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Pakistan has second strike capability against India

There is not much info about this on the internet however here is one link with some info
New Chinese Submarines to Pakistan | Popular Science
Babur LACM was fired from Agosta-70 and 90-B in 2009. This will also be integrated with new S-20 subs also.

Didn't know much about credibility of source. Also did not able to find any information about so called test launch. Pakistan is working on naval version of Babur cruise Missile, this is true only to that extent.

Point which I am trying to make is that no need to discuss things, about which you have no proof.
and one thing please not . humans are so so so stupids without a damn brain

here we live fight and want to nuke each other on this tinny spot
That is true and scary but actually possessing a good deterrence is the only surety that it will not happen. Japan did not had it so USA bombed it twice but couldn't do anything against Russia, China etc because they have it and balances it. So if there is balance....no worries but imbalance will lead to war.
So we have a missile which we can be fire from our Submarine or Frigate
We have Exocet and harpoons since decades and they can be fired from subs!
Sea based second nuclear strike capability already exists since the naval version of Babur CM has been readily adopted and deployed on Agosta-90 Bs and other submarines. The modification was done a few years back. The ingenious system does not even need a VLS and conventional torpedo tubes have been used. The future submarines will be fitted with VLS also.
Do u have any credible source?
That is true and scary but actually possessing a good deterrence is the only surety that it will not happen. Japan did not had it so USA bombed it twice but couldn't do anything against Russia, China etc because they have it and balances it. So if there is balance....no worries but imbalance will lead to war.
in any case of any madness then ? can we take risk ? world must be nukes free for sake of humanity
in any case of any madness then ? can we take risk ? world must be nukes free for sake of humanity
Yeah but all have to agree. If one wants to keep, it won't work. Get the consensus which is nearly impossible.
Yeah but all have to agree. If one wants to keep, it won't work. Get the consensus which is nearly impossible.
its only need to be more mature and civilized world janab . remember slavery ?
Good news. Now what needs to be done is increase the range and survivability of cruise missiles.

For point defense still cruise missiles can be taken out but there are measures to have better hit ratio which means more deterrance and second strike capability close to submarine launched ballistic missiles.

For a long range cruise missile survivability comes from its stealth.
One of the easiest and quickest measure that can be developed is stealth paint to make the cruise missiles less observable. Cruise missile has a simple cylinder shape and radar absorbant paint would make it more survivable. Babur design is also nice having its engine inside the missile and inlet under the fuselage similar to tomahawk.
Here is an article about israeli firm developing this type of paint.
New Stealth Nano-Paint Turns Any Aircraft Into a Radar-Evading Stealth Plane | Popular Science

For longer run square shape cross section like raad or similar angular faceted fuselage can be adopted to new versions of babur missiles to make them more stealthy.

It is a dangerous world so you need continiously sustain minimum deterrance against gangsters that can show up in the dark while aiming to get on well with everyone. nuclear is for deterrence against preemptive nuclear strikes and similar so you need to improve conventional shield as well which is after all the first and only line of defense if nuclear option is omitted by means of increasing fighter numbers and modernized sam sites for strategic sites.
We have Exocet and harpoons since decades and they can be fired from subs!

Do u have any credible source?

There was also no credible source that Pakistan possessed nuclear weapons until May the 28th 1998. After that date the fate of a nation, of a race changed. It is safe to assume that Pakistan has some sort of 2nd strike capability at least. It's this that's stopping Pakistan being invaded by the indians.
our armed forces are doing every possible thing to defend pakistan with no economy no funds but challenges alot.pakistan armed forces never disclose anything until its already out.just have faith in your armed forces.We have alot of strategies,weapon systems special thanks to turkey n china.well did any one remember PN tested ballistic missile from one of its ship in past
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instead of embarrassing you i would rather give you a basic understanding

read this

Ballistic missile submarine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

please tell me does Agosta 90b have hatches to launch ballistic missiles? if that is even possible in the first place

You missed his post where he said VLS are not needed for cruise missile as they can be fired from Torpedoe tubes. The issue is the size of the tubes. That is one of the reasons that the deal for German subs did not go through as they refused larger tube which could potentially launch Babur. Right now it us entirely feasible to put Baburs on surface ships. So a rudimentary second strike is totally feasible and in fact India is at the same stage. They have put Prthivi on surface ships. Ballistic Missiles are not the only solution for a second strike capability.
You missed his post where he said VLS are not needed for cruise missile as they can be fired from Torpedoe tubes. The issue is the size of the tubes. That is one of the reasons that the deal for German subs did not go through as they refused larger tube which could potentially launch Babur. Right now it us entirely feasible to put Baburs on surface ships. So a rudimentary second strike is totally feasible and in fact India is at the same stage. They have put Prthivi on surface ships. Ballistic Missiles are not the only solution for a second strike capability.
Since you seem to have some knowledge, unlike other trolls, I would like share some insight. The standard heavy torpedo tubes are 533 mm and since Babur CM's dia is 520 mm so it can be easily fired from these tubes and Pak Navy and NDC already worked on it and both Agosta-70 and 90-B can fire Babur SLCM and it has been already done. The S20 from China can carry 18 such torpedoes and perhaps a mix of 12 Babur SLCM and 6 torpedoes or all 18 Babur SLCM has been planned by Pak Navy and strategic command division thus quite a potent sea based 2nd strike capability in addition to land based deep silos and mobile TEL based launchers.
You missed his post where he said VLS are not needed for cruise missile as they can be fired from Torpedoe tubes. The issue is the size of the tubes. That is one of the reasons that the deal for German subs did not go through as they refused larger tube which could potentially launch Babur. Right now it us entirely feasible to put Baburs on surface ships. So a rudimentary second strike is totally feasible and in fact India is at the same stage. They have put Prthivi on surface ships. Ballistic Missiles are not the only solution for a second strike capability.

babur on surface ships i understand. However, what he was on about is ballstic missiles through torpedo tubes without requiring VLS.

now that is not possible through agosta subs or the chinese s20s. if so then do enlighten me


i am sure you know what you are on about please explain.

if not ask @Penguin he is well versed in such topics i am sure he would be able to clarify that Pakistan cannot fire "nuclear missiles" using agosta 90s as a platform. without VLS. and agostas cannot be modified to carry VLS.

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