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Pakistan India peace - What are benefits?

First of all Strong countries remain strong till it does destroy enemies or makes them weak,.. not by making peace with them

Ancient Indians always did mistake of making peace with enemies who 90 % of times back-stabbed them.

If India _Pakistan leads to peace... it will lead to another nehruvian era where peaceniks will reduce the fundings to Indian army, make it weak (repeated several times in history of India)

Hence Pakistan should remain as enemy country (weaker the better), otherwise us Hindus will immediately dismantle Indian army for peace purpose and 50-100 years from now some far off country like Iran/US/China (powerful countries who will maintain strong fighting armies) will attack India and finish India.

We need enemies to keep us strong, otherwise country becomes vulnerable to attacks.

No country in world, no country, even if it is so much costly ever compromise its sovereignty over a territory. And thats a harsh reality.
and who is asking to compromise sovereignty? All i was saying that India is not paying any cost is absurd.

Siachen is a wasteland. Nothing grows there. Will you cut your head off when you lose your hair?
?? dude i am not sure what comment of mine lead you to say above..it seems you missed the context...

no cost is higher than your security and self respect be it 1948 , 1965, 1971 or 1999 it was pakistan that was at fault and agrassor and that too todeviate attention of pakistani population from there interior probems and mismangemnt

peace is ok but not at cost of blood on innocents and owr own nation self respect and rules dictated by the agrassor
Bold part is sadly something practiced by both sides...Now as far 71 war is concerned then situation as well our vested interests lead to the war....so let's not put the entire blame on them....and yes i am not challenging the reasoning of the cost...all i am saying is we are also paying a cost...
You seem to be a learned person. How to get over a girl who friendzoned me recently ?

Having my heart broken countless times has taught me that only another love can compensate for one which has been lost. :)
when you least expect it love finds you .
Ok lets say Pakistan and India resolve their differences finally. Border disputes are settled. Peace treaty is signed.

What next?

All I can think of is more cricket matches and tomatoes crossing the wagah border. What else could happen?
1) Western arms industry would be doomed. To whom will Russia, US and China sell their weapons if India-Pak makes peace?
2) More trade- We 'll give Pakistan cheaper medicines and chemicals while Pak will export good quality cotton.
3) Our defence sector will benefit most, more soldiers die at Kargil due to low temperature issues than bullets of the enemy (sorry I meant friend...whenever that happens!). When India-Pak makes peace, our armed forces will not have to maintain posts at such high altitudes.
4) More money will be pumped into education sector (since excess money from defence sector will have to be utilized somewhere else).
5) Lesser Hindu-muslim fights, minorities on both sides will prosper.
6) Indian govt will let Pakistan have fair share of water flowing from Kashmir (this would be done in return for not meddling with Kashmir issue).
7) Kashmir issue will no more be an issue.

In all there will be peace!!!
1) Western arms industry would be doomed. To whom will Russia, US and China sell their weapons if India-Pak makes peace?
2) More trade- We 'll give Pakistan cheaper medicines and chemicals while Pak will export good quality cotton.
3) Our defence sector will benefit most, more soldiers die at Kargil due to low temperature issues than bullets of the enemy (sorry I meant friend...whenever that happens!). When India-Pak makes peace, our armed forces will not have to maintain posts at such high altitudes.
4) More money will be pumped into education sector (since excess money from defence sector will have to be utilized somewhere else).
5) Lesser Hindu-muslim fights, minorities on both sides will prosper.
6) Indian govt will let Pakistan have fair share of water flowing from Kashmir (this would be done in return for not meddling with Kashmir issue).
7) Kashmir issue will no more be an issue.

In all there will be peace!!!

I hope your wishes come true BUT they wont

It is better to be realistic than romantic when it comes to Pakistan
I hope your wishes come true BUT they wont

It is better to be realistic than romantic when it comes to Pakistan
The question in OP was hypothetical and so was my answer, how difficult is that to understand? :)
Having my heart broken countless times has taught me that only another love can compensate for one which has been lost. :)
when you least expect it love finds you .

yeah but the earlier girl sometimes is really nice to me which makes things so difficult :(

Tell her to tie a rakhi on your hand... :lol:

what's that ?
The question in OP was hypothetical and so was my answer, how difficult is that to understand? :)

The OP had just floated a balloon

But Your dreamy response just laid bare your heart's feelings

NOTHING wrong there ; you are just one of the many such romantics we have in India

If you are a young person ; you will soon come to your senses
But if you are a senior citizen ; your heart will be broken like that of Man Mohan singh
The OP had just floated a balloon

But Your dreamy response just laid bare your heart's feelings

NOTHING wrong there ; you are just one of the many such romantics we have in India

If you are a young person ; you will soon come to your senses
But if you are a senior citizen ; your heart will be broken like that of Man Mohan singh
Sorry am not a romantic person, no romantic person talks of weapons (Western arms industry would be doomed. To whom will Russia, US and China sell their weapons if India-Pak makes peace).
Nothing wrong in hoping that one day the politicians sitting in Islamabad and Delhi will realize that fighting with each other is nothing but futile. And nothing wrong in hoping that we(Indo-Pak) will have a working relation if not romantic.
Nothing wrong in hoping that one day the politicians sitting in Islamabad and Delhi will realize that fighting with each other is nothing but futile. And nothing wrong in hoping that we(Indo-Pak) will have a working relation if not romantic.

Hopes without any basis are just delusions and fantasies

India is ready for peace but Pakistan is NOT
Pakistan wants kashmir ; what is your view there

And since they cant get it ; they believe that we must endure their support to terrorist activities
directed against India

How HARD is that to understand

And FRANKLY speaking ; even if we were to give KASHMIR on a platter they will still be
inimical towards us

It is a civilisational battle ; not for the dreamy eyed
There can never be peace in South Asia unless India gets to become the Brahmin and Pakistan gets to become the Shudar.

India seeks hegemony, for it to achieve it must destroy its opposition, which in this case is Pakistan. Once Pakistan is out of the scene, no one will question India's authority in S.A and India would be able to project power at will.

Those Pakistanis who think peace is possible while Pakistan keeping its freedom are fatally naive. As far as i am concerned, this is a fight from which only ONE will walk out of the ring alive, be it even on the life support..

Wow..What do you eat to get such brain farts?
Sorry to say, but your views is no where close to India and Indians, probably you just use selective filter for information that comes from some Radical Indians brain farts. Which are as scare as dodo.

No one even thinks about Pakistan unless there is some border issue reported in news. We have 1000s of years of history, we never went ahead attacked others to gain land.

What ever makes you happy. initial 2000s, Pakistan was always top choice for arab for healthcare. It only changed once security situation was got bad. But For Pakistanis, it's still better then rest of the world.

And Pakistanis aint going India for health care.

Firstly Arab is not entire world, secondly please come out of past, world have developed and move ahead, but some how pakistan is still stuck in history. If you get time, do read about India's medical tourism and medical mights.

kashmir is just a means to show hatred towards India..If Kadhmir issue is solved in favour of Pakistan,they will find another reason to pick fight..As long as Pakistanis considers Indians on the basis of religion, peace won't be possible..

Well said, unless the glasses of religion base hatredness is removed, the solution makes no sense.

People who think Pakistan has nothing to offer should take a look at World Map and try to understand what Pakistan has to offer beyond Pakistan. Interestingly its mainly Pakistan and China that have connected India to land, otherwise India would be a big Island with only connection with likes of Bangladesh, Nepal and Bhutan etc. And I would say Russia, Iran and Central Asia are more important than Nepal, Bhutan or they are not?

That said if I were incharge I would have let India know without Kashmir and Siachen on table their access to Pakistan's side of world would be made impossible, whether be it aerial, land or sea (you can go the other way if you can afford it). So what Pakistan has to offer is much more important than to keep dear, thinking of atoot angh and what not.

We don't need India to connect us with rest of World but India needs us to access its all time allies.

You should see what kind of business relations India share with rest of the world and most of the countries will happily dump pakistan if they have to make a choice between India and Pakistan for trade relations. Gone are days, where land connectivity use to matter much, today economic connectivity and business relationship matters, and that provides solutions to all issues :D

Finally, replying to OP.
If Pakistan and India will be at peace, then i will be able to get Pakistan Visa and would be riding all across and enjoying the marvels nature :)
Hopes without any basis are just delusions and fantasies

India is ready for peace but Pakistan is NOT
Pakistan wants kashmir ; what is your view there

And since they cant get it ; they believe that we must endure their support to terrorist activities
directed against India

How HARD is that to understand

And FRANKLY speaking ; even if we were to give KASHMIR on a platter they will still be
inimical towards us

It is a civilisational battle ; not for the dreamy eyed
Just to let you know .. you quoted a army brat there. This thread is about ifs and buts nothing serious.
You agree that Jinnah initially joined Congress? Ask them (congress) why we have a border.

And by the way its a blessing for majority of India, sheep who remained behind bear this ban or that ban and bully attitude we Arabs who live on this side of border would not have
Jinnah was in Congress. He was ambitious and Gandhi was a dictator. They had to clash. But so did Subhas. He tried to free India. Jinnah ji tried and succeeded in breaking it. I don't hate him, considering the weak and submissive and cowardly nature of our people, it is probably better that the border was drawn. The damage inflicted on 25% on the rest was disproportionately high. I am not blaming anyone - it was a free for all, I agree. Also taali ek hath se nahi bajti. But the India has moved forward from the incident. If you have, good for you. :) It's high time actually.

and who is asking to compromise sovereignty? All i was saying that India is not paying any cost is absurd.

?? dude i am not sure what comment of mine lead you to say above..it seems you missed the context...

Bold part is sadly something practiced by both sides...Now as far 71 war is concerned then situation as well our vested interests lead to the war....so let's not put the entire blame on them....and yes i am not challenging the reasoning of the cost...all i am saying is we are also paying a cost...
There is a price for living. We need to pay it. Or we can raise our hands and surrender. It's a harsh world. Please come out of the traditional peaceful 'om shanti' Hindu thinking. :) We need Chanakyas, Krishnas, and Ramas - not Arjunas or Bhishmas.

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