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Pakistan has second strike capability against India

ISLAMABAD: Former defence secretary retired Lt Gen Naeem Khalid Lodhi has claimed that Pakistan possesses second strike capability against India.

He was speaking at a seminar at Strategic Vision Institute (SVI), an Islamabad-based think-tank that works on strategic issues.

The issue of second strike capability came up in the context of the conventional superiority enjoyed by India and the options for Pakistan.

The second strike provides a military the capability to hit back at an enemy in a situation where its land-based nuclear arsenal had been neutralized.

The former defence secretary said that despite the growing conventional imbalance, Pakistan had certain strengths including the nuclear parity with India and credible nuclear deterrence.

The nuclear deterrence, he said, had been augmented by the second strike capability, efficient delivery systems and effective command and control system.

He did not explain any specifics about the second strike capability, which could be sea, air or land based.

It is still unclear if Pakistan was any closer to the submarine based ‘assured second strike capability’ for stable deterrence, particularly at time when India has already made the moves towards it.

Discussing Pakistan’s second strike capability, President SVI Dr Zafar Iqbal Cheema said that Pakistan had improved its second strike capability.

Pakistan’s second strike capability, Dr Cheema said, has been augmented by deployment of Hatf-VII/Baber nuclear capable cruise missile that is launchable from aircrafts and conventional submarines. It is further fortified by the deployment of Hatf-VIII/Ra’ad air launched cruise missile, he added.

Technically speaking, he maintained, the best mode of second strike capability is submarine launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs), which neither India nor Pakistan have deployed as yet.

Pakistan has second strike capability against India - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

if pakistani second strike capability is on submarines it is easier to destroy Pakistan's 2nd strike capability than their first strike capability on land
and one thing please not . humans are so so so stupids without a damn brain

here we live fight and want to nuke each other on this tinny spot
Problem isnt human , problem is who we follow and what we believe in
The Day every one stops there wrong doings no matter how small they are and start thinking about others this Tiny Place will be a heaven on this Planet, but for now we are divided to many small paty differences
if pakistani second strike capability is on submarines it is easier to destroy Pakistan's 2nd strike capability than their first strike capability on land

How cute! Remember the chinese sub port calling in Karachi n India making a hue n cry AFTER it was disclosed.. go read up on credible stuff before chest thumping here..
Existing older subs even can be modified to carry nuclear cruise missiles for surface launch. A tube attached to surface of submarine can carry the baburs just like Regulus cruise missiles of 50s. Just need several seconds of preperation above surface then dive again to disappear after launch. Cruise missile should be more survivable ofcourse like modern stealth paint is an option (New Stealth Nano-Paint Turns Any Aircraft Into a Radar-Evading Stealth Plane | Popular Science

if pakistani second strike capability is on submarines it is easier to destroy Pakistan's 2nd strike capability than their first strike capability on land

Are you just plain dumb or you drank too much of your holy cow urine?

It is almost IMPOSSIBLE to detect submarines in oceans. Submarines are the safest second-strike options everywhere in the world.

You are an utter idiot. Stop trying to act as if you know something about defence issues.
Are you just plain dumb or you drank too much of your holy cow urine?

It is almost IMPOSSIBLE to detect submarines in oceans. Submarines are the safest second-strike options everywhere in the world.

You are an utter idiot. Stop trying to act as if you know something about defence issues.

Not true. india has made subs that are more advanced and superior than that of america or Russia. They can detect and destroy anything at any time. A true superpower.
our armed forces are doing every possible thing to defend pakistan with no economy no funds but challenges alot.pakistan armed forces never disclose anything until its already out.just have faith in your armed forces.We have alot of strategies,weapon systems special thanks to turkey n china.well did any one remember PN tested ballistic missile from one of its ship in past
can u provide the source of this test from ship???
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