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Pakistan India Border/LOC Status-Update-Discussion

All eyes on PakMil.
Whole raison d'etre of PakMil has been challenged in a matter of a few hours. Actions of PakMil will dictate future of region
I guess Pakistan ki han aur na me wakai fesley hon gey.
All eyes on PakMil.
Whole raison d'etre of PakMil has been challenged in a matter of a few hours. Actions of PakMil will dictate future of region
I guess Pakistan ki han aur na me wakai fesley hon gey.
Kuch nai karne wale. Buzdil hain sab
Please keep your language clean...
No abusing any other national...We are better than that
Not anymore I'm afraid, when push comes to shove then courtesy goes out the door. Enough of their bs narrative. They speak about our lands like they have any idea what they are talking about.
Not anymore I'm afraid, when push comes to shove then courtesy goes out the door. Enough of their bs narrative. They speak about our lands like they have any idea what they are talking about.
Janaab mein kis liyea houn?
Patience is a virtue.
Delay too much though and we lose window of oppurtunity.
Bhai Imran Niazi ne bechdala hai hum ko West ke agey. Saari jihadio pe to lagadi pabandi. Kitna protest dekhne ko mila hume poore mulk me jaise Kashmir ke liye milta tha. Our deplomacy tactics has failed. Nothing can be done now
I hope they just do that , so we have the "EXCUSE" to get back Kashmir . Come on , get us ! .
actually that is what the legal status is for India that is why it is pouring in troops. Invasion of GB is next for the Indian war machine.
We should stop caring about the One sided anti muslim international agencies and anti muslim world order. And form alliances with Afghanistan, Iran, Turkic nations, invite all ghairatmand muslim from all over the world and start all out attack on Indians.

This whole goody goody, world peace BS has gone on for long enough.

Enough with FATF, IMF, WB BS. Enough with Israel, India and US trying to fracture our country.

These people cannot be appeased like Hitler couldnt be appeased. These people just won't stop.

(1st Angry post I've made the whole day)
Janaab mein kis liyea houn?
For nothing, havent done anything that has pleased any of our complaints. Their bs narrative has always found a safe haven here, on PDF. Why do you think that would be? Simply because the Pakistanis here acted civilized with these folks. Why do you think our elders came up with says like "saying ram ram and having a knife in their sleeves"? I'll tell you why. It's because they had understood what these people were and they knew how to deal with them.
Bhai Imran Niazi ne bechdala hai hum ko West ke agey. Saari jihadio pe to lagadi pabandi. Kitna protest dekhne ko mila hume poore mulk me jaise Kashmir ke liye milta tha. Our deplomacy tactics has failed. Nothing can be done now
A delicate balance between passimism and optimism is what you need.

The things you mentioned are being called conspiracy theories. But over my short life I've learned anything is possible when it comes to Pakistan and it's track record with it's own people selling it for their own gain.
Woah, quite scary indeed.
The following indeed is quite scary for you dear; BJP's fascist move has opened the Pandora box of tearing down the structural integrity of states across India, Congratulations:

The Indian Express

The story of Indian democracy written in blood and betrayal

BJP thinks it is going to Indianise Kashmir. Instead, we will see, potentially, the Kashmirisation of India.


Pratap Bhanu Mehta |Updated: August 6, 2019 7:35:15 am

Amit Shah at parliament house. (Express photo Anil Sharma)

There are times in the history of a republic when it reduces itself to jackboot. Nothing more and nothing less. We are witnessing that moment in Kashmir. But this moment is also a dry run for the political desecration that may follow in the rest of India.

The manner in which the BJP government has changed the status of Jammu and Kashmir by rendering Article 370 ineffective and bifurcating the state is revealing its true character. This is a state for whom the only currency that matters is raw power. This is a state that recognises no constraints of law, liberty and morality. This is a state that will make a mockery of democracy and deliberation. This is a state whose psychological principle is fear. This is a state that will make ordinary citizens cannon fodder for its warped nationalist pretensions.

The narrative supporting a radical move on Kashmir is familiar. Article 35(a) was a discriminatory provision and had to go. Article 370 was not a mechanism for integration but a legal tool for separatism. The Indian state, despite the horrendous violence it has used in the past, has never had the guts to take a strong stand on Kashmir. The radicalisation within Kashmir warrants a crackdown. The treatment meted to Kashmiri Pandits has never been recompensed either through justice or retribution. The international climate is propitious. We can do what China is doing: Remake whole cultures, societies. We can take advantage of the fact that human rights is not even a hypocrisy left in the international system. We can show Pakistan and Taliban their place. Let us do away with our old pusillanimity. Now is the time to seize the moment. Settle this once and for all, if necessary with brute force.

There are kernels of truth to many of these arguments. The status quo was a double whammy: It did nothing to address the well-being of Kashmiris who have now endured two generations of what was effectively military occupation. And it increased the gulf between Kashmir and the rest of the nation. So some movement was inevitable. But the kernel of truth is being deployed with an armoury of evil. The solution being proposed is an annihilation of decency. The fact that these measures had to be done under stealth, with a tight security noose and informational blackout is a measure of the evil of the step taken. This is not the dawn of a new constitutional settlement, designed to elicit free allegiance. It is repression, plain and simple, reminiscent of the Reichstag or Chinese constitutional ideology that sees federalism as an obstacle to a strong state and homogenous culture.

Think of the proposal’s broader ramifications. India has betrayed its own constitutional promises. India has many asymmetric federalism arrangements outside of Kashmir. This act potentially sets the precedent for invalidating all of them. How can we justify offering Nagaland asymmetric federalism but deny it to Kashmir? Its implication is that the government can unilaterally declare any existing state to be a Union Territory. This is a constitutional first. We are simply a union of Union Territories that happen to be a state at the discretion of the Centre.

Let us also not put too fine a point on this. Even if Article 370 were to be scrapped, the proposal to alter Jammu and Kashmir’s status to Union Territory, even if temporarily, is designed to humiliate an already subjugated population. How dare a Muslim dominated state exist in India? Kashmir can now not even be trusted to be a state. The optics of this measure is not integration, it is humiliation, of a piece with subtle and unsubtle reminders to minorities of their place in India.

Let’s take the argument that this pain is worth the price, if it actually solves the problem. But will it? There will be a sullen peace, militarily secured, that we will mistake for victory. The very army, behind whom every patriot now hides, will now potentially be put in even more harm’s way: To be used more and more as the sole basis for keeping India together. And even if we concede to the tragic necessity of force, that force can work only in the context of a larger political and institutional framework that inspires free allegiance, not fear.

But even if Kashmir resigns to its fate, pummelled by military might, the prospect of radicalisation in the rest of the country cannot be ruled out. There are already incipient signs of that. The theatre of political violence will shift. In the context of the communally sensitive arc from UP to Bengal and in Kerala, India will seem more fragile.

For, fundamentally, what this change signals is that Indian democracy is failing. It is descending into majoritarianism, the brute power of the vote; it will no longer have the safety valves that allowed inclusion. The feckless abdication of the Opposition will only deepen the sense of alienation. There are no political avenues for protest left. Most of the so-called federal parties turned out to be more cowardly than anyone anticipated; the Congress can never stand for any convictions. Not a single one of us can take any constitutional protections for granted. Parliament is a notice board, not a debating forum.

Let us see what the Supreme Court does, but if its recent track record is anything to go by, it will be more executive minded than the executive. Kashmir is not just about Kashmir: In the context of the UAPA, NRC, communalisation, Ayodhya, it is one more node in a pattern hurtling the Indian state towards a denouement where all of us feel unsafe. Not just Kashmiris, not just minorities, but anyone standing up for constitutional liberty.

I think you impatient lot did same in Feb. Do you not learn?
Us waqt India ne kiya tha start. Hum kaise karsakte hain sir ab start? Imran Niazi ne to har jihadi pe pabandi lagadi? Ab to protest bhi nai hua Kashmir ke liye jis tarah pehle hua karta tha in tanzeemo ke zariye har shehr me. Agr India phr attack karta hai to hamare paas chance hai. But question hai India kyun start karega when it is in advantage in current situation and Pak in disadvantage
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