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Pakistan is a brother indeed

Pakistanis don't have any awareness about this it seems.

They have a pattern of seeking to be a 'support state'. If you were here on PDF in 2013 you'd stumble on countless pro-KSA messages from Pakistanis. Today the shift is to Turkey.
NAah , Turkey dont invest in a certain sect and try to wage a civil war in our country.....
Pakistanis don't have any awareness about this it seems.

They have a pattern of seeking to be a 'support state'. If you were here on PDF in 2013 you'd stumble on countless pro-KSA messages from Pakistanis. Today the shift is to Turkey.
No most of us still support KSA and we have always been supporting Turkey. Its nothing new.
Without those gulf Arabs you'd be in shit. I think you all three(Turkey, GCC and Pakistan) are ruled by kikes
Naah, i would still be a millionaire.... Dont give a f*** about any other place than PAkistan!!!!!!!
Pakistan and Turkey have the same religious mindset, historical legacy, and the same heritage of Sufi poets.

Both have been acted on by similar influences over time. Both create vast, powerful empires in the past. Lost those empires to European onslaught. Afterwards we are trying to make sense of where to go from here and to find a balance of East and West.

Our leaders were also similar. Atatürk and Quaid e Azam. Mehmet Akif Ersoy and Allama Iqbal.

Our traditional culture is quite analogous too as we both descent from nomads, for them Oghus Turks, for us Iranic nomads like Saka, Kushan, and Hepthalites. We converted to Islam as a result of Persian preachers, hence we absorbed and became part of the Persian Islamic world.
Without those gulf Arabs you'd be in shit. I think you all three(Turkey, GCC and Pakistan) are ruled by kikes
are you really thi much ignorant ? pakistan is here before gulf countries were even got independence . and was doing great in 60s until this curse started
We never forgot.

Strong Turkish presence on PDF supports such a claim
are you really thi much ignorant ? pakistan is here before gulf countries were even got independence . and was doing great in 60s until this curse started
Saudi arabia was a country before Pakistan.
The Duas should be for him coming back to senses --- I mean ignoring every single atrocity of Russians just because he thinks that Russians are the ones with whom Muslims will make alliance, this is too much. + he also rejects Hadiths from Sahih Bukhari, who is he to reject Sahih Hadiths!
Only those that conflict with the Quran [in his opinion]. Remember during history there has been fitna. People made up and changed ahadith to suit their agendas. Hence why Imam Bukhari and others did such a great work. But remember the Quran is 100% TRUTH. There is no Sahih, Hasan or weak ayah in the Quran. The fact that there is such a gradation in the Ahadith literature tells us that they are subordinate to the Quran.
Only those that conflict with the Quran [in his opinion]. Remember during history there has been fitna. People made up and changed ahadith to suit their agendas. Hence why Imam Bukhari and others did such a great work. But remember the Quran is 100% TRUTH. There is no Sahih, Hasan or weak ayah in the Quran. The fact that there is such a gradation in the Ahadith literature tells us that they are subordinate to the Quran.

He does not have the knowledge nor education to make those judgements and re-order ahadith authenticity.

He is a takfiri and he is dangerous, alhamdulilah his influence is marginal at best.
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