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Pakistan in talks for 4 Ada Class Corvettes, T-129 Helicopters & modernization of agosta fleet

Actually it was posted on Facebook pdf regarding Milgem deal citing Turkish sources. Zarvan just posted here 10 hrs later. For now it's just an speculation. Let's see.

In 2014, the head of naval projects for SSM, said that a request for proposals (RfP) for the Batch II (from ship 5) corvettes (also known as MILGEM -G) was expected to be issued by the end of the year. At the same time he said that work on the previously planned TF-100 project for a light frigate to replace some of Turkey's older MEKO 200 frigates had been stopped as "this role will now be covered by the Batch II MILGEM ". The new ships will have an increased length of about 10m and they will include in their equipment a) an Mk41 VLS for Evolved Sea Sparrow Missiles (ESSM), b) Phalanx CIWS instead of RAM (logically from the decommissioned Gabya-class frigates), c) two more quadruple SSM launchers, d) perhaps 25mm RWS/guns such as STOP (instead of STAMP), e) further combat system upgrades, f) new anti-torpedo system and g) diesel engines. The ships of the MILGEM Block I will replace gradually the six D'Estienne d'Orves-class/Burak class corvettes while the MILGEM Block II will replace the non-modernized Gabya/O. H. Perry class frigates (4 in service) and the Yavuz (MEKO 200TN Track I) class frigates (4 in service). This year the designation name of the new Batch changed to I-class.


Milgen G, batch II

evolved-sea-sparrow- 50 km

MILGEM -G with 16 SSM / Harpoons and 16/32 Sea sparrow , 2300 +Ton has more fire power than larger ships cost app 260 Mil compared to F22p around 160 of course prices based on old data, may be cheaper to operate ???

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Hazoor, Ye hain wo Zarai, where we will get VLS ship and Choppers - Turkey
If the deal is signed, STM will sub-contract work to Turkish, German and British companies, just as it is doing with the Pakistan Navy's Agosta 90Bs.

So if VLS is included, then STM will probably speak to MDBA UK for the Sylver with CAMM, Aster-15, MICA-VL or VT-1, or work with Roketsan to develop a Turkish solution using the Hisar-O. Alternatively, Pakistan could do it separately by speaking to Denel for a solution using the Umkhonto-EIR.

Helicopters could also end up coming from Turkey as TAI will manufacture S-70 under license, and IIRC the PN liked the S-70 a while ago. If not, the PN will likely speak to Leonardo and Airbus Helicopters for options.

FYI STM said (during IDEAS 2016) that the final contract would be signed after the start of Pakistan's next fiscal year (i.e. after July).
As much as I like the Talwar class, your post evokes just one response "My, an update of a Soviet era Krivak class frigate. We should all be scared now?" Can we get over this now?

How can you state this without even knowing anything about what ship exactly is expected?
Batch 2 Ada (TF-100 Istanbul) has 2x8 VLS Mk41 IIRC.
If it is Ada and fitted with RAM then the RAM block 2 missile would give 22.5km range rather than 9km for the older RAM missiles, as compared to 12km HQ7/FM80 or 15km HQ7/FM90 and 9 km for FL-3000M.

Longer range missiles would be nice, but are not a necessity for PN: they should be operating under land based air cover (to take care of flying launch platforms) and have sufficient range AShM (to take care of sea based launch platforms).

Why? (is this necessary?)
doesnt article clearly states that this likely ada class NOT ISTANBUL class
if it is Istanbul class with VLS Mk41 and RAM block 2 than its obviously a great deal
I will say this, if it is Ada class rather than Istanbul class, then I would seriously wonder about the future of the PN. There is a glaring hole with respect to the air-defense capabilities of the fleet. Ada will not change that and the thought that 1 squadron of JF-17 operating from land will resolve that is minimizing the hole that PN is in vis a vis Indian Navy. They need ships that are able to defend themselves from Missile/aerial attacks. Given that RAM and RAM-2 are likely not available to PN, the Ada class will lend zero to advancing PNs capabilities beyond retiring Type 21s. They need to go for Istanbul class
I hope it won't be a disappointment for our house mullah sahib just like the Scar dilemma :D
I think I personally would be ok with either ships

  • Ada (Corvette)
  • Istambol class (Frigate)

We do need to rise the number of corvettes in our fleet from 0 to a figure which is respectable
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