The argument is as simple as that. Once you can get over with this we can come to next point. For now, i will stick with it and pass on replying to things you said that will only derail the thread!
Think more realistically Mr. Think Tank..
He never claimed India is a benchmark.. He just compared India and Pak.. India took a decade for developing advanced slbm k15.. That means Pakistan will take almost that much time, provided R&D of Pakistan is a step behind India's due to low resourses compared to India's(any doubt in that)..
Your examples of JF17 is became valid here only provided China will give a ready made one..
Stop bashing each others projects and get back on topic. Any continuation of the mud-slinging from this post onwards will be deleted.
@gslv mk3
Brahmos isn't the Yakhont,both doesn't even share basic dimensions.

Lol okay .. Although even Russians claim tht it is an export version of yakhont.. MTRC rules..
And you think Indian BMs doesn't work ? We have ICBMs & canisterised STM in service.

Nice BS claim.

Was that a joke ? :omghaha:

got comprehension issues ? Is it a mushroom cloud ?

Useless rants of a frustrated troll.

@gslv mk3
Brahmos isn't the Yakhont,both doesn't even share basic dimensions.

Lol okay .. Although even Russians claim tht it is an export version of yakhont.. MTRC rules..
And you think Indian BMs doesn't work ? We have ICBMs & canisterised STM in service.

Nice BS claim.

Was that a joke ? :omghaha:

got comprehension issues ? Is it a mushroom cloud ?

Useless rants of a frustrated troll.

@gslv mk3
Brahmos isn't the Yakhont,both doesn't even share basic dimensions.

Lol okay .. Although even Russians claim tht it is an export version of yakhont.. MTRC rules..
And you think Indian BMs doesn't work ? We have ICBMs & canisterised STM in service.

Nice BS claim.

Was that a joke ? :omghaha:

got comprehension issues ? Is it a mushroom cloud ?

Useless rants of a frustrated troll.

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