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Pakistan-Iran-Turkey confederation

Such a Union will surely force other Muslim countries to come under this umbrella. In my opinion all countries should be democratic and must have a joint capitalist economical agenda.

We would need a common language , Currency and of course the military and if that happens then people would be our allies and we wont be allies with others.
Yes. Bhutto's role in East Pakistan/Bangladesh was unfortunate.
True. We need progress on both sides, and Iranian Ayatollah's are a problem.

Not going to happen.
The Arabs dictators will never give up their little oil empires.

First: as long as we involve other sides domestic issues this confederation wont happen. if you come to Ayatollah's topic i would say dispute of many dislike, Ayatollahs are leading Iran to higher level of international level which did not happen in last 300 years, and you just compare with your own leaders.
every independent improvement has cost and pressure and Iran is ready to pay but we will have better future when we pass through problems.
confederation will not happen in one day, we must start with economic relations which Pak is under Arabs and US pressure do not improve relation with Iran e.g. electricity and gas projects, but it seems in turkey side is going better
I don't want to be a party-pooper, but I don't know how much to trust Ahmedinijad. How much does he actually mean it? and how much is just public relations?

If he is so anti-Israel, why does he do business with India, which has extensive military cooperation with Israel?

I guess if you link everything then we all must stop relations with all over the world, because Israel has relation with all of them. if Iran do not business with India does Pak cover iran needs? even now pak is hesitating to buy iran gas and electricity.should we stop exporting gas to turkey because the have relation with Isreael? it is funny no body ask why turkey has relation with Isreail but you ask why Iran does biz with india while it has relation with israeil.
First: as long as we involve other sides domestic issues this confederation wont happen. if you come to Ayatollah's topic i would say dispute of many dislike, Ayatollahs are leading Iran to higher level of international level which did not happen in last 300 years, and you just compare with your own leaders.
every independent improvement has cost and pressure and Iran is ready to pay but we will have better future when we pass through problems.
confederation will not happen in one day, we must start with economic relations which Pak is under Arabs and US pressure do not improve relation with Iran e.g. electricity and gas projects, but it seems in turkey side is going better

what do you propose for better pak-iran relations??
I guess if you link everything then we all must stop relations with all over the world, because Israel has relation with all of them. if Iran do not business with India does Pak cover iran needs? even now pak is hesitating to buy iran gas and electricity.should we stop exporting gas to turkey because the have relation with Isreael? it is funny no body ask why turkey has relation with Isreail but you ask why Iran does biz with india while it has relation with israeil.

Each country decides on the basis of advantages it receives. If you check wikileaks document, India stubbed USA on advising him about Foreign Policy. So, even if US and India are friend, it doesn't' mean India will do whatever US wants. Friendship should be on the basis of ones reasons rather than on basis of others objectives.

Similar is India and China Friendship which relay mostly on Economic reason while Pakistan and China friendship is based on Military.
Islamic Khilafah Is the Answer to Islamic World's Plight.


May Allah Kareem make it Possible. Ameen. Such a Power would be heared in the whole Universe. Then India and Israel would sit under our feet and act upon our Wish or would get vanished.
Islamic Khilafah Is the Answer to Islamic World's Plight.


May Allah Kareem make it Possible. Ameen. Such a Power would be heared in the whole Universe. Then India and Israel would sit under our feet and act upon our Wish or would get vanished.

Wake up friend... right now entire world knows who is under whose feet... and begging for some $$$$$ and selling their people ...Stop your wet dreams in day time.. some one will see it ... uupppssss. :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Wake up friend... right now entire world knows who is under whose feet... and begging for some $$$$$ and selling their people ...Stop your wet dreams in day time.. some one will see it ... uupppssss. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

what about india, isnt it seeking american blessings, and waiting for chinese blessings???
what about india, isnt it seeking american blessings, and waiting for chinese blessings???

Brother Please Do Not Bring that **** in this Islamic Alliance talk. They just are ready Always to be in every thread. But Mash' Allah their fear is growing by the minute for yet another Islamic Conquest of their sorry State.
First: as long as we involve other sides domestic issues this confederation wont happen. if you come to Ayatollah's topic i would say dispute of many dislike, Ayatollahs are leading Iran to higher level of international level which did not happen in last 300 years, and you just compare with your own leaders.
every independent improvement has cost and pressure and Iran is ready to pay but we will have better future when we pass through problems.
confederation will not happen in one day, we must start with economic relations which Pak is under Arabs and US pressure do not improve relation with Iran e.g. electricity and gas projects, but it seems in turkey side is going better

I agree that Pakistan has moved too much into the pro-Arab, pro-US camp, but part of the fault also lies with the Ayatollahs for pushing a hardline agenda.

Pakistan should not get involved in the Shia/Sunni war, which is why the confederation includes Shia Iran and Sunni Turkey. Adding a moderate Arab state like Jordan would also be a good idea to make sure it is not perceived as a non-Arab alliance.

Islamic Khilafah Is the Answer to Islamic World's Plight.

That is both unrealistic and undesirable. There are so many divisions within Islam, it is impossible to get anyone to agree on anything. The motivation for this confederation has to be geopolitics, not religion.

I guess if you link everything then we all must stop relations with all over the world, because Israel has relation with all of them. if Iran do not business with India does Pak cover iran needs? even now pak is hesitating to buy iran gas and electricity.should we stop exporting gas to turkey because the have relation with Isreael? it is funny no body ask why turkey has relation with Isreail but you ask why Iran does biz with india while it has relation with israeil.

Ideally, I would like India-Pakistan relations to improve to the point where Iran's relations with India are not a concern but, unfortunately, things are not that way right now.
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