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Pakistan India peace - What are benefits?

People who think Pakistan has nothing to offer should take a look at World Map and try to understand what Pakistan has to offer beyond Pakistan. Interestingly its mainly Pakistan and China that have connected India to land, otherwise India would be a big Island with only connection with likes of Bangladesh, Nepal and Bhutan etc. And I would say Russia, Iran and Central Asia are more important than Nepal, Bhutan or they are not?

That said if I were incharge I would have let India know without Kashmir and Siachen on table their access to Pakistan's side of world would be made impossible, whether be it aerial, land or sea (you can go the other way if you can afford it). So what Pakistan has to offer is much more important than to keep dear, thinking of atoot angh and what not.

We don't need India to connect us with rest of World but India needs us to access its all time allies.
Ever heard about the Chabahar port?

Why this Iran port is important - timesofindia-economictimes

Come again.
The biggest benefit would be that General Hafiz Saeed will be out of a job! But that'll be bad news for him.
I think its time for you to step down from your adminstration post, you have lost the morality to run this forum with your such extreme view,your hate towards India has blinded your ability to reason with
Nah actually @Horus is still better than @Oscar who is on giving me negative spree for no reason... :lol:

People who think Pakistan has nothing to offer should take a look at World Map and try to understand what Pakistan has to offer beyond Pakistan. Interestingly its mainly Pakistan and China that have connected India to land, otherwise India would be a big Island with only connection with likes of Bangladesh, Nepal and Bhutan etc. And I would say Russia, Iran and Central Asia are more important than Nepal, Bhutan or they are not?

That said if I were incharge I would have let India know without Kashmir and Siachen on table their access to Pakistan's side of world would be made impossible, whether be it aerial, land or sea (you can go the other way if you can afford it). So what Pakistan has to offer is much more important than to keep dear, thinking of atoot angh and what not.

We don't need India to connect us with rest of World but India needs us to access its all time allies.
Connectivity is needed when the home market is small, India's market is of 1/6th of whole world dude and speaking of central Asia, which country is so important except Central China which can overturn India's economy? Ps: India already shares border with China
You seem to be a learned person. How to get over a girl who friendzoned me recently ?

Tell her to tie a rakhi on your hand... :lol:

Not gonna happen. More than border issues, indian mentality is the problem, which other indian neighbour is happy with them?
Your neighbours wont be happy if you are earning big bucks, look at China who is happy with them except for states who are dependent on it.
Firstly it is not a deep sea port.

Which insurance company will insure goods in transit across Afghanistan? :rofl::rofl: This is pipe dream. It could take 30 years before Afghanistan is secure enough. Wild west will rob your trucks for sure at the moment.
Where does "transit across Afghanistan" come into the picture?.India can access CAR through Chabahar without even touching Afganistan.
Secondly we dont need to secure whole of Afghanistan,just the mineral resources rich region.Profit can be distributed among the local militia leaders which will ensure safety.
Your property? I never able to understand this.

BTW, have you check Chinese stance on AP, or Indian stance on Askai Chin? Yes they want this, and PLA never compromise this, but still China or India behave lot lot mature in this area? Why?

Because both country knows current status quo is most beneficial to all, but that against the Pakistan philosophy. They never accept status quo, even if this hurting itself.

And India, never allow Pak to change the status quo.Whatever the possibilities are. Ultimately Pak have to accept current border, to live peacefully.

Try being a bully to China and you will remember what happened in 1962. That's the difference between your attitude towards Pakistan and towards China.
Try being a bully to China and you will remember what happened in 1962. That's the difference between your attitude towards Pakistan and towards China.
Ever heard about the Chola incident?

Come again.
Try being a bully to China and you will remember what happened in 1962. That's the difference between your attitude towards Pakistan and towards China.
Did any territorial changes happened on ground in 1962?

BTW, leave it, I know you not gonna listen it.
Nah actually @Horus is still better than @Oscar who is on giving me negative spree for no reason... :lol:

Connectivity is needed when the home market is small, India's market is of 1/6th of whole world dude and speaking of central Asia, which country is so important except Central China which can overturn India's economy? Ps: India already shares border with China
Yes @Horus is a one with whom you can disagree with. He will not misuse his admin power to ban you because you argued with him. He is a respectable moderator.
Actually Islamic separatism is a recent phenomenon. Part of it has roots in the British dirty games against the ottomans.

You also misunderstood the hate between India and Pakistan as something that's uniform. It's not. People can be friendly at times, religions can be mixed. But the fuse will remain short. Some more than others. I have no issues to invite you and even let you stay in a room where we worship, that is the Puja room. But there are far too many Zarvans in your midst to spoil the experience for me in the morning. Plus, let's face it. Pakistan's creation itself has made it practically impossible to come to terms with India. I am talking about the nature, that is the Direct Action Day, not the separation itself. If we can live peacefully, why draw a stupid imaginary border on the ground?

There are no answers to that question. :(

You agree that Jinnah initially joined Congress? Ask them (congress) why we have a border.

And by the way its a blessing for majority of India, sheep who remained behind bear this ban or that ban and bully attitude we Arabs who live on this side of border would not have :butcher:

I would suggest you read all comments first, may be you would find that I mentioned Chahbahar even before you typed your comment.

And Chahbar is in Chah these days. Look for diction meaning of Chah and you would understand what I mean.
You agree that Jinnah initially joined Congress? Ask them (congress) why we have a border.

And by the way its a blessing for majority of India, sheep who remained behind bear this ban or that ban and bully attitude we Arabs who live on this side of border would not have :butcher:

I would suggest you read all comments first, may be you would find that I mentioned Chahbahar even before you typed your comment.

And Chahbar is in Chah these days. Look for diction meaning of Chah and you would understand what I mean.
Please educate me oh Colorless sky.:D
Please educate me oh Colorless sky.:D

Use online dictionary its easy few clicks away after that you can come again and may be we will discuss how you plan to access chahbahar.
Imagine joint Indo Pak operations vs al qaeda/TTP etc :sniper:

and you never know, who'd have thunk Israel will be all new bffs with the saudi royals and various sunni insurgent groups in the region..

India/Pak will into some kind of an economic union/block for south asia sometime in the future for sure.
Where does "transit across Afghanistan" come into the picture?.India can access CAR through Chabahar without even touching Afganistan.
Secondly we dont need to secure whole of Afghanistan,just the mineral resources rich region.Profit can be distributed among the local militia leaders which will ensure safety.

look at topographical map

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