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Pakistan Has Settled All Scores With India


They broke our country in 1971. We were unable to. They hold a Muslim majority Kashmir while we hold no Hindu majority land. This despite the fact that there are 200 million Muslims inside India, a fellow Muslim Bangladesh, and a Sikh Punjab all of which you have failed to leverage. Stop coping so hard and face reality.
1971 not settled

To Do list
If hate is the source of action, it won't prevail for long. Love doesn't have the same power initially like hate to rile people up. But love takes time, is long suffering. A lot of blood has been shed in the name of nationality, in the name of religion. Can there be healing to such bloodshed, in the name of just love?
It is not primarily a matter of score settling. It is a far broader issue، something like a pervading civilizational conflict. Resolution of such conflicts warrant change in mindset, which is a most hard task, to accomplish.
It may not be the primary issue to settle but atleast one less issue to settle.

They broke our country in 1971. We were unable to. They hold a Muslim majority Kashmir while we hold no Hindu majority land. This despite the fact that there are 200 million Muslims inside India, a fellow Muslim Bangladesh, and a Sikh Punjab all of which you have failed to leverage. Stop coping so hard and face reality.
Reality is Pakistan has never been stronger. East Pakistan was more of a thorn in the side of Pakistan. With its independence we dont have to worry about managing 2 countries per say...
Reality is Pakistan has never been stronger. East Pakistan was more of a thorn in the side of Pakistan. With its independence we dont have to worry about managing 2 countries per say...
Why haven't we been able to take Kashmir then? Or do any real damage to India like it does in Balochistan?
Why haven't we been able to take Kashmir then? Or do any real damage to India like it does in Balochistan?
Why havent we been able to take kashmir? Well we have taken 2/5 of it which we hold today. All i can say is patience. All your questions will be answered soon

As for damage to india... Dude. We quartered their akhand bharat.
lol in all cases Pakistan despite being 7 times smaller country has shown enormous guts to attack the larger enemy - simply means Pakistan doesn't give a **** to Indian so-called military might, military deterrence, whatever the results, Pakistan Army has shown to have the courage to attack its enemy whereas you phutu Army and govt keep ranting about AJK and never dare to attack Pakistan LOL a spineless shit in the history first time trying their best to create a drama of surgical strikes and end it up with bloody nose.... lost 40 soldiers, aircrafts, POW, helicopter, 6 crew whata **** global level embarrassment of third class so-called military might IN THE BROAD DAY LIGHT in modern war 2019 not fucking 50 years old event.

PS: Pakistan every time initiated a war to liberate IOK, each and every time you responded back to Pakistan with the motive of "DESTROY and FINISH entire Pakistan". You guys were miserably FAILED to completely finish and destroy Pakistan. Period!

One should not forget pakistan defeated two super powers single handed and whole world is at the feat of pakistanis . There is no fear of talibans so Tourists are running for vacations , players from all countries are rushing to play in PSL , pakistan refused to play cricket with newzealand , england and india because they play in IPL . all countries are installing manufacturing factories in pakistan , funds are causing floods like situation , people from poor countries are running in to get job and pakistani green card , work permit . exports are booming , pakistani goods are dumped in as export surrplus causing great problem to goods of other countries , pakistan is ready to invest in poor countries . Companies are establishing their headquarters in pakistan . Pakistani passport is respected worlwide no pakistanis are subjected to body search , FATF and IMF have been shown the door , they are not allowed to enter in pakistan , dollar has been banned in pakistan , pakistan deals in rupees only . This is how pakistan has settled score with the whole world .
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please correct your 1999 post, there status quo changed, Pakistan did gain territory, Pakistan took over tiger hill point 5353 that india ruptured her rectum trying to get back but couldn't. It is with us to this very day.
Ok you won that war :D
You talk as if Muslims are standing with their arms stretched with love for Hindus. I mean just look at this forum and you will know. Don't take the moral high ground here. If anything, muslims hate hindus , christians and sikhs with similar intensity if not higher than vice versa.
Very true .
That is not the case. Separation of East and West Pakistan was writ, even before Pakistan came into being. Two out of three key Muslim Bengali politicians (AK Fazlul Huq and Huseyn Shaheed Suhrawardy), were not comfortable with this arrangement. A joint effort, for independence, was made; because, it was exigent and expedient.

Here goes the two nation theory , some went to west some went to east some stayed with secular hindus . West Muslims cant live with east muslims ,but some muslims can live with hindus OF INDIA . They are 20 crore now .
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We know we did
That is why you are in this state .
Your passport is number two from bottom . New Zealand and england , australia are scared to visit your country , fatf and IMF are not in very good mood ,
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That is why you are in this state :D
Your passport is number one .
I wonder which country has curfew in place at one time or another and who has beaten even Mexicans to be number one aliens in the world
That is why you are in this state .
Your passport is number two from bottom . New Zealand and england , australia are scared to visit your country , fatf and IMF are not in very good mood ,
bitva, imf aur fatf ki fikar na karo, apni naphaydo, you are standing nanga putanga with the demise of your 3rd army core called the ana and being gang banged from the north and the west while your so called "strategic allies" turning their backs to you! ab tera kia ho ga kaliaaaa? :lol:
Here goes the two nation theory ....

No. It is very much there, rather being reinforced, each and every passing day, as the Hindutvadi scum are shedding the fake garb of secularism and becoming more and more naked. Every thing is going in accordance with the perception and vision of our Quaid.
Very true.

Read the post again, which you have said "very true". This is what precisely is "Two Nation Theory". :lol: :lol:
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@Green Machine

Pakistan has since its inception punched well above its weight - India, USSR, USA etc.

Indeed this is true, Pak has always punched above its weight. And I had written on this a year or so back where I had compared Pakistan to another out performer - the Kingdom of Prussia.

Why is it the only time India fought a country of equal size namely China in 1962 it lost?

Because India is the reverse- a chronic under performer. As to the reason why- faulty ideology?, faulty genes?, poor social structure?- honestly I dont know. Learned maulanas of the forum people like Dada (@Joe Shearer ), Doc (@padamchen) or Kaptaan sb (@Indus Pakistan) maybe able to answer.

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