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Pakistan humiliated over terror as it seeks support on Kashmir

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Mar 18, 2010
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United Kingdom
WASHINGTON: Pakistan was humiliated on the world stage on Wednesday after it attempted to crank up international pressure on India on the Kashmir issue.

A range of lawmakers, analysts, and diplomats called Pakistan a terrorist entity, said it should be denied foreign aid, and proposed that its leaders, including its military generals, be sanctioned and stopped from traveling to the United States for consistently cheating the world community on terrorism.

A congressional hearing in Washington and the United Nations general assembly were the forums for Pakistan's public shaming after its representatives tried to rake up the Kashmir situation in the wake of the violence in the Indian state.

Accusing his counterpart of misusing the UN platform with phony concern about human rights, India's permanent representative at the UN Syed Akbaruddin lashed out at Pakistan, calling it "a country that covets the territory of others; a country that uses terrorism as state policy towards that misguided end; a country that extols the virtues of terrorists and that provides sanctuary to UN-designated terrorists."

"Pakistan is the same country whose track record has failed to convince the international community to gain membership of the UN human rights council in this very session of the UNGA," Akbaruddin sneered, saying the "international community has long seen through such designs" and such "cynical attempts find no resonance in this forum or elsewhere in the United Nations". He asserted that "as a diverse, pluralistic and tolerant society, India's commitment to the rule of law, democracy and human rights is enshrined in its founding principles."

The Indian riposte came even as Pakistan's terrorist poster-boy and UN-designated terrorist Hafiz Saeed threatened escalation of violence in Kashmir. Hafiz also met with Syed Salahuddin, the Kashmiri separatist leader who incites violence in the state from the safety of Azad Kashmir.

Meanwhile, Saeed's Twitter account @hafizsaeedlive was suspended for inciting violence, reportedly on a complaint from New Delhi, even as the US expanded its drone strikes to eliminate Omar Mansour, the terrorist accused of the attack on the Pakistani army-run public school in Peshawar that killed 130 school children.

India's excoriation of Pakistan was mild compared to what transpired in the US Congress a few hours before. US lawmakers and experts testifying before a congressional panel called for designating Pakistan a state sponsor of terrorism and for cutting off all aid to Islamabad.

One analyst, Long War Journal's Bill Roggio, went so far as to recommend even cutting off educational aid (which some lawmakers wanted retained), because, he argued, money is "fungible" and what was given as education or humanitarian aid freed up other moneys for Pakistan's general fattened on US aid.

It was arguably the harshest indictment of Pakistan in congressional hearing history as lawmakers holding the hearing and those testifying before it shamed the country for repeatedly hoodwinking successive US administrations on the issue of terrorism, milking Washington for aid while promising to change course.

"They are making chumps out of us. They see us being so stupid. It seems like paying the mafia," said congressman Matt Salmon, who was holding the hearing.

"If I may use an undiplomatic term, we have been patsies," said former US ambassador to Afghanistan and Bush era diplomat Zalmay Khalilzad.

"Chumps ... patsies ... idiots," Salmon concurred.

Khalidzad described how Pakistan manipulated the US by reaching out to US officials and lawmakers with a charm offensive each time it had its back to the wall, promising to change, but then not changing after collecting the money and the pressure eased off. He reminded the panel of how Musharraf had maintained terrorism was fine as long as it was directed against India.

The harsh indictment came even as Pakistan moved swiftly to take advantage of the insurrection in Kashmir, calling on the UN, US and other major western countries to intervene.

But Washington declined to be baited into the situation, asserting that at a state department briefing that is policy and position regarding the Kashmir issue had not changed.

At the congressional hearing, Roggio maintained that Pakistan's support for terrorism extended beyond the Kashmir issue; it was part of a strategic depth policy based on a paranoid assessment of India.

Pakistan will not change its calculus until it is severely sanctioned, both Roggio and Khalidzad argued, calling for ending all foreign aid and funding, cutting off visas for all Pakistanis including its politicians and generals.

Khalidzad went so far as to suggest the US should use its clout with the IMF to shut down even that source of funding for Pakistan.

No lawmaker disagreed. Not one stood up for Pakistan.

Pakistan and China...behave or you will be punished, u cant fight the whole world if you continue to follow your wrong practices and policies..

Calm down dude calm down.

These poor people are being oppressed by Indian forces for nothing, but standing for freedom. In past few days 41 people lost their lives, 1500+ are injured and some severed injured.
Their leaders are intervene. There's curfew for last 6 days.
Today on 13th July, when they wanted to protest and Indian forces intervene their freedom fighters. Net service is down, just so they can't raise their voices on social media. They are torturing people in hospitals. In a single day, people in 100s are getting paralyzed and 100s of people are getting their eye operated. And many are going forever blinds due to tear gas and pallet fires by Indian forces. No one is paying any attention to their pains. They should be given all the rights to chose whom they want to be with.
And this is your right policy? Seriously? If you think USA or India can threaten Pakistan then wake up not anymore. USA knows the importance of Pakistan too.

Calm down dude calm down.

These poor people are being oppressed by Indian forces for nothing, but standing for freedom. In past few days 41 people lost their lives, 1500+ are injured and some severed injured.
Their leaders are intervene. There's curfew for last 6 days.
Today on 13th July, when they wanted to protest and Indian forces intervene their freedom fighters. Net service is down, just so they can't raise their voices on social media. They are torturing people in hospitals. In a single day, people in 100s are getting paralyzed and 100s of people are getting their eye operated. And many are going forever blinds due to tear gas and pallet fires by Indian forces. No one is paying any attention to their pains. They should be given all the rights to chose whom they want to be with.
And this is your right policy? Seriously? If you think USA or India can threaten Pakistan then wake up not anymore. USA knows the importance of Pakistan too.

What about the Kashmiris joining Indian forces,providing intel & shooting brotherly Kashmiris??
A major portion of Kashmiris support India too..
In your dream Pakistan can get Kashmir.Pakistan should concentrate in it's internal issues more..
All Hizbul Chizbul drama is funded by neighbor..
Lol...Pakistan banega union territory of India..!
come and try it if u have guts

USA need u india this time he is on ur back so try ur luck

let some time pass she will throw u like a toilet tissue paper so till that time enjoy her friendship and dream big n wet ur bed

Why should any region wants to be a part of Pakistan ?

Even Bangladesh once a part of Pakistan does not want to be Pakistan again.

What can Pakistan offer to anyone ??
Lol...Pakistan banega union territory of India..!

HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHHAHA You guys watch so many Bollywood movies and stay in dreams. Wake up. It's not some shityywood movie you are watching.

Why should any region wants to be a part of Pakistan ?

Even Bangladesh once a part of Pakistan does not want to be Pakistan again.

What can Pakistan offer to anyone ??

Bangladesh and Kashmir movement two different scenario. You need some sanity. And why don't you guys give them the rights to vote to chose who they want stay with? You won't. Why? You know the answer.

What about the Kashmiris joining Indian forces,providing intel & shooting brotherly Kashmiris??
A major portion of Kashmiris support India too..
In your dream Pakistan can get Kashmir.Pakistan should concentrate in it's internal issues more..
All Hizbul Chizbul drama is funded by neighbor..

Joining Indian forces? Must be posted in times of India.
Why should any region wants to be a part of Pakistan ?

Even Bangladesh once a part of Pakistan does not want to be Pakistan again.

What can Pakistan offer to anyone ??
what u offering to Kashmir ? bullets ? rape ? death? killing there women men they cant even perform there religious events with freedom.......
tell me what u offer them anything else

This speaks for itself
HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHHAHA You guys watch so many Bollywood movies and stay in dreams. Wake up. It's not some shityywood movie you are watching.

Bangladesh and Kashmir movement two different scenario. You need some sanity. And why don't you guys give them the rights to vote to chose who they want stay with? You won't. Why? You know the answer.

Joining Indian forces? Must be posted in times of India.

Article is published in Times of India . You can figure out the rest. Their generations have floated down Ganges waiting for Pakistan's collapse. Sometimes I pity their mental state.
HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHHAHA You guys watch so many Bollywood movies and stay in dreams. Wake up. It's not some shityywood movie you are watching.

Bangladesh and Kashmir movement two different scenario. You need some sanity. And why don't you guys give them the rights to vote to chose who they want stay with? You won't. Why? You know the answer.

Joining Indian forces? Must be posted in times of India.


Army post, Kashmir Image Source: Wikimedia Commons

Gulfam Asim Khan is among thousands of jobless and educated young Kashmiris who are defying warnings from armed separatists by pursuing careers in the Indian armed forces and security services.

Last week, the 22-year-old appeared for a written test that is a prerequisite for signing up with the army.

“I am passionate about joining the army. I am hopeful that I will clear the written test, and my dream of becoming a soldier will come true,” Khan, a Kupwara resident, told BenarNews.

He was one of 12,000 potential recruits who underwent a series of rigorous physical tests in the volatile Kupwara district of Indian-administered Kashmir between May 19 and May 21, although the banned separatist outfit Hizbul Mujahideen (HM) had recently threatened to kill anyone who joined the Indian military or security agencies.

Six hundred of the applicants were shortlisted for the written exam.

But just a day before Khan sat for the Indian Army entrance test on Thursday, army porter Liyaqat Ali, 22, was gunned down by suspected HM militants in Kupwara.

Khan, a resident of the district, shrugged off the threats.

“I don’t care about the threats. If these threats begin to scare us, we will not be able to do any jobs. Where would educated Kashmiri youths like me go? There is already a massive dearth of jobs in the private sector in the state,” Khan said.

A new trend

A separatist insurgency in Jammu and Kashmir, which is claimed in its entirety by India and Pakistan, has killed more than 70,000 people since the late 1980s.


Kashmiri applicants sit for the Indian Army’s entrance exam in Kupwara, Kashmir, May 21, 2016 Image Source: BenarNews
The Indian Army said it had advertised 55 vacancies, for which it received more than 12,000 applications – a sharp contrast to the early 1990s, when Kashmiri youth stayed away from joining the armed forces.

“It is a good sign that more and more Kashmiris are gradually showing interest in joining the army so that they can contribute to nation-building in a better way,” Col. C.B.S. Bhadwal, commanding officer of the Kupwara-based 160 Territorial Army, responsible for the recruitment drive, told BenarNews.

The results of the written exam will be publicized in June, Bhadwal said.

Ishfaq Ahmad, a 25-year-old graduate from the town of Karnah, which is close to the Line of Control (LoC) – the boundary that separates the parts of Kashmir that are claimed by India and Pakistan, respectively, said the army should have advertised more vacancies.

“Considering the joblessness in Kashmir, the army should have advertised at least 1,000 jobs so educated youths in the state have enough opportunities to make something of their lives,” Ahmad told BenarNews.

According to official figures, about 600,000 Kashmiris between the ages of 20 and 30 are unemployed.

The threats from separatists notwithstanding, we have to work to earn money. Besides, one who aspires to be a soldier must be prepared to face and overcome such challenges,” said Shamim Ahmad Khan, 24, who applied for one of the 55 vacancies.

“The pay in the Indian Army is decent so I didn’t want to lose out on this opportunity,” Khan told Benar. (Source: Benarnews)
Whatever suits you..
Article is published in Times of India . You can figure out the rest. Their generations have floated down Ganges waiting for Pakistan's collapse. Sometimes I pity their mental state.

When watching too much of Bollywood left with a great impact on your thinking. They watched this Ghus kay maray gay and believed this will happen.
When watching too much of Bollywood left with a great impact on your thinking. They watched this Ghus kay maray gay and believed this will happen.
Pakistanis also watch Bollywood...
Don't humiliate yourself..
Hearing, entitled "Pakistan: A Friend of Foe in the Fight Against Terrorism.A range of lawmakers, analysts, and ex diplo-mat known as Modis new bitch . Is being changed by Desperate times of India with new headlines.:rofl::rofl:
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