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Pakistan interested in buying 30-40 J-31s

Turkey has zero experience at developing & building combat planes.

AND NO license assembly of F16 with massive support from Lockheed martin is not the same.

CHINA & RUSSIA have been trying to build a fifth gen fighter for a decade

ACCORDING to indian defense experts PAK FA from RUSSIA does not meet fifth gen capability. Hence their decision to go for stop GAP rafale for now

THIS MAKES TFX a pipe dream that will take decades to arrive EVEN THEN with MASSIVE USA support


Well with 2 TECH DEMO PLANES ......this plane needs 10 more prototypes and 3000 hours of flight testing to even reach PLAAF induction IF AT ALL....

FOR PAF that means no J31 until well AFTER 2O25

even them WE HAVE NO IDEA of WHAT ENGINE wat Radar wat missles wat EW suites WAT sensor fusion capability

PAF is banking on paper planes THAT DO NOT EXIST as YET

RAFALE is coming in 2 YEARS

INFACT even JF17 bock 3 will not be in PAF until post 2020.

PAF have their work cut out to remain relevant beyond 2020
J20 is a fully tested platform, we can directly implant J20 mature tech on FC31. Means we can save a lot of time in FC31 test. No matter SAC or CAC, they all belong to AVIC. CAC will fully support the FC31 project if AVIC asks them to do so. I think PAF had got involved in the FC31 development, no doubt!

Thank you for your post. It is more like 20 years for the TFX if it comes in Paf colors---.

As for someone stating that the J31 is not flying in the Plaaf colors has no effect on the aircraft's capabilities if the Paf choses to fly it---.

If the Paf choses this aircraft---then it will meet and exceed the criteria of what the Paf has in mind---in stealth---and in the EW suite---.
By year 2030, I think Chinese sixth gen will make a debut.
I wish PAC will produce around 100 of these...

I wish PAC will produce around 100 of these...
Rumor spreading around in Chinese defence that Saudi will invest in FC31 development.

Saudi showed very strong intrests of co development of FC31 with Chinese side at IDEX 2017.
Rumor spreading around in Chinese defence that Saudi will invest in FC31 development.

If Saudis gonna invest in FC 31 than surely PAF gonna have that plane since its PAF which might have negotiated the deal between Saudis and SAC. Anyways until there is no credible information about it, lets not speculate much over it.
Rumor spreading around in Chinese defence that Saudi will invest in FC31 development.

Saudi showed very strong intrests of co development of FC31 with Chinese side at IDEX 2017.
interesting development ... However, doubt Chinese trust KSA enough to for co-development as it means sharing secrets .. However, a limited assembly role of KSA can be achieved however, no possiblity of sharing anything related to engines, avionics and metallergy ...
If Saudis gonna invest in FC 31 than surely PAF gonna have that plane since its PAF which might have negotiated the deal between Saudis and SAC. Anyways until there is no credible information about it, lets not speculate much over it.
If Saudi can provide the financial support for FC31 project , it will be a very good news for both China and Pakistan.

interesting development ... However, doubt Chinese trust KSA enough to for co-development as it means sharing secrets .. However, a limited assembly role of KSA can be achieved however, no possiblity of sharing anything related to engines, avionics and metallergy ...
I think it's not a problem as we sold ballastic missle to Saudi back in year 1980s.
interesting development ... However, doubt Chinese trust KSA enough to for co-development as it means sharing secrets .. However, a limited assembly role of KSA can be achieved however, no possiblity of sharing anything related to engines, avionics and metallergy ...
Remember the ballistic missile deal between China and KSA? It showa how much trust they have between them.. This possibility of KSA getting involved in the J-31 looks like the recent IDEX 2017 deal signed between the UAE and Russia to develop a lightweight 5 generation fighter.. let's wait and see to what extent this may go, but there will be ToT involved if a deal is to be reached..
Saudi is China's best friend in the Middle East. And Pakistan is our best ally. Both are Muslim countries.

Remember the ballistic missile deal between China and KSA? It showa how much trust they have between them.. This possibility of KSA getting involved in the J-31 looks like the recent IDEX 2017 deal signed between the UAE and Russia to develop a lightweight 5 generation fighter.. let's wait and see to what extent this may go, but there will be ToT involved if a deal is to be reached..
I think Saudi will ask the assembly line
If Saudi can provide the financial support for FC31 project , it will be a very good news for both China and Pakistan.

I think it's not a problem as we sold a ballastic missile to Saudi back in year 1980s.
Agreed, I am not doubting the deal but the issue is of co-production aka sharing of technology ... ballistic missile is a simple system in comparison to fighter aircraft ...

remember KSA is very close to USA and there is a high risk of transfer of secrets to USA which might get used in wartime scenario ...
Saudi is China's best friend in the Middle East. And Pakistan is our best ally. Both are Muslim countries.

I think Saudi will ask the assembly line
Most likely, but with some ToT, since it is a requirement in the Saudi 2030 vision, and they might be willing to provide for other GCC needs in the 5th G medium weight fighters which will translate to big numbers, the same for the UAE for lightweight 5th G fighters..
If this rumor is true, then I think it's a tri-lateral co-development among China/Pakistan/Saudi.

Agreed, I am not doubting the deal but the issue is of co-production aka sharing of technology ... ballistic missile is a simple system in comparison to fighter aircraft ...

remember KSA is very close to USA and there is a high risk of transfer of secrets to USA which might get used in wartime scenario ...
KSA is no one's ally, they will only be loyal to Allah.
Agreed, I am not doubting the deal but the issue is of co-production aka sharing of technology ... ballistic missile is a simple system in comparison to fighter aircraft ...

remember KSA is very close to USA and there is a high risk of transfer of secrets to USA which might get used in wartime scenario ...
If there was a risk, the US won't sell its most advanced F-15s to KSA either.. friend, there are clauses in contracts signed between nations not to transfer secrets to others..

If this rumor is true, then I think it's a tri-lateral co-development among China/Pakistan/Saudi.
That will be very nice and very practical if some parts are made in China, some in KSA and some in Pakistan with at least KSA and Pakistan having assembly and production lines..
If this rumor is true, then I think it's a tri-lateral co-development among China/Pakistan/Saudi.

KSA is no one's ally, they will only be loyal to Allah.

Off-topic : That's entirely incorrect about Saudi ... You need to study history of Al-Saud family they are murderers and power hungry ... For them Islam is a tool to impose their rule (I am myself sunni muslim so dont consider my views motivated by sect but purely from objective point) ...

On topic : You might be right as geo-politics of the region is changes continously ... However, if I would have been decision maker in China ,,, I would have gone for a deal of assembly only without transfer of any key tech ...

@The SC I think I am not clear to you ... What I am saying that I am also thinking that KSA can go for J31 as they dont have any opotion now (Probably if they decides USA may re-think its strategy of not offering F-35) however, the deal will be limited to a tailor made of the shelf solution or alternatively a simple assembly line without transfer of technology ...

However, out of this decision another aspect is avionics as currently all of the communication system of KSA is nato based and it will never be connected to any Chinese system .... J31 on its own without connecting to other assets will means to use the platform at half of its potential ...
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