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"PAKISTAN HAS NEVER LOST" | Dr. Pravin Sawhney |

To be fair, India did win in 1971 inflicting a territorial and psychological defeat besides simplifying Pakistan's strategic two front problem. It was in a position to inflict a further defeat by shifting it's forces from the Bengal to the Western theatre but Kessinger's threat bailed us out.

Apart from 71, the rest of the wars were militarily inconclusive with both sides failing to achieve their objectives.
To be fair, India did win in 1971 inflicting a territorial and psychological defeat besides simplifying Pakistan's strategic two front problem. It was in a position to inflict a further defeat by shifting it's forces from the Bengal to the Western theatre but Kessinger's threat bailed us out.

Apart from 71, the rest of the wars were militarily inconclusive with both sides failing to achieve their objectives.

Pravin Sawhney is very correct and unbiased, India had no major war on Bangladesh front 1971 with a few Pakistani battalions, one airstrip which was fighting the Mukti-Bahini and Bengali soldiers.

Indian Army just did mopping up operations in the end, got the surrender and declared its self made victory.

Factually India never won against Pakistan is a correct and unbias statement.

Factually India never won against Pakistan is a correct and unbias statement.
Pravin Sawhney is very correct and unbiased, India had no major war on Bangladesh front 1971 with a few Pakistani battalions, one airstrip which was fighting the Mukti-Bahini and Bengali soldiers.

Indian Army just did mopping up operations in the end, got the surrender and declared its self made victory.

Factually India never won against Pakistan is a correct and unbias statement.
So, was it India's job to ensure that adequate Pakistani defenses are in place? It's war, not a match of cricket; once an opportunity is there, the adversary will avail it.

Fact is we suffered loss of territory and prestige. If that is not a loss then I do not know what is; hiding behind excuses of being weak doesn't change the fact that it was a loss. India was in a position to shift her forces from Bengal to Punjab and finish the job here as well.
I've been reading the comments here and I really think that we need to educate some of our passionate users about what Dr. Sawhney prescribes to: realism. It depends on analysing the situation from a brutal lens of on ground reality rather than ideological/ political lenses.
Now that kind of hyperbole weakens your credibility. Of course, we have plenty of our own that also think this way, that the adversary is stupid.

Let's only arm wrestle and not cause real bloodshed.

Pakistan battlefield nukes can take out western india in less than 15 min... the rest of india in about 30 min

and yes you can destroy pakistan... 1.3B v 200M... go figure what the loss ratio will be.

R&AW has many such level-headed analysts and special secretaries.

most of them in Pakistan military jail. :)
in a way..Yes

Pakistan military is stronger than ever.. and can wipe out india in less than 15 min..

very unlikely India will offer jobs to Pakistanis even if it is only for wiping floors. Stick to middle east and may expand to China
very unlikely India will offer jobs to Pakistanis even if it is only for wiping floors. Stick to middle east and may expand to China

A Pakistani blogger takes Pravin Sawhney on the blower. During the interview Dr Sawhney said that Pakistan has never lost a war with India.

Dr Sawhney said that when India became Republic there was no declared border between India and China. During the 1962 war they declared their border line.
Now the Chinese is claiming that line back. They have come in to the territory claimed it and would stay throwing out the Indians.

which country loses war even after losing half its country .
just held a strip of land in Jammu division and even small strip in Kashmir division along with Gilgit and Baltistan.

Inference : Pakistan could not execute its plans and failed to achieve its Objective .

Final result : Pakistan lost the war.

wow...what a bhakti arnab type analysis..hahhahahh that is how much indians brains are washed.
Pakistan got half of Kashmir which indian till date never able to get back but still Pakistan lost :omghaha: :lol: :enjoy:
1947 : Pakistan invaded the state of Jammu & Kashmir

Objective :to conquer Srinagar and force the Maharaja to Sign accession with Pakistan.

What Happened : maharaja signed Accession with India and India intervened and send army into state and pushed the Pakistani army and its supported Tribals back.

When ceasefire was declared Pakistan was pushed back and just held a strip of land in Jammu division and even small strip in Kashmir division along with Gilgit and Baltistan.

The Pakistani army invaded and acquired Azad Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan, despite the Maharaja signing off such territories to India. How this can be regarded as anything but a victory is honestly beyond me, you need to learn to stop conflating the activities of tribal militias with that of the Pakistani military itself and even if you do, such separatist operations were conducted after the Maharaja had already made his intent clear by starting to butcher his Muslim subjects and refusing to cede to Pakistan.

Pakistan gained land, so it won. Full stop.

1965 : Pakistan initiated operation Grandslam and Gibraltor to instigate locals Kashmiri to revolt against India.

Another lie, the 1965 war started when India crossed the international border on the 6th of September. Pakistani sponsored covert operations as well as skirmishes that occurred in IOK during August were just part of the escalation that resulted in India deciding to invade Pakistan, and this invasion was swiftly blunted in little over two weeks, with the Indian military's goal of taking Lahore ultimately failing. Not only that, but Pakistan managed to gain many strategic areas within IOK, with Major Malik Munawar Khan literally being described as "the King of Rajouri". India achieved nothing, it did not make any major inroads in the Punjab as intended when it started the war and lost strategic areas in Kashmir.

Another point goes to Pakistan.

1971 : Pakistan attacked airbases in north India on 3 rd December 1971.and started the war.

That was a pre-emptive strike once the immanency of India's military intervention became readily apparent, Sam Maneckshaw himself said that India was preparing to invade Pakistan for months in advance. Not only that, but East Pakistan was already war ravaged due to rampant Bengali separatism and India still had to send in 15 times as many soldiers as there were Pakistani ones. If you want to celebrate this as some sort of major victory, be my guest but it's quite apparent that Pakistan's defeat was inevitable. This is nowhere near as impressive as Pakistan's victories in 1947, 1965 or (as we shall soon cover) 1999 where it has always been significantly outnumbered and in many instances also had to utilise inferior firepower.

1999: Pakistan initiated operation in Kargil by occupying vacant positions on peak tops in winter.

Some of which Pakistan still occupies, such as Point 5353 which is the region's dominating feature as per the admission of the Indian military itself.

So out of these 4 wars, the tally is 3-1 in Pakistan's favour, and the only war India won was the one that Pakistan couldn't possibly win. Such point bragging is inherently stupid since this doesn't change the reality of the stalemate both countries are locked within and is inherently disrespectful to the brave lives lost on both sides, but if you engage in it, you will not come out on top. Especially if we go back further in time (I don't see why not if this is the game you want to play) and include cases such as when the Khokhars sieged Delhi, the Durranis won at Panipat, the Gujjars conquered much of northern India, etc (each of these communities make up the backbone of Pakistani society whilst having a very minimal presence within the Republic of India).
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