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Pakistan in talks for 4 Ada Class Corvettes, T-129 Helicopters & modernization of agosta fleet

Yeah, finally. Two years late already. Anyhow, if we do get a VLS equipped model than will we be using CAMM or Aster.
I can smell some corruption here, this ship does not fulfill PN requirements, A ship without a proper medium range SAM ? why not stick with F-22P than ? maybe some Admiral is making a new palace in Behria Town after this deal.
@Quwa what is your take on this ADA class ?? what are major benefits of getting Milgem rather than 4 more F-22P's ?
HQ7 isn't good enough against antiship missiles.
You don't want to be tied hand and foot to one supplier (China, US, you name it)
Ada is in many respects more modern e.g. Codag propulsion; highly automated (low crew); steel hull plus fragmentation resistant composite superstructure and fore and aft masts as well as funnel constructed with sea resistant aluminum alloys; many classified precautions to reduce hydrodynamic, acoustic, magnetic signature, Infrared Signature (IR), Radar Cross Section (RCS), and therefore, to achieve the specified level of stealth feature; Collective Protection Zones designed to ensure the ships ability under NBC conditions; design focused on reduced Life Cycle Cost while the configuration is easily adaptable to technological improvements and changes due to operational requirements; stern ramp with the craft retrieval system; Ultra Electronics Sea Sentor Surface Ship Torpedo Defence (SSTD). See http://navalanalyses.blogspot.nl/2015/06/ada-class-corvettes-of-turkish-navy.html

HQ7 isn't good enough against antiship missiles.
You don't want to be tied hand and foot to one supplier (China, US, you name it)
Ada is in many respects more modern e.g. Codag propulsion; highly automated (low crew); steel hull plus fragmentation resistant composite superstructure and fore and aft masts as well as funnel constructed with sea resistant aluminum alloys; many classified precautions to reduce hydrodynamic, acoustic, magnetic signature, Infrared Signature (IR), Radar Cross Section (RCS), and therefore, to achieve the specified level of stealth feature; Collective Protection Zones designed to ensure the ships ability under NBC conditions; design focused on reduced Life Cycle Cost while the configuration is easily adaptable to technological improvements and changes due to operational requirements; stern ramp with the craft retrieval system; Ultra Electronics Sea Sentor Surface Ship Torpedo Defence (SSTD). See http://navalanalyses.blogspot.nl/2015/06/ada-class-corvettes-of-turkish-navy.html


can you tell me the range of RAM missiles used in Ada class ?
can you tell me the range of RAM missiles used in Ada class ?

More than 9km where as fm90 is 12-15 km, ram are std anti anti ship missile for USN including mighty careers ;)

USN standard missile newer version are more strategic capability including ballistic Missile Defense
Which can only be afforded by western navies not third world
FINALLY :victory1::victory1:

ISTANBUL: Turkey and Pakistan have signed a memorandum of understanding for the sale of four Turkish made corvette warships and 52 Pakistan-made training planes for Ankara's armed forces, Turkey's defense industry under-secretariat said on Wednesday.

Karachi Shipyard (KS&EW) will buy four corvettes made under Turkey's MILGEM warship program, aimed at designing and building locally a fleet of multipurpose corvettes and frigates that will replace older ships.

The Turkish defense undersecretariat said the final deal was expected to be signed on June 30. The statement did not provide any financial details.

Turkey will buy 52 Super Mushshak training planes from Pakistan Aeronautical Complex - Kamra, to replace the T-41 and SF-260 planes currently in use, a statement by Ankara's defense undersecretariat said.

This would be the first time a NATO country has used Super Mushshak planes, the statement added.

Two warships built under the MILGEM project so far, named TCG Heybeliada and TCG Buyukada, were delivered to the Turkish navy in 2011 and 2013. Construction is ongoing for TCG Burgazada and TCG Kinaliada, which are expected to start active duty in 2018 and 2020, respectively.
FINALLY :victory1::victory1:

ISTANBUL: Turkey and Pakistan have signed a memorandum of understanding for the sale of four Turkish made corvette warships and 52 Pakistan-made training planes for Ankara's armed forces, Turkey's defense industry under-secretariat said on Wednesday.

Karachi Shipyard (KS&EW) will buy four corvettes made under Turkey's MILGEM warship program, aimed at designing and building locally a fleet of multipurpose corvettes and frigates that will replace older ships.

The Turkish defense undersecretariat said the final deal was expected to be signed on June 30. The statement did not provide any financial details.

Turkey will buy 52 Super Mushshak training planes from Pakistan Aeronautical Complex - Kamra, to replace the T-41 and SF-260 planes currently in use, a statement by Ankara's defense undersecretariat said.

This would be the first time a NATO country has used Super Mushshak planes, the statement added.

Two warships built under the MILGEM project so far, named TCG Heybeliada and TCG Buyukada, were delivered to the Turkish navy in 2011 and 2013. Construction is ongoing for TCG Burgazada and TCG Kinaliada, which are expected to start active duty in 2018 and 2020, respectively.
So approximately Turkish are taking 5 years to build a warship even if we order at the end of the
Year we won't be getting them ( I believe at least 2) before 2023 may be with the first
Hangoor class sub
Never doubted you Sir :D

will PN ada class will have block-2 ? or block1 ? i read somewhere they are using block-1 for now

Probably neither. When they say its a PN-specific MILGEM, it probably isnt a different design (ala LF-2400), rather different weapons (FL-3000N instead of RAM, Possibly even replacing Harpoon with C-802A or Atacama). I would be surprised if US released RAM for PN. It would be good for PN if FL-3000N was also to receive an upgrade to around 20km which would be very good for these vessels.
Weapons from type 21 like phalanx gun plus pn has 100 plus harpoons so still need to be deployed in some western platform Sam is a different story and may be South African Sam being looked at by pn who knows
Probably neither. When they say its a PN-specific MILGEM, it probably isnt a different design (ala LF-2400), rather different weapons (FL-3000N instead of RAM, Possibly even replacing Harpoon with C-802A or Atacama). I would be surprised if US released RAM for PN. It would be good for PN if FL-3000N was also to receive an upgrade to around 20km which would be very good for these vessels.

Weapons from type 21 like phalanx gun plus pn has 100 plus harpoons so still need to be deployed in some western platform Sam is a different story and may be South African Sam being looked at by pn who knows

It would make good sense to re-use Harpoon and Phalanx, possibly Swedish and US torpedo systems from retiring Tariq class.

Am wondering if a PN-specific MILGEM could mount the 4.5" gun (the Oto 76mm is indeed a very compact gun that penetrates very little, likewise the Russian/Chinese 76mm). However, weight of the 4.5" mount is 26.8 tons (27.2 mt) excluding ammunition while AK176 is 10.29 tons (10.45 mt) without ammo or cooling equipment. 76/62 Compact without ammunition is 7,439 kg and the SR without ammunition is 7,620 kg. Compact with ammunition and
off-mount components totals 8,520 kg.

There really is only 1 position to put the Phalanx CIWS if reused and it would mean the loss of the ship's SAM capability. Personally, I think it would be better used on board the Azmat class (forward, replacing the twin guns), to augment AOR self defence capability (second unit in both ships), and/or e.g. on MSA's 1500 ton OPVs. LY60 could also be used to augment OAR firepower (3 ship sets from Type 21s would be available).

FL3000N could be an alternative to RAM. Wondering in which version (8, 15, 18 or 24 round launcher have been seen). If single launcher, then 24 round would be preferred (15 round minimum). If two launchers then the 8-round version.

Although unlikely as replacement for RAM on MILGEM, you might even see :


Evidently based on


This has LY90 added (base missile for FL3000N) If not on MILGEM, this could be a good augmentation of F22P firepower, which could also eventually see HQ7 replaced by a FL3000N multiround launcher. Assuming no VL SAMs forthcoming, that is.

Comme ca:
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VLS should be imminent priority on new ship we need good medium range air defence on the ship and we must have few VLS for Tactical ballistic missile of Abdali class which are small in size and effective for sea denial for Indian ships
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