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Pakistan in Australia 2009-2010

Pakistan 77/3 at tea........ need 99 more runs to win
Pakistan fight themselves on crucial day

Pakistan are close, very close, to something very big. But in Australia you are never over the line until you are over the line

We need some good prays. One can not predict we Pak eleven can do.

Most destructive team in the world that can even destroy itself

one more down:hitwall:

Yousuf caught and bowled

one more gone


Misbah-ul-Haq crackes under pressure
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pakistan has already lost, bet it

no body had imagined we will lose like this a wining game all the way

i cant believe this even now.

the deciding facor of this match is kemran akmals stunning 4 catch drops, if he had not done mistakes pakistan would have won yesterday.

lets see what kemran does in batting
pakistan has already lost, bet it

no body had imagined we will lose like this a wining game all the way

i cant believe this even now.

never say this Pak eleven most unpredictable eleven
Really a nerve test match going on . 4 wickets in hand and 55 needed . Prayers needed folks ...!
Sami gone ,, Ummer Akmal still there,, Oh GOD pls help we are so close to winning ,, Cant afford to loose from here ..!
Pakistan team a big loser **** :angry:

Please see post#140.

cricket should be finished in pakistan, PCB should be dissolved nobody likes to watch cricket in pakistan now, continuously losing the series even before the final game is a played is an embarrassment

all blame goes to kemran akham, he dropped crucial catches of hussie, kemran should be kicked in public

i have no surprise we are so shamelessly losing today, yunus team did the same in dambula against srilanka
Good work by Umer Akmal. If it was me.. i would have done the same shot. It must be mind exploding experience for him. But welcome to the team of fearful and rejects.
man this can be oly done by australia
all out for 127 in first innings
who thought tey will end up wining the match
Cooked for 133
Shameful, especially the four catches missed by Akmal.

Pakistan doesn't have the killer instinct. We should have buried Australia last night.
such a shame to watch losing in this fashion for a second time, cant believe aussies got all the glory today, it was all pakistan game this morning, hussie the loser to be knighted.

auusie didnt win, we won them the game for them, such a shame
WTF it was a totall winable match ...! Theres no place for misbah ul haq in the squad now ....
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