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Pakistan-Iran-Turkey confederation

I agree with you on everything except where you mention that india should be allowed to join such a confederation (if such an confederation is formed which i hope it is). India is occupying Muslim territory (Kashmir) and indians can never be trusted, they change their colors. This confederation should only be for trust worthy Muslim countries (no Arabs should be allowed)!

Ditto ... I feel The Same.
Idea isnt bad but impossible. We only happen to share a common religion and similar culture. Our languages are way different. Although it would be a strategic and economic win and also Baluchistan issue will be solved.
Idea isnt bad but impossible. We only happen to share a common religion and similar culture. Our languages are way different. Although it would be a strategic and economic win and also Baluchistan issue will be solved.

I think our geo-political position and our shared history is enough and more than enough for this union.

By the way I have not found one person who was against this idea yet, almost everyone seems to like the idea (from the future member countries that is)
Pakistan/Iran /Turkey economic block was an idea developed during the cold war by the US to encircle USSR. Both Ayub Khan and Shah of Iran were pro US and anti USSR. India on the other hand was a friend of the Soviet Union.

Situation has changed after end of the cold war. India is now a strategic US ally and a counter weight to the rising Chinese power. The idea has since been discarded.

Iran after the revolution is leader of the anti US block. Turkey being a NATO member is naturally pro US. Pakistan is a “neither He nor She” in this relationship. GOP supports US in WOT but very large portion of the population along with the religious parties and the media remain anti US. Despite thousand of innocent Pakistani being killed by the TTP, some people continue to blame suicide bombings on the Blackwater and CIA even though TTP accepts responsibility.

Turkey claims to be a European country and would rather join the Common Market. Suppose a Turk steps on a piece of paper with name Mohamed (PBUH) written on it as most Turks can’t read Arabic. How do you think Turkish nation will react when the Turkish visitor is accused of Blasphemy and sentenced to hang by a Sharia Court? Besides, Turkey has relations with Israel and once Turkey enters EEC, a confederation with Iran & Pakistan will be out of the question.

Iran is highly pro Indian and supported anti Pakistani Northern Alliance in Afghanistan. On the other hand SSP killed Iranian cadets and PMLN loves Maulana Ludhianvi. Do you really think a close linkage with Iran possible as long as TTP supporters and pro Taliban parties such as PMLN remain influential?

IMO Pakistanis first need to decide whether they want to become a modern progressive state or a dark age Islamic Khilafat before they take the next step. May be if TTP were to takeover, Pakistan and Afghanistan can become a borderless country; don’t think it would ever be possible with the Shia Iran.

Stop dreaming my friends. Pakistan, Shia Iran and secular Turkey confederation will never happen and cannot happen as long as TTP and Wahabis remain popular with a large part of the Pakistani population. Best we can hope for is increased trade relations and more military cooperation, that is all.
iranians are highly pro-indian as niaz said.

they support indian presence in afghanistan which is a clear threat to pakistan, if a country cannot respect our national security, and works to undermine it then the conditions are not right for any union.

they also have their own ports in competition with gwadar.

i dont trust the iranians, i understand their mistrust of pakistan because we are seen as a US puppet but why are they working against our vital national interests?

why do they not have a firm persistent stance on kashmir?

you cant fully trust people like this, and certainly people should not dive head first into romantic gestures of islamic brotherhood, iranians are selective muslims, lets see if they behave like good neighbors before we call them our brothers?

the turks are by large secular, you know where you stand with them, the iranians - who knows?

also as soon as we start talking about islamic unity this is going to get the whole western non-islamic world on our back - neither russia, the US, india and maybe china want a block of unified, well armed, nuclear armed islamic nations in eurasia, please talk sensibly, lets talk about building good relations to start with.......
We should focus on trade and co-operation in health and education. That should be the first step. Unlike the EU, Pakistan-Iran-Turkey don't have shared goals and objectives.

Turkey stands to lose a lot of investment and collaboration from Western countries if it comes too close to Iran. Pakistan's recent defensive stance against a belligerent US is another reason why Turkey would like to improve relations with us, but still keep at a safe distance.

Iran's assistance to Syria, Hezbollah and Hamas are aimed at increasing its influence in the region and keep Israel off-balance. Its support is not aimed at merely forming any sort of Islamic Union.

All three of us have good cultural ties. Let's build those even further while increasing cooperation at the same time.
@Developereo this wasnot bhutto's idea. it was long there before, I just cant recall the name of one of the founding members of Pakistan who in a conversation with Hamid Nizami mentioned this idea as part of PAKistan's strategy. Bhutto wanted to built an Islamic Bank and an Islamic block he wanted to be the leader of it...

I LOVE THIS IDEA. including Afghanistan was partially agreed in the 1998-99 meeting of ECO, but then things turned apart due to foreign invasion etc...

it is very feasible idea indeed.
This idea was valid before Iran's revolution. It is no longer viable.
Confederation with Iran !!! You guys lost your mind ...

Iran is the biggest problem in this region. They are supporter of Armenia, India and some terrrorist organization against Turkiye, Pakistan and Afghanistan. Also their regime is unacceptable for everyone at this region.

So if you have an idea, you should not add Iran.

If you want a confederation. I think Turkiye-Pakistan and Azerbaijan formula is much much better and acceptable.
Idea isnt bad but impossible. We only happen to share a common religion and similar culture. Our languages are way different. Although it would be a strategic and economic win and also Baluchistan issue will be solved.

Na yara. its possible, but not probable. I would like to quote Allama Iqbal: "I have to come to understand from Muslim History that at critical moments it is Islam that saved Muslims, and not vica versa" so I believe again confederation doesnot mean interfering in each others internal matter, it means creating a win win situation for each other on brotherly terms. if you see even Africa is going towards Economic confederation, why not us ?
Confederation with Iran !!! You guys lost your mind ...

Iran is the biggest problem in this region. They are supporter of Armenia, India and some terrrorist organization against Turkiye, Pakistan and Afghanistan. Also their regime is unacceptable for everyone at this region.

So if you have an idea, you should not add Iran.

If you want a confederation. I think Turkiye-Pakistan and Azerbaijan formula is much much better and acceptable.

think of someone as a muslim to you, and you would love the change in your perception, you would fee free, Iran requires to have friends, her brother like PAKistan and Turkey denies them in this world, what else she is to do ? bound your brother with economic ties and win the hearts and minds !! again if amercan states can think of new confederation, africa can, why cant we?
start with Iran, Turkey,Pakistan and include any muslim state that wishes to be part of it. make a EU like Union.
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