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Pakistan involved in the J-10B research and development.

Experts(i think so) has said that chinese had contributed technology from flankers and pakistan gave some from what they learned from F16 . So i mentioned J11.
I think j11 are chinese flanker variants with their components.:confused:

---------- Post added at 08:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:38 PM ----------

same here, can you expand on this tvsram 1992
my expansion is nuclearindia:lol:
stop commenting personally:angry:
any one can see ur views are self contradicting and out of frustation u are saying
JF-17 is co-produced, not only co-designed. The J-10B is co-designed. Big difference. And does India co-produce the MKI??, you had a Russian body of the Su-30, incorported some avionics and canards and whatnot, but you did NOT produce the aircraft from scratch. We did with the JF-17.

Only Pakistan did not produce the JF-17 from scratch. China AND Pakistan produced it. If you are repeatedly failing to comprehend this statement, then god bless you.
I literally beg the senior members on the forum to please detail the components which have been created, developed and integratedby Pakistani R&D Labs into the JF-17 or the J-10B so as to put this debate to rest.

Both planes are capable multi-role fighters and engineers and scientists from Pakistan need to be duly congratulated for their contribution and achievement in this field wherever it exists.
Experts(i think so) has said that chinese had contributed technology from flankers and pakistan gave some from what they learned from F16 . So i mentioned J11.
I think j11 are chinese flanker variants with their components.:confused:

---------- Post added at 08:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:38 PM ----------

my expansion is nuclearindia:lol:
stop commenting personally:angry:
any one can see ur views are self contradicting and out of frustation u are saying

So you are saying that China and pakistan making a A/C from scratch with 50/50 involvement and stakes does not count as an aircraft made by Pakistan??
I literally beg the senior members on the forum to please detail the components which have been created, developed and integratedby Pakistani R&D Labs into the JF-17 or the J-10B so as to put this debate to rest.

Both planes are capable multi-role fighters and engineers and scientists from Pakistan need to be duly congratulated for their contribution and achievement in this field wherever it exists.

The contribution of Pakistani engineers have been detailed many times on the JF17 thread, the problem is either you guys are too lazy to search for it or simply dont want to believe what has been said. Here's a brain teaser for you, look at what the state of the platform for JF17 was when Pakistan was not involved and how it transformed when Pakistan became involved with the project.

As of right now we dont know the extent of the involvement of Pakistani engineers with FC20, but you can be damn sure that it is there. There is a reason why a whole contingent of PAF is based at Chengdu, the Chinese opened up a Halal restaurant in the food cafeteria just to accommodate our boys.
The contribution of Pakistani engineers have been detailed many times on the JF17 thread, the problem is either you guys are too lazy to search for it or simply dont want to believe what has been said. Here's a brain teaser for you, look at what the state of the platform for JF17 was when Pakistan was not involved and how it transformed when Pakistan became involved with the project.

Are you implying that if Pakistan did not join the project, the JF17 would have never reached it's current state? China has the J10B, J11B, and J20. JF17 is a toy in comparison. I appreciate being proud of one's nation but being blind to common sense and facts is not very healthy.

Pakistan's contribution to the JF17 is well noted. Mostly, it was financial, hundreds of millions of dollars. And secondly, they made a "wish list" to Chinese engineers and China complied.

As of right now we dont know the extent of the involvement of Pakistani engineers with FC20, but you can be damn sure that it is there. There is a reason why a whole contingent of PAF is based at Chengdu, the Chinese opened up a Halal restaurant in the food cafeteria just to accommodate our boys.

LOL..so because there is a Halal restaurant, this is some proof that Pakistan is now helping to design the J10B? You guys are hilarious.
Are you implying that if Pakistan did not join the project, the JF17 would have never reached it's current state? China has the J10B, J11B, and J20. JF17 is a toy in comparison. I appreciate being proud of one's nation but being blind to common sense and facts is not very healthy.
Pakistan's contribution to the JF17 is well noted. Mostly, it was financial, hundreds of millions of dollars. And secondly, they made a "wish list" to Chinese engineers and China complied.

Whose idea was th DSI inputs in avionics,ECM suite,design et etc to name a few... so to say tht Pak just provided finance is not true.

LOL..so because there is a Halal restaurant, this is some proof that Pakistan is now helping to design the J10B? You guys are hilarious.

My indian frnd.. all he is just givin an example...

See smthin familiar ?

Hint the badge.
Are you implying that if Pakistan did not join the project, the JF17 would have never reached it's current state? China has the J10B, J11B, and J20. JF17 is a toy in comparison. I appreciate being proud of one's nation but being blind to common sense and facts is not very healthy.

The project in the initial stages was the Super 7, than it turned into JF17 once PAF got involved with the project. PAF brought its huge experience of operating the F16 and our pilots operating other foreign platforms. The Chinese would have no idea how Western platforms operate and perform if it were not for the PAF. The Chinese have made huge strides in the aviation section, and PAF's input played a key role in it.

Pakistan's contribution to the JF17 is well noted. Mostly, it was financial, hundreds of millions of dollars. And secondly, they made a "wish list" to Chinese engineers and China complied.

How about the technical expertise that the PAF brought with them. The JF17 is largely based on the F16, the PAF used its decades worth of experience with the F16 and trickled that down into the JF17. The funding was not the only contribution, technical was worth much more than the funding. The PAF is very well aware of how Western platforms operate and all their technical evaluation that PAF has done was passed on to the Chinese, our engineers worked along with the Chinese to develop many subsystems that are featured on the JF17.

LOL..so because there is a Halal restaurant, this is some proof that Pakistan is now helping to design the J10B? You guys are hilarious.

See that is the problem with you people, you dont read before you blabber your mouth. Go back and read what i said, the PAF has entire contingent based in Chengdu that is working on the development of the FC20. Did you get that or do you want me to explain that too you again more slowly, and to accommodate that staff the Chinese have built a Halal Restaurant. You retards need to read and do your own research before you blabber your mouth.
The project in the initial stages was the Super 7, than it turned into JF17 once PAF got involved with the project. PAF brought its huge experience of operating the F16 and our pilots operating other foreign platforms. The Chinese would have no idea how Western platforms operate and perform if it were not for the PAF. The Chinese have made huge strides in the aviation section, and PAF's input played a key role in it.

i think the name super 7 was better than jf17
Are you implying that if Pakistan did not join the project, the JF17 would have never reached it's current state? China has the J10B, J11B, and J20. JF17 is a toy in comparison. I appreciate being proud of one's nation but being blind to common sense and facts is not very healthy.

Pakistan's contribution to the JF17 is well noted. Mostly, it was financial, hundreds of millions of dollars. And secondly, they made a "wish list" to Chinese engineers and China complied.

LOL..so because there is a Halal restaurant, this is some proof that Pakistan is now helping to design the J10B? You guys are hilarious.

The JF-17 project was going nowhere till a whole bunch of PAF engineer's were sent there back in 2002..
Half of CAE went empty..
that impetus in manpower was provided to the Chinese since they were too preoccupied with the J-10 at the time.
If it is however, inherently difficult for you to accept that Pakistan provides slightly more than token monetary contributions to Chinese projects.. then please feel free to stick to the viewpoint, but avoid repeating it like a parrot.
i think the name super 7 was better than jf17

bcz the current design of JFT have completely changed from the original design of super-7 .simply say to PAF had not satisfied with the original design of super-7 on the second Cooperation .So CAC had to redesign a new fighter with PAF.
So you are saying that China and pakistan making a A/C from scratch with 50/50 involvement and stakes does not count as an aircraft made by Pakistan??

please quote the message where did i say 50-50 involvement, i couldnt find.
in my above post i refer below post
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I am saying

F-16->Israeli's --> knowledge--> J-10
F-16->Pakistani's--> knowledge-->J-10

It doesnt matter on whether Pakistan was trained as much as the Israeli's.
What does matter is that we were familiar with the F-16 and the new ideas involved in it.
Moreover.. we had experience on all that was good in the F-16... we passed on all that we thought was good about it which every other fighter should have.

Call it setting a benchmark.
PAF has a lot of experience with Western fighters like block52+ while China has a lot of experience with Russian aircrafts like su-30mkm.There are certain things Russians are best at while certain things US is best at so both can share there experiences in order to provide the input of positivities both origins of aircraft had resulting into new breed .
Experts(i think so) has said that chinese had contributed technology from flankers and pakistan gave some from what they learned from F16 . So i mentioned J11.
I think j11 are chinese flanker variants with their components.:confused:

The J-11 and J-10 are of completely different classes. Hence their designs are different. It's like comparing an F-15 to an F-16.
The J-11 and J-10 are of completely different classes. Hence their designs are different. It's like comparing an F-15 to an F-16.
its not my opinion, see comments on post #238 , so i thought why not it can be .
and to mention amca will get technology from pakfa also mrca though amca is different class.
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