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Pakistan is a terrorist land,We have to finish it - Narendra modi!

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Tu Maje le BC. Idhar bhaand baithe hain na. :lol:
Geezus the nonsense you guys come up with.

Modi is in NO WAY a wanted man, he has no outstanding warrants for his arrest nor is he facing criminal charges anywhere in the world. Your nation on the other hand.....house how many of the world's most wanted men? OBL, Hazif Saeed, Mullah Omar, Al-Zawahiri etc etc the list literally goes on and on....

They are all dead except few left is Modi and hindu groups, every world realize that he is the most terrorist and killed thousand people which should be arrested by international law and should be transferred to Pakistan or US court.
Are you denying that Osama bin Laden was found in Pakistan ?
Are you denying that Daniel Pearl's murderers were Pakistanis ?
Are you denying that Quetta Shura is based out of Pakistan ? Quetta is not a Pakistani city ?
Are you denying that Uighur terrorists are also based out of Pakistan and the last leader was killed in Pakistan by an American drone strike ?
Are you denying the existence of Chechen, Uzbek and Arab terrorists in your FATA and other areas ?
Are you denying that TTP is a Pakistani group ? Are you denying that LeT is a Pakistani group ? Are you denying that the Kashmiri Mujahideen group Hizb-ul-Mujahideen operates out of PAkistan and the leader regularly appears on your news channels ?
Isn't it also true that the Anti-Iranian group Jaish-Al-Adl operates out of your Balochistan ?
There is no proof required for all of this. These are well known facts which even your media and/or your government doesn't even dispute anymore. If you choose to remain in denial about this problem instead of tackling it then it is upto you.

No kid , I am denying Pakistan`s involvement in terrorism activities in India

Except for one off the cuff remark by Chuck Hagel during some seminar, you have 0 evidence of any Indian support to TTP. Even Chuck Hagel didn't mention what exactly he was referring to when he said that India was financing troubles for Pakistan in Afghanistan.

And Chuk Hagel was a US defence secretary nominee when he said that , And currently he is the United States Secretary of Defense !!!

India supporting "Terrorists" in Afghanistan against Pakistan

Too many facts. What's the point? Can you wake someone up who is pretending to sleep

And The Indians are a perfect example of it !!
They are all dead except few left is Modi and hindu groups, every world realize that he is the most terrorist and killed thousand people which should be arrested by international law and should be transferred to Pakistan or US court.

We prefer Pakistan court. Justice will be served.

Watch banned documentary on Gujarat riots
I have watched it. It's called Final Solution. Unfortunately it was rejected by the Supreme Court as viable evidence. Hence I will consider it fiction.

In any case explain what you meant by the statement previously in simple direct terms.
Our Indian Muslim council refused to keep the kafir scum in Indian Muslim graves but in the end we had to give them a funeral, most people are not even aware 30 of the 160+ butchered were Indian Muslims too.
Nope,the exact no. of Indian Muslim citizens killed in that carnage was 48 out of the 166 people who died that day:coffee:
what is this ? :D


Ah man I always came across you on the cricket threads .... anyway a serious answer for these would be .... shastar(arms) puja has been a hindu tradition for ages. even ISRO does that before any launch. so don't read much into it.
Then why are Terrorists asked to kill in name of Jihad and Virgins? Now dont say they arent.

How do u assume I ever said that? I never said Muslims are terrorists. Indians never say that. We ourselves have same number of muslims as u.

We say Pakistan is a Terrorist nation. Now plz understand the difference. And even then why do I see innocents getting sprayed with bullets only by Muslims? No Hindu extrimists ever bomb blasted of AK47ed on innocent ppl.

Keep riots aside, thats a group vs group. Riots is not same as Terrorist Attack.

First for all my friend! Your both paragraph contradicts. First u said terrorists are asked to kill by jihad and then u said " we never call muslims are terrorists"

And plz Don't call pakistan a terrorist nation, we are not supporting terrorist. We are the one who is fighting terrorists.
These 26/11 in your country happens only once but such attacks happens in Pakistan everyday.
No kid , I am denying Pakistan`s involvement in terrorism activities in India

And Chuk Hagel was a US defence secretary nominee when he said that , And currently he is the United States Secretary of Defense !!!

India supporting "Terrorists" in Afghanistan against Pakistan

And The Indians are a perfect example of it !!

Ajmal Kasab was Pakistani as accepted by your own government and media. That's proof enough. Anyway, your response was to Modi's claim of PAksitan being a terror hub which I proved in my previous post.

Also that defence.pk thread is not a good source at all :disagree:. Chuck Hagel only mentioned India financing troubles for Pakistan in Afghanstan, there was no mention of TTP or terrorism as you claim The poster of the thread changed the title of the thread.
than why hell we should forget thousands of Pakistanis who got killed by Indian sponsored terrorism..i am wondering if a single incident shocked you so much than what will happen to your nation when such events take place every other day and on the other hands hats off to Pakistan who are bearing indian terrorism for more than 10 years... seriously you people are good in proxy war but you don't have balls to send a single tank inside Pakistani border.
please shed off the bravado ... and talk in real terms. Don't blame us for you incompetence, you had your go ahead in proxy war but couldn't manage it.

Tu Maje le BC. Idhar bhaand baithe hain na. :lol:
bhaand and bhund are two different things ... which one you meant?
First for all my friend! Your both paragraph contradicts. First u said terrorists are asked to kill by jihad and then u said " we never call muslims are terrorists"

And plz Don't call pakistan a terrorist nation, we are not supporting terrorist. We are the one who is fighting terrorists.
These 26/11 in your country happens only once but such attacks happens in Pakistan everyday.
How does it contradict? U mean I shud associate Terrorist with Muslims. Why do u want that? :D

please shed off the bravado ... and talk in real terms. Don't blame us for you incompetence, you had your go ahead in proxy war but couldn't manage it.

bhaand and bhund are two different things ... which one you meant?
Nautanki wale. Ab bhund kya hai? Gaali hai kya?
Look don't drag religion in here. In Islam we will get 72 virgins only if we fulfill the rights of mankind and injunctions of Allah. We will be put into hell for eternity if we murder any one.
And secondly if u thinks that muslims are terrorists, then why only muslims are being killed by terrorists.
Listen there is simply no logic behind most of the religious rituals and ceremony,the same is true for this also.Similarly i can also point out countless of these illogical religious rituals in your religion also but i won't do that as it will surely hurt your feelings.Logic and religious rituals are not exactly synonymous,are they!!:rolleyes:
Ajmal Kasab was Pakistani as accepted by your own government and media. That's proof enough. Anyway, your response was to Modi's claim of PAksitan being a terror hub which I proved in my previous post.

Also that defence.pk thread is not a good source at all :disagree:. Chuck Hagel only mentioned India financing troubles for Pakistan in Afghanstan, there was no mention of TTP or terrorism as you claim The poster of the thread changed the title of the thread.

Excuse me .. wasn't that Vijay Singh ? bcz he was wearning a orange handband .. and wearing Orange handbands are Unislamic.. so that can never be a Muslim.
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