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Pakistan increases military budget to 130 billion rupees

Looks like this recession is going to be a hay day for all defense companies around the world with Asia being the most aggressive defense spender in the world at the moment. If European Union removes the embargo it has on China, European economy has a good chance of re-emerging from recession faster than USA.

The rate at which China, India and Pakistan in this case, are expanding their military budgets, I feel that Taliban are in for some really bad days coming their way.

Good luck with the new expenditure and hope that this is well-spent in fight against Taliban so that another child in your country doesn't have to be scared for his life.
dont start fight again leave it .....................

if they increage it`s they whish.............nothing to do with india
see guys.. India or Pakistan will not stop spending money of defence because of our disapproval. Poverty or no poverty, both the countries will go as per their long term defence doctrine. So why criticize. Its a piece of news better analyzed as how pakistani defence forces will utilize additional funds. What new equipment will come in that will make Indian defence planners sit up and notice and buy some more toys of our own.. Wont that be a better discussion????
yaar simply these Zionist Americans in simple word "****" Asians simply.. American zionisting boosting Anti Pakistani organizations in India to make all those policies who 99% against Pakistan and in Pakistan American influnce much into our politics we already lost our 10000 of people citizens and rest of our resources for these Americans. On Indian side American sell state of the art weapons for Money $$$$ on the otherside for just sake of saving ISreal ***. Want to take over PAkistani nukes simple. We Pakistan and Indians are world most Stupid people in the world. America use both of us for thr goals thats it.. nuthing else more.... spending money on Defence What which kind of defense we need ?? if India and Pakistan (its FACT we will never ever become a friend but atleast for just few deals like Water and other border violation etc we can handle all kind of issues if we both kick these Americans from our politics. This 130 bn and bn$$$ indian Military and Pakistan military budgets atleast in my opinion USELESSS!!
in that money how much F 15 we can buy and how many ships and subs we can buy which is more needed at that time
be realistic. around half of this will go to pay rise. the other half will cover the expenditure of war on terror. gov had already agreed to fund the war cost and this is wat it is.
as far as buying new equipment is concerned there wont be any big change however no doubt it will free up some cash.
Well i hope they will use this budget wisely, instead of wasting it on messes, housing societies, pools of latest cars which eventually wind up in the hands of some spoiled brats and showing off these daddy's office cars running on fuel which should be saved, if sufficient enough, not to to mention plasma screens, expensive cell phones, foreign tours, its a public forum so i can't really disclose how much a single bullet values for an Army like Pakistan Army but it is a lot cheaper than the cost of the luxuries for the Untouchables :) oh well all we can do is hope for the best :)
Hi, this increase in the budget is to cover pay raises given to the soldiers fighting on the Western front and to then also bring everyone in the Armeed Forces to the same level. Moreover the operations in the western part of the country are not free and have to be covered. As such, this increase will not really get any new equipment. Moreover the Pakistani rupee has unfortunately depreciated a lot over the past 2 years, and is trading at 85 to the dollar and this decreases the purchasing power of western equipment. Thanks!
Hi, this increase in the budget is to cover pay raises given to the soldiers fighting on the Western front and to then also bring everyone in the Armeed Forces to the same level. Moreover the operations in the western part of the country are not free and have to be covered. As such, this increase will not really get any new equipment. Moreover the Pakistani rupee has unfortunately depreciated a lot over the past 2 years, and is trading at 85 to the dollar and this decreases the purchasing power of western equipment. Thanks!

:) Thank you.

You have saved me from explaining it to our Bhartya members here on forum.
i dun thnk with this increased budgte any new weapons are coming our way as is will b used in WOT, spoiled the party:what:
Today i read on newspaper that US has paid 349 Million $ to Pakistan...

i dun thnk with this increased budgte any new weapons are coming our way as is will b used in WOT, spoiled the party:what:
Why do you say "spoilt the party"? After all WoT is the main problem that is plaguing your entire country right now. If it goes as you say, you must be proud of your government for doing the right thing. The hike would cover more weapons that would fill the requirement for counter-terror weapons and technology.

As days go by, counter terror is replacing conventional wars and this is how it will be going on. Nations will fight using only economies and the only threat they would be facing would be the terrorist organizations.
Why do you say "spoilt the party"? After all WoT is the main problem that is plaguing your entire country right now. If it goes as you say, you must be proud of your government for doing the right thing. The hike would cover more weapons that would fill the requirement for counter-terror weapons and technology.

As days go by, counter terror is replacing conventional wars and this is how it will be going on. Nations will fight using only economies and the only threat they would be facing would be the terrorist organizations.

This is not our war...We are fighting a war which is created by US there were no such groups before US attacked Afghanistan or if they were thn atleats they didnt harm our terriotory or public...US delibrately pushed us in this war and result is we have lost alot in the form of

Our army personnel
Our local public
A large number of infrastuructre
and our economy which at one stage was growing at 8.5 % and KSE won the best performing asian market award

but now look where we stand
Without meaning to be rude or hurting my Pakistani brothers and sisters I hope my take on this is taken in a positive manner. I feel that Pakistan military is eating up this country! We don't need F-16s, Cobras and Atom bombs. If only we spent half the money that we spend on our military, say on education and healthcare; We wdnt be in the sort of mess we are in today!! They have radicalised a whole generation, literally crippled the whole system either by colluding with the corrupt politicians indirectly or by direct control of the state. The English gave us independence and since then military has enslaved us! Every country has an army and Pakistani army is perhaps one of the only armies in the world that has a whole country at its disposal! Use it as you will, If you don't do what army wants, then you are done! But my voice I know will not be materialised and it will carry on like this .. like it always has.. Buy more fighter jets, more military equipment, make more atom bombs, perhaps get a few more cobras, increase the pay roll of our beloved army.. but where will it stop?! or will it ever?! I hope not when there is nothing more left....

And people please don't get me wrong. I love my country and two of my brothers are serving the armed forces of this great country and therefore it hurts me even more... I hope we realise before its too late!
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