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Pakistan-Iran-Turkey confederation

I think there are serious ideological and strategic differences between the three nations which will pose a lot of problems. Initially pakistan will be pressurized into reneging on this contract by the Americans because of Iran's involvement. Secondly, Iran will have problems because of the Shia Sunni nexus. Thirdly ,the international pressures on turkey will prevent it from a venture of this sort.
Fourthly, if we look at a union, what will be the stance of our neighbours on it. Evenour "Friends" might look down upon us in view of threats of extension of religious extremism.
Then there are issues of how trade will progress. What will we export and import. Will it impact what we produce and what happens where countries compete in the same market. Who will withdraw and who will ensuire that we stick to the bargain.
I think a slow progress on this isuue is the thing to do, to allow people and governments to settle down and not feel threatened. This is the first step. Second one would be to open a trade corridor and reach an agreement on how progress will be made.
I dont think this is as easy as it looks. Muslimns have a tendency to be short sighted whereas the WEST HAS LONG TERM POLICIES WHICH IT PERSUES DILIGENTLY.We need to see through the mist and tace a mutually acceptable course.

Re to bold part, always in this forum you guys talk about sects when issues come to Iran. may you need know about Iran better.
Iran strategic ally is Syria which is a Sunni, Iran support Hamas which has ZERO Shia member,Iran has strong relation with Sudan which is Sunni, Iran supported Bosnia whit only 7 Shia there,.........
Do you think a confederation with Iran is possible especially knowing Iran's discrimination towards Sunnis and Pakistan is mostly Sunni.

Also Turkey is secular, Pakistan is not secular...however we have excellent relations with Turkey and no problems with Iran.

This train link from Pakistan to Turkey via Iran was meant for trade, business, and more people-to-people contact, not for a confederation but we know eventually all Muslim regions will become one nation under Imam Madhi.

God willing
I agree. Like I said, nobody wants to date a sick person.

As long as Pakistan is perceived as riddled with terrorism and a basket case economy, nobody will want to touch us. Even Iran reportedly closed it's border with Pakistan a few months back.

Also, dabong1, thanks for pointing out the Shia influence in Pakistani politics. I didn't know ZAB was Shia. I have nothing against the Arabs. They are the root of our religion, but I just don't see the Arab sheiks diluting their oil wealth with millions of poorer neighbors. Lebanon, Syria and Jordan might be a different story.

But let's start small. Pakistan-Iran-Turkey first.
Or, for the moment, Pakistan's economy first.

I would disagree with bold part, Islam itself is our religion, in this case no difference in Arab or so called Ajam, but Arabs trying to sell their culture, name, ..... as our religion, only our religion language is Arabic nothing more.
Interesting ... Thanks for Enlightening.

The Achaemenid Empire (Persian: امپراتوری هخامنشی) (c. 550–330 BCE), also known as the Persian Empire, was the successor state of the Median Empire, ruling over significant portions of what would become Greater Iran. The Persian and the Median Empire taken together are also known as the Medo-Persian Empire, which encompassed the combined territories of several earlier empires.
The Persian Empire was the largest empire by geographical extent in ancient times; at the height of its power, the empire encompassed approximately 8 million km2.[1] The empire was forged by Cyrus the Great, and spanned three continents: Asia, Africa and Europe. At its greatest extent, the empire included the modern territories of Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, parts of Central Asia, Asia Minor, Thrace and Macedonia, much of the Black Sea coastal regions, Iraq, northern Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Israel, Lebanon, Syria, and all significant population centers of ancient Egypt as far west as Libya. It is noted in western history as the foe of the Greek city states during the Greco-Persian Wars, for emancipation of slaves including the Jews from their Babylonian captivity, and for instituting the usage of official languages throughout its territories. The empire had a centralised, bureaucratic administration under the Emperor and a large professional army and civil service, inspiring similar developments in later empires.[2]

The Achaemenid Persian empire was invaded by Alexander III of Macedon, after which it collapsed and disintegrated in 330 BCE into what later became the Ptolemaic Kingdom and Seleucid Empire, in addition to other minor territories which gained independence at that time. Iranian rule was re-established in the region starting from the rise of Arsacids in middle of 3rd century BCE.
Islamic Khilafah Is the Answer to Islamic World's Plight.


May Allah Kareem make it Possible. Ameen. Such a Power would be heared in the whole Universe. Then India and Israel would sit under our feet and act upon our Wish or would get vanished.

If everyone in the world becomes Muslims, then why India and Israel sit under your feet? Muslims are equal, ain't it? ;)
Mind you No Teasing There .... We All the the Sons of Adam. Should feel the pain of one another.
We'll have to bring All on The Right Path Insha' Allah.

Thank you, but seeing the present state of affairs, I don't really look for to Pakistanis for showing me the Right Path. Shouldn't you be righteous first before trying to show us the Right Path!

No hard feelings!
I think there are serious ideological and strategic differences between the three nations which will pose a lot of problems.

Like what?

Initially pakistan will be pressurized into reneging on this contract by the Americans because of Iran's involvement.

The US could not pressurize pakistan to stop its nukes programme and that shows if pakistan really wants to do something then it will no matter whatt he US says.

Secondly, Iran will have problems because of the Shia Sunni nexus.

Well pakistani has a shia president and has had shias in high postions in govt.......theres a mix of sunni and shias in iran as there is in pakistan and they have lived in peace for a long time other then the attacks on both communties by terrorist.

Thirdly ,the international pressures on turkey will prevent it from a venture of this sort.

International pressure has not stopped the turkish govt from setting up a free trade zone, complete with a visa-free travel regime for nationals of Lebanon, Turkey, Syria and Jordan.

Fourthly, if we look at a union, what will be the stance of our neighbours on it. Evenour "Friends" might look down upon us in view of threats of extension of religious extremism.

What has a union between these nations got to do with religious extremism?

Then there are issues of how trade will progress. What will we export and import. Will it impact what we produce and what happens where countries compete in the same market. Who will withdraw and who will ensuire that we stick to the bargain.

Use the EU model.
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