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Pakistan is a brother indeed

Do you know that erdogan using religion to win over donkeys like you don’t you?!:lol:

learn history you ignorant donkey

100 years ago muslims in Indian Subcontinent ( present day muslims in India,Pakistan,Bangladesh ) helped the Turks to fight Greeks+French+British+Armenia

ATATURK or ERDOGAN or any other Leader doesnt matter .... Pakistanis always will be with the Turks

btw shame on puppet Arab Dictators who were allies with christian Greece-France against muslim Turkiye

christian Crusaders rules puppet Arab Dictators in Egypt , S.Arabia and The Uae
but Turkiye and Pakistan are not satallite states of christian Crusaders
why is your ARAB a** on fire?

Arabs are pathetic slaves of the US,the UK,Israel
MASTERS says jump and slave Arab Dictators says how long Sir

muslim Turks fight christian Crusaders ( Greece,France,Germany,etc ) ..... but so-called muslim Arab donkey attack Turkiye ... traitors are always traitors

btw Turks never were allies with christian countries to attack Arabs .... even Turkiye hosts millions of Arab refugees
Turks are so great nation
We Love Turkey and our roots are tangled,
We should make a strategic alliance and share few military bases in each country and deploy strategic missiles and other assets for deterrence.

Insha Allah the revival of the Islamic Golden Age is near and we can see in our life time or at least our next generation will see.
Assalam alikum brother, it has been a while since I have seen you. How have you been?

I respect you brother, so let's keep this to the the point.

Why do you say this?
وعلیکم السلام۔ الحداللہ۔
How are you?

Converting churches is against the Quran. Even if Muslims purchase them. Sultan Mehmet Fatih and his Scholars for dinars were wrong on this matter. Attaturk was wrong when he made it a museum. And Erdogan is wrong for making it into a mosque again. Secondly the timing is curious. He has alienated a large part of the Orthodox Christian world from Muslims. When Imposter Israel goes to destroy the Masjid, Muslims will only hear ' How do you feel now?' or words to this effect. Fools are Muslims and Muslims are fools.

Please watch this video. It is by Sheikh Omar Baloch a student of the late Dr Israr Ahmed.
Fools are Muslims and Muslims are fools.
If you want to be that you can, but do not degrade every one to your level please Sir. There is no one in the world who has not made a mistake in life. To err is human. Muslims are humans while others may not be.
If you want to be that you can, but do not degrade every one to your level please Sir. There is no one in the world who has not made a mistake in life. To err is human. Muslims are humans while others may not be.
Ok. Let me you choicer words, the majority of Muslims are fools. Also to be human one learns from his mistake, it seems my people just don't want to.
I failed to understand why people like you bring only negativity to Muslims, If you can not do any good for them, better avoid indulging in blaming them. Higa Sofia was a part of conquered land, it is the only discretion of the conquerer to decide what to do with conquered land. those who fight for it were no less Muslims than you. Higa Sofia was a mosque for hundreds of years, a place of worship Allah, what is wrong to return it to its well-deserved place, a place of worship Allah. Perhaps some people have lost their connection to the Creator.
Bleed Green for Pakistan and Bleed Red for Turkey. Yes we will come again as our ancestors did. I think no one have any doubt on that
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