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"PAKISTAN HAS NEVER LOST" | Dr. Pravin Sawhney |

There are many Pakistani experts who say Pakistan never won a war

Yes and many indian ones, that india has been ruled by Muslims for a 1000 years.
Now, this is how a decent Pakistani anchor conducts a decent interview from an Indian expert.
No blaming, no fingerpointing, no shouting, no screaming, no abusing.
Decent Indian anchors, if there are any, need to watch and learn.

It is going to be a cactus for Indian throats, but as per Indian strategic and military expert Dr. Pravin Sawhney,
  • India never won against Pakistan on the western front. If India had won, it would have changed the geography of LOC, the territory it claims - True.
  • Militarily, Pakistan is not weak but pretends and benefits from this fabrication but India is militarily not strong yet pretends and suffers. - Feb 2019
  • In Ladakh, China has got what it was after; a power to negotiate hard demands which India wasn't previously ready to concede. Dr. Pravin expects this will settle diplomatically with face-saving for India but strategic gains for China.

There are many Pakistani experts who say Pakistan never won a war

who said the war is over?..

by that standard india lost the war on 27 Feb?.. no?

lost 44 men, 2 front line planes, one helo and countless more indian soldiers lost their lives as the BAT moved in on LOC as PAF was blowing your planes out of the sky..(funny indian people forgot about all of that and instead were fixated on it's wet dream of shooting a F-16)

Siachien is not won.. as india could not dislodge the Pakistan army and continuously contest indian army and keeps it in check

Kargil only ended due to American pressure no skill on the indian army;'s part. If you call big daddy to beat us..lol.. you are like the italian who got it;s arse kicked and then had to beg uncle Adolf to save his sorry arse.

Kashmir after 30 years indian army still has no control over kashmir. You have banned independent media , internet, phone etc to keep "control"

Indian army pisses in it;s lungis at the thought of confronting chinese army.

Pakistan is known to end wars.

>We help end Sri Lanka war against india backed tamil tigers
> we help war in Afganistan -- twice
> We end all organised terrorism war in Pakistan
> We end put india it;s place since 27 Feb,.. only now india has received some new toys it thinks it has edge over Pakistan.. and it will start trouble.

Kashmir war is on going is still on going and next war will be your end. There is no doubt. India will be balkanised.

Decent Indian anchors, if there are any, need to watch and learn.

You are expecting too much

Yes, I know. Very important. That's why Shaikh Chillis are ruling Pakistan today, who happen to lecture something else but are doing something else.

Peshawar bus project cost goes up to Rs70.7 billion

PTI has made mistakes, this one of them. But it pales in comparison to the unforgivable mistakes Noonies have done.
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Other than that, no other changes even in 1965 or 1971?
Overall India gainaed much more.

There are whole villages of Baltistan taken by India and now opened to tourists.

Since 1949, India has repeatedly violated the LOC and occupied Pakistani positions.

Even the Siachen was taken along with position on the Saltoro Ridge.
The only problem in GB is the Agha Khanis who have converted some people there and using it as a 5th column to try to eventually create an Agha Khani state. Agha Khanis are fully funded and protected by the British and basically believe in a claimed messenger after Muhammad (peace be upon him). If for the sake of creating an Agha Khani state they side with India - that could be a danger.

They are trying something similar on the Afghanistan side. It is surprising ISI has no response and perhaps even knowledge about this and allowing them to continue their activities funded from London unhindered.
There are many Pakistani experts who say Pakistan never won a war

Back your argument with a rational.

The only bad chapter in military history fo Pakistan was 1971, which was a separate part of land disconnected from the mainland.

Every other time, Pakistan defended itself against 10 times more population, bigger economy and at least twice more numbered army. It stood equal or snatched territory from India (as in 1998). So who are those people who say Pakistan never won a war?

A 70-kilo wrestler fought with 140-kilo and came equal. Who's the winner? :rolleyes: But now spin the argument and try to defend your rational how is India a winner in its wars against Pakistan? 71? that was an eastern piece of land. On the Western front, when and what did India ever win against Pakistan?
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Here's a list of territorial changes of Pakistan going back to 1958:
General Pervez Musharraf lost the Kargil War on 26th July 1999.
General Pervez Musharraf lost Waziristan on 5th September 2006.

PM Nawaz Sharif increased Pakistan's seabed territory by 50,000 sq km on 19th March 2015.
PM Nawaz Sharif's Operation Zarb-e-Azb liberates and annexes Waziristan on 3rd June 2016
Why are you listing the PM when there is a success and the Army chief when there is a setback? During Kargil war Nawaz Sharif is also the PM, just like you listed him for Zarb-e-Azb (otherwise why not list Raheel Shareef here as well?)

Anyway this is a very simplistic view of a complex op like Zarb-e-Azb. This was a decades long war fought by PA with ups and downs, and before Zarb-e-Azb there was Operation Rah-e-Rast launched by Gen. Kayani to liberate South Waziristan first - which is the precursor for Zarb-e-Azb needed for North Waziristan. This was an entire military campaign and cannot be looked in isolation. PM Nawaz Sharif just happened to be sitting in office when PA launched Zarb-e-Azb. All the hard work from handling refugees, to planning, execution, and sacrificing lives was done by Pakistan Armed forces only. Unfortunately the civil administration and political leadership never had any input in it. It was an embarrassment for the then govt. when ISPR announced the operation unilaterally instead of the PM or Defense Minister. The reason I state this is not to insult, but to state the bitter reality that in military matters the civil govt. has a limited input.

  1. General Zia-ul-Haq lost Siachin Glacier on 13th April 1984.
And where was Nawaz Sharif during Zia tenure, oh yes he was selected as CM Punjab. Just kidding: Anyway Zia-ul-Haq was instrumental in defeating soviets in Afghanistan.

  1. PM Imran Khan lost / allowed annexation of Kashmir on 5th August 2019.
Pakistan controls the same area of Kashmir as it did before. By this logic Xi Jingpin of China has lost Laddhak to India now. In your spite for PTI please don't damage Pakistan's Kashmir cause here (you are basically propagating that Pakistan allowed the illegal annexation !!).

PM Nawaz Sharif increased Pakistan's seabed territory by 50,000 sq km on 19th March 2015.
Again another simplistic view. The work to get EEZ extended started in 2005, during Gen Musharraft tenure - so this credit actually belongs him. The approval process takes years though.

"The project to enhance the maritime boundaries of Pakistan was started in 2005 by the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) and National Institute of Hydrography under the patronage of Ministry of Science and Technology whereas UN Commission approved the recommendations of Pakistan Continental Shelf after continuous analysis and research of one year."

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It is going to be a cactus for Indian throats, but as per Indian strategic and military expert Dr. Pravin Sawhney,
  • India never won against Pakistan on the western front. If India had won, it would have changed the geography of LOC, the territory it claims - True.
  • Militarily, Pakistan is not weak but pretends and benefits from this fabrication but India is militarily not strong yet pretends and suffers. - Feb 2019
  • In Ladakh, China has got what it was after; a power to negotiate hard demands which India wasn't previously ready to concede. Dr. Pravin expects this will settle diplomatically with face-saving for India but strategic gains for China.

I always respected this guy . Even when he talk not in favor of pakistan because he is a very rational, logical and straight forward guy.
But his one assessment proved wrong but he left a room for that when he said there are ninty percent chances . On 6 June a meeting between China and India failed ,so that indicates China wants something more and serious this time.
It is going to be a cactus for Indian throats, but as per Indian strategic and military expert Dr. Pravin Sawhney,
  • India never won against Pakistan on the western front. If India had won, it would have changed the geography of LOC, the territory it claims - True.
  • Militarily, Pakistan is not weak but pretends and benefits from this fabrication but India is militarily not strong yet pretends and suffers. - Feb 2019
  • In Ladakh, China has got what it was after; a power to negotiate hard demands which India wasn't previously ready to concede. Dr. Pravin expects this will settle diplomatically with face-saving for India but strategic gains for China.

1947 war was a stalemate
1965 war was also a stalemate
1971 war was won by India, even a donkey knows that.
1999 war was also won by India.

Now regarding 1999 war. During the Kargil war Pakistan sent its Northern light infantry into Indian territories who occupied parts of Kargil. When things became worse, the Indian army was deployed and after 2 months of intense fighting the Pakistani troops were forced to leave Kargil. Operation Vijay was a success.
How do we define a war ? Or what is a war? Or why do countries go to war ?

Countries go to war when one feels that the other's action, policies or interests clash with it or it sees that to fulfill its own interest or policies it needs to occupy other territory or there are some historical or political differences which have been there or invented and are blown to hingh aspirations that to fulfill those aspirations it goes to war.

Countries start or initiate a war with defined objectives and plans to be executed to achieve those objectives at minimum loss to itself while inflicting maximum damage to other.

Now let us do an analysis of all the wars which happened between India and Pakistan.

1947 : Pakistan invaded the state of Jammu & Kashmir

Objective :to conquer Srinagar and force the Maharaja to Sign accession with Pakistan.

What Happened : maharaja signed Accession with India and India intervened and send army into state and pushed the Pakistani army and its supported Tribals back.

When ceasefire was declared Pakistan was pushed back and just held a strip of land in Jammu division and even small strip in Kashmir division along with Gilgit and Baltistan.

Inference : Pakistan could not execute its plans and failed to achieve its Objective .

Final result : Pakistan lost the war.

1965 : Pakistan initiated operation Grandslam and Gibraltor to instigate locals Kashmiri to revolt against India.

Objective : to initiate revolt against India and forcibly occupy and merge the state of J & K with Pakistan.

What happened : Pakistan air dropped many soldiers behind Indian lines with aim to instigate locals to revolt but locals reported their presence and they were arrested and killed by Indian army.

To support this infiltration Pakistan launched army action in J & K sector in August 1965 and were putting intense pressure on India in Chamb- Jodian sector, and were on verge to cut Jammu- Pathankot highway to isolate the state from India.

To ease pressure India crossed IB in Lahore and Sialkot sector on 5 th September.

Within few days India army was on outskirts of Lahore and Sialkot towns.

To protect these major towns Pakistan has to withdraw its forces from J & K sector.

Inference : Pakistan could not execute its plan and fulfill its objective to capture the state of J & K.

Final result : Pakistan does not acknowledge operation Grandslam and Gibralter but describes the war from time when India crossed IB in Lahore and Silkot sector and describes it self winner as it defended Lahore and Sialkot.

Final Result : strategically and Militarily Pakistan lost the 1965 war. As it failed to achieve its defined objectives.

1971 : Pakistan attacked airbases in north India on 3 rd December 1971.and started the war.

Objective : to activate western border and put pressure on India to not to interfere in East Pakistan.

What Happened : Indian eastern command went into East Pakistan from Meghalaya, Tripura and West Bengal and reached capital Decca without engaging or bypassing heavily defended cantonements on the way.

Indian navy destroyed Karachi and Chittagong ports and executed complete blocade of sea ports of Pakistan.

Indian airforce achieved air superiority on both east and west Pakistan Skies , PAF withdrew its remaining aircrafts to Iran.

Inference : Pakistan could not execute its plans to activate western borders to deter India from operation in East Pakistan.

Final Result : Bangladesh was created, 93000 Pakistani soldiers surrendered to India.
Pakistan lost the war comprehensively .

1999: Pakistan initiated operation in Kargil by occupying vacant positions on peak tops in winter.

Objective : to cut Srinagar-Leh highway to isolate Laddhak and Siachin .

What happened : India won back all the peaks and Pakistan has to withdraw on the face of heavy human losses.

Final result : Pakistan could not achieve its objective and lost the war.

I hope I have explained that Pakistan has lost all the 4 wars which happened between India and Pakistan since 1947.
lol you tried to satisfied yourself and indian in this form. india have lost every single fight with the country who have quarter of its size and less than quarter in population.
india won the war in media and movies lol.. keep winning it doesnt hurt anyone but it will hurt when expert Pravin sawhney tell truth to its ignorent population.
1947 war was a stalemate
1965 war was also a stalemate
1971 war was won by India, even a donkey knows that.
1999 war was also won by India.

Now regarding 1999 war. During the Kargil war Pakistan sent its Northern light infantry into Indian territories who occupied parts of Kargil. When things became worse, the Indian army was deployed and after 2 months of intense fighting the Pakistani troops were forced to leave Kargil. Operation Vijay was a success.

  • 1947 war was a stalemate won by Pakistan because it got 60,000 Square Kilometer area.
  • 1965 war was also a stalemate won by Pakistan, a country 1/3rd of Indian army came equal, denied any gains to 3 times stronger military.
  • 1971 war was won by India, even a donkey knows that. True, India won on Eastern Front but anything on the western front? India never won anything against Pakistan on the western front. Read first post another time.
  • 1999 war was also won by India. won by Pakistan as it captured territory and still holds it.
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  • 1947 war was a stalemate Pakistan captured 60,000 Square Kilometer area, Pakistan won!
  • 1965 war was also a stalemate Pakistan had 1/3rd of everything that Indian army had, yet came equal, a victory for the smaller country.
  • 1971 war was won by India, even a donkey knows that. True, India did win Eastern Pakistan but nothin on Western Pakistan, yes only donkeys do not know that.
  • 1999 war was also won by India. Pakistan gained territory in 1998 and still holds those peaks. Pakistan won.
Pakistan did not gain any territory in 1998. Show me the proof?

Also about 1971 war, Eastern or Western, India disintegrated Pakistan so it is a victory.
Pakistan did not gain any territory in 1998. Show me the proof?

Also about 1971 war, Eastern or Western, India disintegrated Pakistan so it is a victory.

Peak 5353, Pakistan captured in Kargil is still with Pakistan.

In 1971, India did win on Eastern Front, which was a separate territory thousand miles apart from the mainland. Did India get anything on the Western front? None! India could not get an inch from Western Pakistan although it had a claim on Azad Kashmir then.
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It is going to be a cactus for Indian throats, but as per Indian strategic and military expert Dr. Pravin Sawhney,
  • India never won against Pakistan on the western front. If India had won, it would have changed the geography of LOC, the territory it claims - True.
  • Militarily, Pakistan is not weak but pretends and benefits from this fabrication but India is militarily not strong yet pretends and suffers. - Feb 2019
  • In Ladakh, China has got what it was after; a power to negotiate hard demands which India wasn't previously ready to concede. Dr. Pravin expects this will settle diplomatically with face-saving for India but strategic gains for China.

India has never won from Pakistan, true and Pakistan has not gained much as well, infact Pakistan Army and Govt leaders has lost parts of its country to India and Bangladesh in a plate.
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